Mitt Romney is a dumbass


Active Member
Evan us uninformed canuks kno this guys some sort of religious nut , with quotes like I looked to a higher power for my answers...yes...he definatly has the overTones of another hipocrytical tool and lapdog of the world banks and tri lateral commission types....jmho..


New Member
And don't even get me started on the abortion issue. Women have 100% right to do what they want to their body and no religion or government can tell them otherwise.
Just my 2 cents
Fair enough, but don't make government force me to pay for it!


Active Member
well, he hasnet yet had a chance. lunlike our current pres, who seems intent on destroying anything in america, that isent green enough. he has added 6 trillion to the debt, increased un-employment, this includes the 1,200 coal miners. and a promise of 200 more such plants shut down. that will be about 48,000 more unemployed. nice. no oil. no natural gas, no coal. so. what will they charge us for the electicity now? yes, dumbass ohbama is. he has had four years. and all is worse. forget bush. he his old history. time to take responsibilty for the job HE APPLIED FOR! aye? he know what was there. he inherted nothing. he took it on., in his own socialist way. dumb ass. yes. ohbama is a dumb ass. actually, he is also smart, for his secret plans are working out just fine, in his minds eye. funny, he cant bring himself to fess up, that radicals in the muslim world exist, and, when u see so many acting like animals, its not dought we need to deport all. they and us, are like mixing vinegar and soda. not made to mix.
anyway. mitt has not had one minute as pres, and you say he is a dumbass. sounds like liberal thinking. hate those who have money. many of the democrat senators have more mony than the romneys. but the media wont say that.....they cover for the left. its only if a conservative says anything, there is outrage. if you dont work for a living, or are following the presidents nanny state ideals, then im not taking you serisously. many people dont believe in rules. and they dont like being reminded. hence, the left. i think the debat on wendsday will tell a tale. ill bet the middle man is a lib, and will give the pres all slow pitches, and romney all fast balls. fair?? not. never has been. but barack has had his shot. why give him a second term, with all worse than before? no THATS A DUMB ASS VOTER!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Evan us uninformed canuks kno this guys some sort of religious nut , with quotes like I looked to a higher power for my answers...yes...he definatly has the overTones of another hipocrytical tool and lapdog of the world banks and tri lateral commission types....jmho..
you have been given the impression that he is some kind of religious nut.

alcoholics anonymous is entirely based on looking to a "Higher Power" as is just about every religion on the planet. being religious is not being a religious nut, nor is being religious assumed for all nuts. while there is significant overlap between nuttery and religiousity, religious nuttery is not a foregone conclusion. after all Barry Seotoro goes to church... and a pretty wacky one at that.

further the world banks dont need Miit, they got Obama already.

BOTH men are members of the trilateral commision. as are bill and hillary clinton, george bush sr and jr, and jimmy carter. ronald reagan is the only non-member of the trilateral commision to serve as president since the commission's founding.

let us also remember the council on foreign relations (again only reagan was not in it)

and the bildeburgers, but their membership is still quite secret. however, hillary and barry both went to their meeting in virginia in 2008, while mitt did not... draw your own conclusions.


Well-Known Member
mitt romney is not a dumbass.

mitt romney is an entitled sociopath born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

get it right.


Well-Known Member

  • "He's too honest for a political role so high"

    Boy, are you blind.......people like you scare me. You're brain-washed buddy!

    I meant it as Barack is too honest. Mitt Romney is a tool. He is a corporate puppet



Well-Known Member
Gosh, it is hilarious to kick back, light one up, and watch everyone in this thread go at it. The truth of the matter also happens to be the funniest part, so stay tuned to what you're about to hear.

OK... look, if you're on an airplane that is about to impact the earth at 400/mph it doesn't matter if something comes along to slow your speed down to 350/mph; you will be crashing and burning and dying at either speed, and neither will be pleasant.

Unfortunately, within our population of 300+ million people, the vast majority are not even the least bit educated in politics, economics, or the general outcome of mankind. Over the last 70+ years our economy has slowly shifted into a society where A LOT of people are receiving money directly from the Federal Government, in which (the Federal Gov) either taxes or creates that money in order to provide it.

A lot of people are not paying taxes, this is not my opinion, this is a fact. Literally half of the US workforce doesn't pay taxes, are you effing kidding me? If I was one of these fuckers I FOR SURE vote to keep keep Obama in office... Fuck paying taxes, we're going down either way right? har har!

The problem with this whole clusterfuck is that you have a country who holds the world currency.... with the ability to create as much money as they literally want to!! Who also the bright idea of spending billions of that money overseas each year to ensure that our country remains at war for the rest of our existence. They tell us that it's to keep us safe from terrorists, but I think there are other reasons. You see, the war hawks really love these guys. They are willing to spend equally amount as much $$ as the socialists to build houses out of turds, in but in their case, missiles.

The problem is that 99.9% of the people in the United States fall into one of those two categories. And until that number is no longer the majority things will remain like this until we are shifted into a complete socialist democracy.

My 2 cents,


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
pure gold:
pure gold? no, pure dross.

rahm emanuel is a right winger?

bush war crimes?

warrantless wiretaps?

sweet fucking dripping syphilitic cocks.

i wish i had those 3 minutes back.

i trusted you neutron and you BETRAYED ME!

but i still love you man, so watch this shit.

goddamned video inserter aint workin.

its fucking Mungo Jerry In The Summer Time, one of my all time favorite records with a rarely seen video performance from 1970. thats rtight Mtv's before Mtv was even Mtv, and before they became SHITtv.


