Has FDD2BLK helped you and how??

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Well-Known Member
Cuz we're so fucking FADED! lol, I would totally be down to beg fdd for some guitar vids. I mean, I like watching my friends play bs on their guitars, and they're just fucking around on their own guitar. I dunno what the hell fdd has that makes all those cool effects, but it's pretty fucking tight. Seriously, have you listened to acid monster? There are parts, where it sounds like a jet engine. I mean, I lived near LAX for a good while, I know what they sound like, and there are parts where it sounds like a really distant jet engine...and that's so fucking awesome if you ask me! I mean, to be able to make that kinda sound with your FINGERS?


New Member
Well I'm all for watching you 'beg' Mr. fdd for some more vids:mrgreen:
Watching people play guitar doesn't really do it for me generally speaking but yeah.....:roll:...its cool. I want high speed. :cry:
Cuz we're so fucking FADED! lol, I would totally be down to beg fdd for some guitar vids. I mean, I like watching my friends play bs on their guitars, and they're just fucking around on their own guitar. I dunno what the hell fdd has that makes all those cool effects, but it's pretty fucking tight. Seriously, have you listened to acid monster? YES! Its super hot and it made me actually think of an acid trip but unfortunately it wasn't a good one. :cry:There are parts, where it sounds like a jet engine. I mean, I lived near LAX for a good while, I know what they sound like, and there are parts where it sounds like a really distant jet engine...and that's so fucking awesome if you ask me! I mean, to be able to make that kinda sound with your FINGERS?
Yes he has amazing fingers. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Watching people play guitar doesn't DO it for you? Dude, Eddie Van Halen used to play guitar with his hands shielded from sight so people COULDN'T watch his hands! You know it's good when people start trying to keep it from you....


New Member
umm...:roll:...no comment !:blsmoke::peace:
Watching people play guitar doesn't DO it for you? Dude, Eddie Van Halen used to play guitar with his hands shielded from sight so people COULDN'T watch his hands! You know it's good when people start trying to keep it from you....


New Member
We need to think of new fdd posts...with pics...I need some inspiration....where's my pipe?
Yeah BUT speaking of faded......:mrgreen:.......I have to go wikid. I took some cold meds and have been fighting sleep :roll: so I am off to bed now. :blsmoke:
It was fun as usual gurlfriend.
Chat wif ya tomorrow. :hug:
I'm gonna sleep good. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Can you help me Fade To Black?

I have a grow journal with an arising strange burn.

It would be ever so kind, its hard to get comments on journals :(


Well-Known Member
Fade To Black? Hold your tongue infidel! It's FADED to Black. You could at least get His name right when you DARE to BEG His indulgence!

Get down upon your knees and beg His forgiveness. And while you're down there

I hope you've learned your lesson.

OK, yeah, just kidding. That was all just me being stoned and acting out cuz Lacy left me. Let's go look at your journal...


Well-Known Member
He delivered my baby.....It was awesome!!!!!!!!.................................................and I'm a guy ????????????????????:o:o:o:o


Well-Known Member
he planted my baby, and then i grew a baby tree... And i traded them all to the chinese for opium... then we played guitar....

but pitt and jolie adopted the runt... they always do....


New Member
Can you help me Fade To Black?

I have a grow journal with an arising strange burn.

It would be ever so kind, its hard to get comments on journals :(
Fade To Black? Hold your tongue infidel! It's FADED to Black. You could at least get His name right when you DARE to BEG His indulgence!

Get down upon your knees and beg His forgiveness. And while you're down there

I hope you've learned your lesson.Haha Wikid. I had to tell someone off for the very same thing the other day. :lol::clap:
Love love love the faces. Hilarious :mrgreen:

OK, yeah, just kidding. That was all just me being stoned and acting out cuz Lacy left me. Let's go look at your journal...
Yeah sure. Blame it on me. :roll: I was in bed at the time. :blsmoke::peace:

He delivered my baby.....It was awesome!!!!!!!!.................................................and I'm a guy ????????????????????:o:o:o:o
Umm...thats certainly worthy of mention. :shock:

he planted my baby, and then i grew a baby tree... And i traded them all to the chinese for opium... then we played guitar....

but pitt and jolie adopted the runt... they always do....
you got to play guitar together????:cry:


Well-Known Member
i had a dream last night that i vacationed in cali for a week and spent the whole time smoking with fdd...

i woke up, and my anus was bleeding....


New Member
Ewww. Ok too much info. :?
I think there are more dudes infatuated with him than woman. I mean gee....half the guys even wanna have his baby. :confused:

Ok I like the dude but thats takin' it a bit too far. :twisted:

i had a dream last night that i vacationed in cali for a week and spent the whole time smoking with fdd...

i woke up, and my anus was bleeding....


Well-Known Member
Top 5 unknown FDD facts...

#5 FDD is, in fact, what willis was talking about... does that help you Gary Coleman???

#4 FDD spelled backwards is still FDD

#3 The opposite of FDD is STD... go figure

#2 The chemical element FDD oddly contains no THC.. but loads of wit and attitude..

#1 In the beginning God created marijuana.. next he created FDD to show him how to grow it...


Well-Known Member
Once, this punk ass sailer named Bluto kidnapped my girl Olive Oil.... FDD wasnt haven that shit... He came in and popped some spinach in his pipe and fucked dude up....

then this dude came up like, i'll gladly pay you tuesday for a fat sack today.. i was all "no fronts dude" and fdd said... "no brother, i'll GIVE this to you. Dont bother paying me back"

FDD is the man... best of all, i got a picture.. the quality is kinda low....


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