Well-Known Member
How would you set up your 8'x4' tent? What lighting, venting, ect? Would 2 1000w XXXL hoods be too much? Also, can someone remind me about how many watts per square foot per plant?
I would have the hoods along the 8' run....not the 4' run. Does anyone have any pics of your 8x4 tent? I guess I need help mostly with the fan size for 2 8" hoods and a filter.yea i couldnt thing u could fit 2 xxl hoods in a 4 foot wide tent.
To be specific, I would use two 600w digilux bulbs which would have an output of 190,000 lumens which is 158.3 lumens per watt. IMO 158.3 lumens/per watt is pretty damn efficient.What about penetration and lumens?
I would expect no one to disagree, 4x8 with two 600W lamps will give far better results than one 1000W lamp anytime, anyday.I would take two 600w HPS over 1000w HPS anyday if it was inside a 4x8 tent. I expect many to disagree with me on this.