Fucking Opiates


Well-Known Member
Its the oxy, most anyone can take or leave the hydro but the oxy gets them every time. you are down to about nothing and you don't have much of a tolerence, just hook the rest of them down - and do yourself a favor and don't rail them - that is a part of your problem.
But don't drink Mt. Dew.

Squiggly lines drawn in the sand, eh canndo? Lol

adam soza

Active Member
I am on some serious narcotics for pain management and I won't post dosages or anything but let's say that I wouldn't wish that life on anyone. I am just lucky that I have the discipline to stick to my doctor's orders as far as what and how many I take. Quit now while your ahead. Habits always start like that and you could easily look up and find yourself doing dope within 6 months. Again, quit while you are ahead.


New Member
My older brother broke 3 of ribs at a hockey game when he was 16. I was 14 at the time and am 21 now. Anyways he was checked into the boards and ended up breaking 2 of his right ribs and one of his left. He couldn't breath without pain he said. He was prescribed a 60 count of OC 80mg and 100 15mg Percocets . After a few months of non stop usage he was hooked. The worst thing I ever saw was him getting taken out on a strecher from an OD. He took 4 OC 80mg along with 7 Percocet's he claims (Probably a lot more). He was in a coma for a few days, and has bad liver damage from the Percocets. They sent him to rehab where he had to learn how to walk and somewhat talk again. Then he went to real rehab for 90 days. He struggles but he still manages to stay clear of Opiates. Not Benzo's tho. A while back before he went to rehab I made the mistake of running into his stash of OC and Valium he had. He had a whole zip lock bag of OC 80mg in his room under his bed. It covered almost 5 rows of just pills, then to the far left under the matress was his 20mg Valium stash. He had a shit ton of those too, it was almost filled in a average size sandwich bag, I got hooked on them until one day he found out I was taking his shit. We fought like two wreckless apes till the end of it. The old man couldn't even pull us off of each others.
Some of the worst memorys of my life.


Well-Known Member
My bullshit sense is tingling. One a 16 year old is not likely to be opioid tolerant, and an OC80 is likely to cause an opioid naive individual to OD, quite possibly fatally, without even crushing it. No dr on earth would write 80s to a nontolerant user right off the bat, or for acute pain from broken ribs, especially to a fucking teenager. Ive known pill mill docs and none of them would do something that fucking stupid. Also your comment in the thread Shemp just started that OC is amazing is unlikely from someone whose brother nearly died from abusing it. Also the strongest oxy/apap combo only has 10mg of oxy, not 15mg and opioids don't harm the liver as a general rule. Likewise Valium has never been made in a 20mg pill. And I'm sure you were fighting like apes all fucked up on benzos. Or having seizures from withdrawal. Error too many inconsistencies, does not compute, unable to suspend disbelief!


Well-Known Member
if u think ur hooked the secret is now to never run out

Except the nature of the beast is that you will, and the more you have the quicker you will run out.

I remember when 10, 10 mg hydro would last me a couple of months. I'd wake up every morning and count them, nahh - not today, I'll take two on Friday.

But because I have 40, I can take 3 today and 3 and a half tomarrow and..... damn I'm down to 2 already.


Well-Known Member
My bullshit sense is tingling. One a 16 year old is not likely to be opioid tolerant, and an OC80 is likely to cause an opioid naive individual to OD, quite possibly fatally, without even crushing it. No dr on earth would write 80s to a nontolerant user right off the bat, or for acute pain from broken ribs, especially to a fucking teenager. Ive known pill mill docs and none of them would do something that fucking stupid. Also your comment in the thread Shemp just started that OC is amazing is unlikely from someone whose brother nearly died from abusing it. Also the strongest oxy/apap combo only has 10mg of oxy, not 15mg and opioids don't harm the liver as a general rule. Likewise Valium has never been made in a 20mg pill. And I'm sure you were fighting like apes all fucked up on benzos. Or having seizures from withdrawal. Error too many inconsistencies, does not compute, unable to suspend disbelief!

I differ with you sir, on one minor point. I have gotten 20 mg valium in Viet Nam - they were red. Of course, I don't recall, they may not have been valium but generic.


Well-Known Member
it sounds shitty, but i'm just waiting for my brother to OD or worse :sad:. He started out shopping for doctors because he has a fused disc? and thought, "hey I my as well get some cheap pills out of this." That was over 5 years ago. Since then he's been up and down on opiate dosages, in and out of out-patient rehab programs for that. Also he's addicted to benzos. The psych doctor prescribed him those bc he's "depressed from his sore back."

The worst part is, I'm the only one that knows he was bullshitting from the very beginning... Laughing on his way to the doctor about how they're going to up his 'script. And then riding to the Pharm to pick up those horrid things. I can't even look at him anymore bc I'm disgusted with what they've done to him, myself, his friends, and my family. He's burnt almost every bridge he has and for what? Some FUCKING OPIATES!

