Fucking Opiates


Well-Known Member
Yes, the world really needs to start looking at drug use as a medical issue rather than a criminal issue. No one should be imprisoned because of drugs alone.


Well-Known Member
It's called a possession charge. Or a paraphernalia charge. And outside of Western countries you can be arrested because a cop feels like arresting you. The rule of law and the concept of justice are very far from being universal concepts.


Well-Known Member
some people benefit from the experience of not having maintenence drugs to fall back on, like being locked up. SWIM's unfortunatly been down the road of Sub-oxone/-utex.(thank god SWIM was able to cold turkey himself later on after problems with the sub doctor leading to relapse.) Its a VERY HARD to prescribe med. your doctor has to truely understand the half-life issue with buprenorphine. for most opi-heads methadone is a hard enough challange, but it is different from subs. Buprenorphine, the active ingredient in suboxone/subutex, is a Partial agonist and gives each person a different experience. There is a ceiling effect for most heavy opiate users. some users cant be given bupe, some react bad to the naloxone in the suboxone, or some just cant handle the partial agonist experience after having full blown "true" opiates for a long long time. either way its a hard freakin road man... so sometimes the cold turkey can straighten people up who arent too mentally unstable. in SWIM's area the crime + drugs is SOOO bad they would turn loose most offenders tho... putting them right back into the bad situation.
w/o going on and on too bad here... Do not get into enjoying pain meds. Do not be niave and think: well ill just do them for nows, its nearly impossible. Dont buy pills in the first place. Some states will put u away for YEARS if u even get caught with a handful of CII pills. I shouldnt have to mention the road that they lead you down as well. SWIM watched so many people he never imagined being junkies become exactly that. ESPECIALLY when the old OC's were changed. Everyone switched to the big H. most of these being people who would have always talked so much crap about "the bad druggies" or the "real addicts". Now they are either dead, stuck in the cycle of maintenence meds, or F'd beyond help. 98% of addicts relapse when they try to quit. go read about PAWS, and read about what other addicts have struggled thru... a lot of the stories SHOULD scare the crap out of you.

dont put yourself thru hell later to feel like your in heaven now... cuz trust me you are the farthest thing from it. good luck and plz get clean if u r dirty.


Well-Known Member
And what exactly is this half life issue with bupe?
Bupe is a wonderful maintenance medication for opioid replacement therapy. It lets you be well without getting high and it's much easier to taper down compared to methadone. It's not supposed to make you feel a buzz. The receptors are activated so you're not having withdrawal but not to the point of being high. And it blocks other opioids from working.


Well-Known Member
And what exactly is this half life issue with bupe?
Bupe is a wonderful maintenance medication for opioid replacement therapy. It lets you be well without getting high and it's much easier to taper down compared to methadone. It's not supposed to make you feel a buzz. The receptors are activated so you're not having withdrawal but not to the point of being high. And it blocks other opioids from working.
when taken sublingually it takes up to 72 hours sometimes in certain people to reach its half life. IV is around 22 hours roughly. Most would agree the normal dosage of Bupe has a half-life of around 24 - 36 hrs going by the way you feel (SL). The problem is that if you are on it long term you REALLY need to do a VERY slow taper. Everyday you are building up a little bit more Bupe in your system if you take your meds at the same time and dosage daily.
SWIM got VERY high off of his PRESCRIBED dosage of 12 mg SL. This euphoria did not fade at all, but slowly got more intense until SWIM reached Peak ceiling effect from the Bupe. This took SWIM roughly two or three weeks total.
The stupid doctor SWIM had wasnt very good at communicating either... So when SWIM tried to explain his situation, and financial situations the doctor reacted very strange and eventually would string SWIM on at the end of the month. So when SWIM told the doctor he was going to taper himself down and couldnt even afford the prescribed level anymore, the doctor was angry and said absolutely not to take ANY less than prescribed. SWIM tapered himself anyways slowly down to about 2-1.5 mg a day and even told the doctor that he had done this. the doctor talked SWIM into going right back to 12mg and at the end of that month the doctor was never to be heard from again. SWIM was abandoned by the doctor, (never failed a UA either) it was a horrible experience he could have avoided. the WD's SWIM had lasted not for days but weeks upon weeks and didnt go away. SWIM gave in and relapsed about a month or so later. SWIM got an INTENSE IV addiction again and ended up quitting cold turkey. SWIM's WD was intense but much much faster and easier to deal with than the bupe WD.
Bupe is being studied still.... its more of an experiment than anything. Its even being studied for being prescribed as an anti-depressant in the US. There are some addicts who will be on heavy doses of bupe for their entire rest of their lives. If someone can try and live w/o bupe or methadone its so much better. understandably sometimes people have no other alternative... but even SWIM can do it w/o maintenance drugs and he has horrible sciatica and other nerve and pain issues. SWIM is currently watching some he loves die from cancer, and someone else SWIM knows closely is dieing from addiction... the drugs have made it much much worse and faster for both of them.
Bupe can be very scary or very helpful... just make sure its tapered down to the last damn mcg.


