how to fix high soil ph?


Active Member
i normally do hydro tables not used to these methods.... n hydro supposed to b the harder way say!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
never in my life have i ph'ed anything. other than my pool. :weed:
i'm lucky. :clap:


But srsly yeah my seedlings been having the same problem. I was watering them with straight tap from seedling, then about 2 weeks in all the sudden I notice they are stunted, then I notice the stress signs, one of them being the lower leaves ar starting to yellow alot. im thinking ok wtf, then I realized how alkaline my water must be with all the shit in AZ water.

Was wondering, if I just PH it down to 6.8, will I have any problems with calcium buildup and wahtnot? Because theres a lot of it in the water, I would estimate my tap PPMS to be about 300-400PPM

Tomorrow im going to add some vinegar to the water see if that helps out a bit.



Yesterday I spent 2 hours trying to fix my PH and could not reach what EVERYONE say.

The following tests were made :

Made my water PH 7.0
After giving the plant water, I collected the first drops from the runway and tested them, It showed PH 4.5.
I added PH up, made my water PH at 9.0 so that the runway becomes 6.5
But after watering and collecting the drops from the bottom, I tested again and it showed 4.8, how could that be ?

I made that test again on a different plant which needed to be watered and same results.

So how could I fix this ?



Yesterday I spent 2 hours trying to fix my PH and could not reach what EVERYONE say.

The following tests were made :

Made my water PH 7.0
After giving the plant water, I collected the first drops from the runway and tested them, It showed PH 4.5.
I added PH up, made my water PH at 9.0 so that the runway becomes 6.5
But after watering and collecting the drops from the bottom, I tested again and it showed 4.8, how could that be ?

I made that test again on a different plant which needed to be watered and same results.

So how could I fix this ?

if it's flood and drain you're working with, I'd suggest small adjustments, and retest after the next watering cycle, to get a true 'mixed' reading