Reagan did it more than once
AMC and Chrysler
How come no one is calling Reagan a socialist?
Because he didn't throw almost $1 trillion into the Auto Worker and other Unions to fix their Ponzi Pension schemes. He didn't make money disappear. He took un-employment from 10%+ from Carter. Much worse than Barry got from Bush. Did he complain about Carter? No, he fixed it.
That and a thousand other reasons is why we don't call Regan a Socialist and it is why I think Barry is fiddling to the tune of America is Burning, huraaah!
Regan busted the Air Traffic Controllers, remember. He actualized the recovery from Carter. He could have just made it worse by spreading the money in a re-disto scheme, like Barry has done.
Now, our economy is double dipping again, like in the Great Recession. Pent up demand is a crock when there is only artificially propped up consumer credit. That house will fall, already is. Consumer confidence will not last with active Jehad, at that is the point. And the Fascist are again taking advantage of the Appeaser In Chief, to have the war on the Jews, with religious protection this time.
So, Regan said, "Tear down this Wall." And "Bombing begins in 5 minutes."
Barry portrays only this, imo. 'Oh, this Fascist butt thumb tastes good." Barry is beyond Socialist. He is appeasing Fascist Jehad, and he is arousing our KKK types who were sleeping peacefully. Not good.