Well-Known Member
And what exactly is this half life issue with bupe?
Bupe is a wonderful maintenance medication for opioid replacement therapy. It lets you be well without getting high and it's much easier to taper down compared to methadone. It's not supposed to make you feel a buzz. The receptors are activated so you're not having withdrawal but not to the point of being high. And it blocks other opioids from working.
Th4y got me high if I did enough. I would snort 3mg and drop an 8mg under the tongue... got me buzzing good. and when I quit the 16mg+/day habit, the withdrawals were just as bad as my oxy w/d, and it lasted way longer. Subs are good for a quick taper for getting off opiates. I hear they are pretty easy to taper from short term and long term.... I have taper issues with opiates, had to quit cold turkey after getting stuck on subs for 2 years.


Well-Known Member
The pool has AIDS, please stop SWIMing.
I was on bupe for about a year. I started at 8mg and then worked down to 4mg and after a few months tapered down by a mg every few weeks without problems. I tried higher doses out of curiosity and found it rather unpleasant. But at lower doses it was amazing. I was a very heavy heroin user before I started bupe.


Well-Known Member
you gotta be cautious on sites like this... plus sometimes u cant exactly take everything back u posted. more of a habit, i dont really care if people dont like it. see someone else posted about the dangers of bupe. its not the devil that heroin is, it just can be another demon to many. not to mention the whole world of diversion and injecting maintenance drugs... but thats a whole other subject. im glad u safely tapered with a safe schedule. not everyone has that same sucess hope your life is better now! mine sucks but its better than being dope-sick every few hours.


Well-Known Member
SWIM offers exactly 0 legal protection.
The numbers from studies show that bupe is the single most effective treatment for opioid addiction. More than anything else you had a bad dr. Just something I've noticed is that people on higher doses of bupe complain about problems much more. 4mg is a nice and easy dose to stay on.


Well-Known Member
Yeah its pretty obvious when someone says SWIM, just make up a fake friends name if you really want to "hide" your identity.
I've always been a "good girl." I have some legit medical issues of a feminine nature, and my Dad's hydros/percs have helped. I only want for 7-8 days per month. I've tried 3 doctors. Followed the rules. The only place that helped was an ER, and that's obviously temporary.

So... HOW do I acquire what you guys do? I'm terrified of police stings, ordering online etc. How on earth do you do this safely?

I'm so "good" that I wouldn't know where to get average grass.

Tips?? Please??


