Let me ask this...
Should there be a cap on short term wealth gain?
I mean, we have movie stars raking in 20 million for a movie that takes them less than 3 months to make.
We have football players entering into hundred million dollar contracts and NONE of them has a season that lasts all year long.
Should there be a cap on their pay?
What? Absolutely not. That's isn't even an issue in today's politics. They would like you to believe it is, but it's not. There is NO WAY that would ever work. I DO believe that the more you make, the more you should be taxed. If you want to make 10 billion a year instead of 5 billion you will just have to work harder and pay uncle sam as he asks for more, but you can still make that 10 billion. Depending on a normal construction workers wage, he can actually make less by working overtime due to being bumped to a higher tax bracket. He may have to work an extra 5 hours overtime just to break even with what he would have made at 40. This is life. They do it to the average Joe, but it's "unfair" to do it to the Super Rich? Also, the republicans are against any forms of assistance for middle class and poor. They want to throw this pro-life holier than thou shit out there yet when they force a women to have a baby she doesn't want, can't take care of, and has no means to provide for they are LAST in line to help. Foodstamps to help feed the baby, NO. Healthcare for the baby, NO. Housing assistance to help shelter the baby, NO. You're on your own is their bottom line. They feel that if you don't give any form of assistance that people will work harder to find jobs and not be dependent of state, or federal assistance. They're partially right.
On the flip side if these massive corporations, banks, failing auto companies, and Super Rich are that dependent on the Bush Era Tax Cuts, and Government Subsidies, and tax loopholes tailored to serve them to survive, then we need to cut that off and teach them to fly.
Which is what the Democrats are trying to do while the Republicans want to go back to deregulation. When the banks, and auto companies got bailed out it wasn't only Democrats, and Libertarians that were up in arms. IT WAS ALL OF US regaurdless of political background. We all new it was wrong, unfair, and stupid for our Government to give these people our money. WE ALL fought for regulation. Now we're finally starting to get some where, and the Republicans have forgotten that fast in order to vote in Romney. I don't like Obama, but I have no confidence in Romney's policies. Hell, he doesn't even have any set policy on some issues. Yet, the Repub's will vote him in blindly and throw away what we've worked for. How did we go from REGULATE THE FUCKING COMPANIES, and WE DON'T WANT ANYMORE BAILOUTS to "hell, lets go back to deregulation. That seemed to work REALLY good last time" WTF?
I know I got off topic and ranted a bit. Sorry about that.
There should never be a cap on how much someone can make as long as it's legal, and they pay their fair share in taxes.