Has FDD2BLK helped you and how??

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Well-Known Member
yep,,he helped me again,,fdd is a good man,,solid,,when I can't be near a pc,,,seems a simple call gets my message sent out here no probs,,,,,thxs again fdd:blsmoke:

Keep on Growin



New Member
Fdd always lets me ask him any question I want with no problems. When i was new he even tutored me personally aafter i pmed him. he is a really, really, really great guy, and if I was a chick,I would probably do him. If i was chick he probably woulnt want me to though.:mrgreen:


New Member

True story.:mrgreen:
Once, this punk ass sailer named Bluto kidnapped my girl Olive Oil.... FDD wasnt haven that shit... He came in and popped some spinach in his pipe and fucked dude up....

then this dude came up like, i'll gladly pay you tuesday for a fat sack today.. i was all "no fronts dude" and fdd said... "no brother, i'll GIVE this to you. Dont bother paying me back"

FDD is the man... best of all, i got a picture.. the quality is kinda low....


New Member
Popeye reference. That is truly the shit.if i can find the original post of that I am repping you +rep for POpEYE


Well-Known Member
you see that little red arrow next to his name, inside of the little quotes box of lacy's post? if you click that, it'll take you right to his original post.


New Member
Once, this punk ass sailer named Bluto kidnapped my girl Olive Oil.... FDD wasnt haven that shit... He came in and popped some spinach in his pipe and fucked dude up....

then this dude came up like, i'll gladly pay you tuesday for a fat sack today.. i was all "no fronts dude" and fdd said... "no brother, i'll GIVE this to you. Dont bother paying me back"

FDD is the man... best of all, i got a picture.. the quality is kinda low....
thats fucking amazing wikid. I didnt know that.I am still laughing at this post. I wish I could rep dude a couple times of rmaking me laugh more than once.:clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
yep,,he helped me again,,fdd is a good man,,solid,,when I can't be near a pc,,,seems a simple call gets my message sent out here no probs,,,,,thxs again fdd:blsmoke:

Keep on Growin


i tried calling you back several times. kept getting a busy signal. :neutral:


New Member
Hey mannnn. Far out !!!! Thats cool dude.
Psych!!!!!:shock: Ok this is HIGHLY entertaining. I'm almost embarrassed to say how easily excitable I am. This is amazing. Hours of entertainment if you are far too stoned to do anything else.:?
lol, when i'm high, i'll click almost anything, just to see what it does. lol, did you ever try this thing? http://flashpedia.net/linesuperfollow.swf fdd posted it somewhere once, it's cool as shit, especially if you're faded...


Well-Known Member
fdd wrote a letter to my landlord saying he was the president of the canadian mary jane medical foundation,and that i was given goverment aprooval to grow weed for my illness.he then sent my boss at work some of his highest grade weed he has ever grown and got me a 15 dollar an hour more raise.he then wrote a letter to my girlfriend explaining that sex twice a day would alieviate my pain and suffering from my medical illness.so i owe fdd alot,thanks man


New Member
fdd wrote a letter to my landlord saying he was the president of the canadian mary jane medical foundation,and that i was given goverment aprooval to grow weed for my illness.he then sent my boss at work some of his highest grade weed he has ever grown and got me a 15 dollar an hour more raise.he then wrote a letter to my girlfriend explaining Can he write a letter to my hubby explaining that I need sex twice a day also:roll: yeah like that would ever happen....................:?that sex twice a day would alieviate my pain and suffering from my medical illness.so i owe fdd alot,thanks man
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