Has FDD2BLK helped you and how??

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New Member
Ok wait a minute now wikid. :-|
So is this considered hijacking emails thread?
I'm back to feeling like I have to walk on egg shells again. :?

reaches over and grabs and handful of wikids popcorn and chomps away.:mrgreen:
:shock: wait, fdd might show up at her house...for WHAT?

*grabs the popcorn and gets comfy*

Please, continue the story


Well-Known Member
So did fdd help you when you tried to make hash? I mean, I hear he's bomb at it (and i've seen the balls to prove it) and I know it didn't work out for you...

(i figured since this is the 'has fdd helped you' thread, if we talk about fdd helping you, we're back on topic!)


New Member
So did fdd help you when you tried to make hash? I mean, I hear he's bomb at it (and i've seen the balls to prove it) and I know it didn't work out for you...

Quick and Easy :roll: Blender method
stove top (explode in your face method) :o
and a bubbleator method...don't have a bubbleator yet .

I couldn't use any of fdd's methods because I don't have high speed and at the time I did not know my speakers were on mute :dunce::wall:
and I wasn't about to go out and purchase a washing machine for it...but I did think about it.:roll:

Soooooooooooo to make a short story l-o-n-g I tried the quick and easy blender method not once; not twice but THREE times and Mr. fdd told me my hash was garbage so I have not tried to make it again. :neutral:

I went to bubbleator.com and put in an order but it says that they are not sold for the said intention so i don't know what that means. :confused:
Mr. fdd asked if it came with the bubble bags and I don't know. :roll:

He said that there were too many people giving me incorrect info and he didn't catch it in time which I understand with everyone and their dogs after him.:?

He also gave me another method which would work good but I again the trichs wouldn't fall through the panty hose or I did something wrong. I think I get frustrated easy.

He also told me how to make keif. Actually no.....he made a thread dedicated to ME :mrgreen:ta daaaaaaaaa wow :shock::clap: cause I'm special :hump:
I forgot about that until now ...about how to make it. Unfotunately I have this thing about getting my fingers that kind of sticky. :? Ewwww......I can't stand the feel of it and want to wash it off right away. I waste so much good smokable material because of my whatever it is. Maybe I have OCD. :-|

Yeah great. Another mental disorder to chuck in there with all my others. LMAO!!!!!!!!!! :roll: Oh boy. :blsmoke::peace:

So wikid???? Aren't you so glad you asked????:hump:But he has helpd me in many other ways :mrgreen:

(i figured since this is the 'has fdd helped you' thread, if we talk about fdd helping you, we're back on topic!)


New Member
Oh trust me. I try and lick my fingers clean BUT its so sticky you almost have to chew it off like taffy and then my lips get all sticky and gooey and before you know it I have goo all over me. :roll:

Another thing that he helped me with was when I accidentally pollinated my plants. I hadn't ever done that before so kind od freaked. :o
I probably would have ended up chopping some sooner than needed otherwise.
And speaking of freaking out....he has also helped calm me down a few times as well :oops: which isn't easy to do when I'm trippin.:cuss::cry: :shock::o:cry:

<EM><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" size=3>There wikid. We is being good now. //:mrgreen:\\ //:mrgreen:


Active Member
I read the first and last page of this post and have no intention of reading what's in the 40+ pages in between but..... yeah, fdd and all the pro's on here rock. I got 7+ o's on 2 plants last batch in no small part to you guys. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
i'd like to dedicate my very first post to fdd and all of his wisdom given out for free. i'v been on here just reading for a short time, and it seems FDD puts up with a lot of BS just to help a bunch of stoners.

completely unnecessary and greatly appreciated.


New Member
not possible to stomp on email's thread - i invite all posts.
Thanks email. :mrgreen: You're a sweet guy.

i'd like to dedicate my very first post to fdd and all of his wisdom given out for free. i'v been on here just reading for a short time, and it seems FDD puts up with a lot of BS just to help a bunch of stoners.

completely unnecessary and greatly appreciated.
oh I think I know who this is from. :mrgreen: Haha. Sure its your first post. ;)
and yes he does put up with a lot of bs from us stoners. :?:roll:


New Member
i'd like to dedicate my very first post to fdd and all of his wisdom given out for free. i'v been on here just reading for a short time, and it seems FDD puts up with a lot of BS just to help a bunch of stoners.

completely unnecessary and greatly appreciated.
Someone needs to tell FDD that having two ides is against the rules.


Well-Known Member
If I Was Fdd... I'd be way more stoned right now..

but really, between FDD, caligrown, and a few others here, this could be an online school with all great info.



Well-Known Member
Plasma, that was fucking funny! I love smart humor...even more when I get it.

But WAIT, are you saying that that guy's fdd? But why would fdd do that? I'm confused! Someone esplain it to me.


Well-Known Member
Thanks email. :mrgreen: You're a sweet guy.
That reminds me! Yes, thank you email, makes me feel loved to know I can wander off topic in your threads.

It's not like I do it intentionally! :oops: It's the ADHD in me! When I'm high, my thoughts wander, and I'm easily distracted. Seriously, it's not uncommon for people to come over to my house and find that in my stoned state I started like 5 different tasks and finished none of them.

I mean, of course when I concentrate I can finish what needs to be done...but if I'm not taking it seriously, I'll like walk into another room and find something new to do without even remembering I was already doing something....


New Member
If I Was Fdd... I'd be way more stoned right now..

but really, between FDD, caligrown, and a few others here, this could be an online school with all great info.I have to agree there. All I was saying is that you are not a newbie. This may be your 2nd post under that name but you have been here a while now. :hump:

Plasma, that was fucking funny! I love smart humor...even more when I get it.

But WAIT, are you saying that that guy's fdd? But why would fdd do that? I'm confused! Someone esplain it to me.
No he wouldn't do that. :roll:

That reminds me! Yes, thank you email, makes me feel loved to know I can wander off topic in your threads. Yes I agree. Email is a nice quiet gentleman.

It's not like I do it intentionally! :oops: It's the ADHD in me! When I'm high, my thoughts wander, and I'm easily distracted. Seriously, it's not uncommon for people to come over to my house and find that in my stoned state I started like 5 different tasks and finished none of them.

I mean, of course when I concentrate I can finish what needs to be done...but if I'm not taking it seriously, I'll like walk into another room and find something new to do without even remembering I was already doing something....
OMG wiid gurl. The more I learn about you the more I feel like you are my evil twin sister that I never had.

I am sooo much like what you just descibed its crazy. There are always all kinds of projects that I am into here and I get myself so overwhelmed and then wonder why.
I wish I was more organized but I just am not. Speaking of organized you should check out emails journal sometime wikid. Talk about organized. He is the most organized man I have known here as far as indepth detail in his journaling. I had to drop out of the 'King/Queen Growing Contest' 'cause I am just way to disorganized to write down every detail everyday. Thats like overkill for me but thats just me.

. And please don't add another friggin mental disorder with letters. ADHD ???:wall: I have enough of them for a dozen people. already :?:shock:
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