Well-Known Member
When I was a kid I used to snort them but never did it more than 2 days in a row. Now I have a real prescription (cost $5 for a bottle of hydro's with insurance) but they have aspirin in them so have only eaten them. And again I don't eat them every day consistently because that shit is really bad even though I don't have to worry about a supply. Once you're on them for good you're in an endless circle of building up tolerance and needing more. No fun, way more fun to crush them up every once in a while haha


Well-Known Member
I've always been a "good girl." I have some legit medical issues of a feminine nature, and my Dad's hydros/percs have helped. I only want for 7-8 days per month. I've tried 3 doctors. Followed the rules. The only place that helped was an ER, and that's obviously temporary.

So... HOW do I acquire what you guys do? I'm terrified of police stings, ordering online etc. How on earth do you do this safely?

I'm so "good" that I wouldn't know where to get average grass.

Tips?? Please??
Talk to your OB/Gyn, most are pretty good about handing out a small script for that time of the month. 7-8 days is more than most will write unless you have endometriosis in which case your doc is an asshat for not writing for something. I've known plenty of women who had no trouble getting an Rx for 20-30/month of Vicodin. You do need to see the dr 2x/year because they can only write 5 refills and they expire in 6 months.
They may not write on the first visit because you're new and many docs don't like to just hand out controls.

Tumorhead you always need to worry about supply. And eventually you have to worry about having enough to stay well if you try to have fun with meds for chronic pain. Been there, done that.


Active Member
I've always been a "good girl." I have some legit medical issues of a feminine nature, and my Dad's hydros/percs have helped. I only want for 7-8 days per month. I've tried 3 doctors. Followed the rules. The only place that helped was an ER, and that's obviously temporary.

So... HOW do I acquire what you guys do? I'm terrified of police stings, ordering online etc. How on earth do you do this safely?

I'm so "good" that I wouldn't know where to get average grass.

Tips?? Please??
If you have tried three doctors already to no satisfaction, I'd try to find a doctor in your area that is a "Pallative Care" (sp?) specialist. That is a doctor that specializes in pain management. Most doctors shy away from prescribing pain meds for a womans "cycle" due to it being a natural condition and not the result of an injury or a debilitating condition like Arthritis or many other conditions. Buying pharm meds on the street isn't a good way due to the issues about legality and also the extreme prices. I am in No. California and Vic's go for $1.00/mg, so a Loratab or a Norco 10/325 sells for $10.00! Shit can you believe that? They get a scrip from a legit source fill it (costs them like $30.00 and they turn it into $300.00! Unless Bill Gates is your daddy it'll bankrupt you. I used to take hundreds of Vic's (10/300,500, 600) and had to keep 4 doctors in my portfolio to maintain that amount. Withdrawal is a major bitch and I wouldn't wish that on even my enemies. Besides after a point where I was taking lethal amounts of them consuming over 20,000 mgs of Acetaminophen per day, they stopped giving that buzz I wanted and were exactly the same as Heroin in that they were just to ward off the sickness from withdrawal.Been there done that. I still have to take opiates daily (MS IR) but cannot mess around with it. If I take more one day I have to take less another. Also taking a few extra makes having the next day becomes necessary to take more just to stay even. I learned my lesson after many, many years of messing around. I couldn't get high on Vic's. if I wanted too. Iy would require an amount that would surely kill me...
If you have tried three doctors already to no satisfaction, I'd try to find a doctor in your area that is a "Pallative Care" (sp?) specialist. That is a doctor that specializes in pain management. Most doctors shy away from prescribing pain meds for a womans "cycle" due to it being a natural condition and not the result of an injury or a debilitating condition like Arthritis or many other conditions. Buying pharm meds on the street isn't a good way due to the issues about legality and also the extreme prices. I am in No. California and Vic's go for $1.00/mg, so a Loratab or a Norco 10/325 sells for $10.00! Shit can you believe that? They get a scrip from a legit source fill it (costs them like $30.00 and they turn it into $300.00! Unless Bill Gates is your daddy it'll bankrupt you. I used to take hundreds of Vic's (10/300,500, 600) and had to keep 4 doctors in my portfolio to maintain that amount. Withdrawal is a major bitch and I wouldn't wish that on even my enemies. Besides after a point where I was taking lethal amounts of them consuming over 20,000 mgs of Acetaminophen per day, they stopped giving that buzz I wanted and were exactly the same as Heroin in that they were just to ward off the sickness from withdrawal.Been there done that. I still have to take opiates daily (MS IR) but cannot mess around with it. If I take more one day I have to take less another. Also taking a few extra makes having the next day becomes necessary to take more just to stay even. I learned my lesson after many, many years of messing around. I couldn't get high on Vic's. if I wanted too. Iy would require an amount that would surely kill me...
No... It's more than normal. It's called endometriosis, and is significantly more painful than the average issue.