Now he's going to the methadone clinic and thinks thats helping, but at the same time he's just taking Kpins to get the high he's craving. He does the same thing about every 4-6 months, "Man I'm quitting pills (opiates)" Then he'll just switch to benzos for another 4-6 months "man i'm quitting pills (benzos this time)" then start the cycle over.

I could rant for hours on this subject. I really need to write it all down and give him a copy of it to read... He probably wont though.


Active Member
it sounds shitty, but i'm just waiting for my brother to OD or worse :sad:. He started out shopping for doctors because he has a fused disc? and thought, "hey I my as well get some cheap pills out of this." That was over 5 years ago. Since then he's been up and down on opiate dosages, in and out of out-patient rehab programs for that. Also he's addicted to benzos. The psych doctor prescribed him those bc he's "depressed from his sore back."

The worst part is, I'm the only one that knows he was bullshitting from the very beginning... Laughing on his way to the doctor about how they're going to up his 'script. And then riding to the Pharm to pick up those horrid things. I can't even look at him anymore bc I'm disgusted with what they've done to him, myself, his friends, and my family. He's burnt almost every bridge he has and for what? Some FUCKING OPIATES!
I know how you feel bro.. hopefully he finds his way back to reality..

Obi Wan Kenabis

Active Member
Opiates suck as a recreational drug. Really, really suck. I've seen too many friends and relatives go completely to hell when they get hooked. Lying and stealing to get what they need, for many all sense of honor goes out the door. There's just that NEED to avoid the shits, shivers and shakes.

No matter how good it feels, the downside is a hundred times worse. If you can, get rid of that shit and keep it away. If you can't, and want effective rehab, look into ibogaine. It's illegal in the states but Canada has some clinics I think. It works.

Maybe I sound like a moralistic old bastard, but I really hate what I've seen that shit do to people.


Well-Known Member
Opioids are wonderful drugs, addiction to them sucks.

Ibogaine is a great tool for breaking opioids when used by professionals, but can be very dangerous for the inexperienced. Do not try it on your own. People die from it.


Well-Known Member
there's nothing recreational about opiates, imo! they definetly have there place medically, but should be supervised very closely. big pharm doesn't care if you live or die, they will fill any void you leave....peace


Well-Known Member
How do yall think opiates are a bad recreational drug? They can give you euphoria, energy... make you want to go out and do things... more talkative..... You can fuck for hours on end without busting you load... pretty much everything I want in a recreational drug. Until *if* you get hooked.... then it's no fun. But some of my best memories were after railing a few OCs.


Ursus marijanus
How do yall think opiates are a bad recreational drug? They can give you euphoria, energy... make you want to go out and do things... more talkative..... You can fuck for hours on end without busting you load... pretty much everything I want in a recreational drug. Until *if* you get hooked.... then it's no fun. But some of my best memories were after railing a few OCs.
And there's the trouble. The transition is silent, and once that threshold is crossed, you're marked for life. cn


Well-Known Member
get off the shit bro itsnotworth ityou will slowly throw your life away.. i got sidetracked for awhile off of opana and xanax not to mention totalled 2 cars and was luckynot to be seriously hurt in both ofthem iv lost many ppl close to me because of those fuckin pills it jus starts poppin tens or snortin then u c urself goin through 8 10 12 a day then your fucked. so please i tell u just sell em bulk to someone im pretty sure theres a seeker out therewilling to pay ur price.. itbe worth itand the cash u get go get u a fat bag of chronic roll u up a few turn on some tunes crack a beer and call it a day..


Well-Known Member
it sounds shitty, but i'm just waiting for my brother to OD or worse :sad:. He started out shopping for doctors because he has a fused disc? and thought, "hey I my as well get some cheap pills out of this." That was over 5 years ago. Since then he's been up and down on opiate dosages, in and out of out-patient rehab programs for that. Also he's addicted to benzos. The psych doctor prescribed him those bc he's "depressed from his sore back."

The worst part is, I'm the only one that knows he was bullshitting from the very beginning... Laughing on his way to the doctor about how they're going to up his 'script. And then riding to the Pharm to pick up those horrid things. I can't even look at him anymore bc I'm disgusted with what they've done to him, myself, his friends, and my family. He's burnt almost every bridge he has and for what? Some FUCKING OPIATES!

Now he's going to the methadone clinic and thinks thats helping, but at the same time he's just taking Kpins to get the high he's craving. He does the same thing about every 4-6 months, "Man I'm quitting pills (opiates)" Then he'll just switch to benzos for another 4-6 months "man i'm quitting pills (benzos this time)" then start the cycle over.

I could rant for hours on this subject. I really need to write it all down and give him a copy of it to read... He probably wont though.
my brother was heading down that same path he was shooting up all the time painkillers and dope but now hes been in prison for a long time he fucked up pretty good got 15-37 years he wouldn't have gotton that much time but he was fucking up in jail and when he was on bail hes been in since he was 18 years old he's doing more time then a lot of murder charges in my state he won't be getting out till hes in his 30's then hes got to deal with parole.