My problem is that I used a payday loan just to see the doctors I did see. In order to get on the books for endometriosis, I require a laparoscopy. I work full time, but my job doesn't offer health insurance that covers procedures or tests - just visits. It's cheaper to buy 10 per month than to spend the thousands I need to allow them to officially diagnose and then start hunting all over again for a doctor willing to prescribe a small amount. They told me I have this. There are physical observable symptoms (trying to be discreet for the men), so they "know" I have it. They just can't write it as a diagnosis without the super-expensive test.

Last month, I actually went 38 days with pain and symptoms, which was what landed me in an ER anyway.

You guys know how to get it without proper channels. I'd PREFER proper. But I'd also prefer to stay employed. So, any tips really would be appreciated. Thanks...
Talk to your OB/Gyn, most are pretty good about handing out a small script for that time of the month. 7-8 days is more than most will write unless you have endometriosis in which case your doc is an asshat for not writing for something. I've known plenty of women who had no trouble getting an Rx for 20-30/month of Vicodin. You do need to see the dr 2x/year because they can only write 5 refills and they expire in 6 months.
They may not write on the first visit because you're new and many docs don't like to just hand out controls.

Tumorhead you always need to worry about supply. And eventually you have to worry about having enough to stay well if you try to have fun with meds for chronic pain. Been there, done that.
$200 to GYN. She hears I don't have insurance, does an exam, says it sounds and appears etc. like endometriosis (just replied to another post this way). I asked for anything to help me get through it. She prescribed birth control pills and informed me it would take THREE WEEKS for the pain to subside. I showed her my most recent time card, told her what I'd been trying (Motrin in high doses etc.). She said, "Go to ER for pain. I can't help you. You do have a cyst too. Get that checked." I took a loan to see her and the other doctor later in the week, who told me to see a GYN... Round and round. I just want to go to work halfway functional. Only goal. Not buzzed. Just functional. Without insurance, this Russian Roulette with doctors is over for now. :( I'd go again if someone local referred me to someone she knows could help, but I think I'll be back to needing thousands for a test (without insurance) to confirm with bloodwork ruled out through process of elimination and 2 doctors agreed with. ((SIGH))


Well-Known Member
Bummer. You have a Planned Parenthood in the area? They will find you a way to get treatment even if you have no insurance and can't pay. At least they do out here, but I'm in one of the places where they got more in a day of donations then they lost in federal funding and when Komen stopped giving them money. And they don't need people with umbrellas to walk women in.
I feel the pain of not having insurance and having a chronic health problem. Also look into charity care at local hospitals.
As far as sourcing pain killers the only thing I can suggest the silk road and the prices on there are outrageous for opioids. Like I couldn't imagine paying in peak withdrawal bad. So stick with local sources. And work on finding help with medical costs, it does exist.
And fuck everyone who thinks its ok for people to not have access to healthcare. We're the only developed country in the world without it. Oh that's right we need to spend more than the next 20 countries, 19 of whom are our allies, on the military. As it is no country has a hope in hell of getting an army onto US soil. The civilian population of TX and AZ could probably stop a Mexican invasion without help from the military, Canada could until we stopped laughing and realized they were serious. And the entire rest of the world couldn't fight our navy. Let's use that money for something useful!