Well-Known Member
well, he hasnet yet had a chance. lunlike our current pres, who seems intent on destroying anything in america, that isent green enough. he has added 6 trillion to the debt, increased un-employment, this includes the 1,200 coal miners. and a promise of 200 more such plants shut down. that will be about 48,000 more unemployed. nice. no oil. no natural gas, no coal. so. what will they charge us for the electicity now? yes, dumbass ohbama is. he has had four years. and all is worse. forget bush. he his old history. time to take responsibilty for the job HE APPLIED FOR! aye? he know what was there. he inherted nothing. he took it on., in his own socialist way. dumb ass. yes. ohbama is a dumb ass. actually, he is also smart, for his secret plans are working out just fine, in his minds eye. funny, he cant bring himself to fess up, that radicals in the muslim world exist, and, when u see so many acting like animals, its not dought we need to deport all. they and us, are like mixing vinegar and soda. not made to mix.
anyway. mitt has not had one minute as pres, and you say he is a dumbass. sounds like liberal thinking. hate those who have money. many of the democrat senators have more mony than the romneys. but the media wont say that.....they cover for the left. its only if a conservative says anything, there is outrage. if you dont work for a living, or are following the presidents nanny state ideals, then im not taking you serisously. many people dont believe in rules. and they dont like being reminded. hence, the left. i think the debat on wendsday will tell a tale. ill bet the middle man is a lib, and will give the pres all slow pitches, and romney all fast balls. fair?? not. never has been. but barack has had his shot. why give him a second term, with all worse than before? no THATS A DUMB ASS VOTER!
Barack entered the presidency at a bad time all together though. Americans are quick to forget that the recession began in 2007. Barack took the reigns at the end of 2008/ the beginning of 2009. As far as the national debt situation goes given the circumstances it was projected to rise regardless of whom took office. Obama did what McCain should have done if he would have won. He was presented with a problem (the recession), asked the countries leading experts what can and should be done, and heeded the advice. Who wouldn't have done the same?... And he never denied that radical Muslim factions still roam the world. He only informed the nay Sayers of the progress that has been made. Bush declared a "war on terror" in 2001. He was in office 7 years after that statement was issued. Now compare bush's 7 years to barack's 4. In the terrorism department he dominates. Barack's problem is not that he doesn't know what he's doing. He just refuses to except the fact that all governments require some form of corruption to stay efficient. He thinks that by becoming the leader of the troops, he can issue a few edicts a bring a millennia of political traditions to an end. But his underlings simply gathered and rebelled. This is what I meant by Barack is too honest


Well-Known Member
Barack entered the presidency at a bad time all together though. Americans are quick to forget that the recession began in 2007. Barack took the reigns at the end of 2008/ the beginning of 2009. As far as the national debt situation goes given the circumstances it was projected to rise regardless of whom took office. Obama did what McCain should have done if he would have won. He was presented with a problem (the recession), asked the countries leading experts what can and should be done, and heeded the advice. Who wouldn't have done the same?... And he never denied that radical Muslim factions still roam the world. He only informed the nay Sayers of the progress that has been made. Bush declared a "war on terror" in 2001. He was in office 7 years after that statement was issued. Now compare bush's 7 years to barack's 4. In the terrorism department he dominates. Barack's problem is not that he doesn't know what he's doing. He just refuses to except the fact that all governments require some form of corruption to stay efficient. He thinks that by becoming the leader of the troops, he can issue a few edicts a bring a millennia of political traditions to an end. But his underlings simply gathered and rebelled. This is what I meant by Barack is too honest
LOL!! I wish he had been too damn honest when he promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term...


Well-Known Member
pure gold? no, pure dross.

rahm emanuel is a right winger?

bush war crimes?

warrantless wiretaps?

sweet fucking dripping syphilitic cocks.

i wish i had those 3 minutes back.

i trusted you neutron and you BETRAYED ME!

but i still love you man, so watch this shit.

goddamned video inserter aint workin.

its fucking Mungo Jerry In The Summer Time, one of my all time favorite records with a rarely seen video performance from 1970. thats rtight Mtv's before Mtv was even Mtv, and before they became SHITtv.
you missed a great opportunity for a rick roll.


Well-Known Member
How would Romney being elected set us back 200 years? Be specific.

How will women have no rights? because of Abortion? I like to think Abortion is less about religion and gov't and more about killing an innocent child. Fun fact, sex is a choice not a right.

Do you know what Sharia Law is? This is something Muslims have been pushing to be allowed here in the US and by and large Democrats are the ones defending them.

Romney is a businessman. He has all those foreign bank accounts and businesses overseas because thats what all smart businessmen are doing right now. Why are they doing that though? because the US has made this a unhealthy place for large and small businesses to prosper. If we make this a more hospitable climate for businesses like we did in our past then jobs would come back to this country.

Also, how is taxing the people who open businesses and create jobs sound like a good way to fix the economy? To me, it sounds more like a good incentive to hide all your assets and open your business in a foreign market.

Obama is a Social president, Romney is a Economic president. What do we need right now? More feel good policies or more jobs?

using that logic masterbation would be the equivalent of genocide. Every wet dream. Every full rubber, every time a girl swallows 25000000 die. There should be time limits imposed based on fetus development but an out right ban is not american.


Active Member
as long as we learn to hate the wealthy, we all will fail. rising tides raise all ships. this class warfare, that the current leaders are pushing, is THE PROBLEM. how many poor people, have offered you a job? any of us? nope. im a working person. im of age, over 50, that i grew out of the "world or gov owes me a liveing" mentality. its childish. lots have no ambition to work. only smoke. but they are sure a wanting anyone with money to fall. why? because you dont work, so you really dont care about the economy. as long as you get your little 600. a mo. its rampant. and killing our country......americans used to be hard workers. now we have a double edged problem: no jobs, and not as many who even want one........thats how countrys turn comunist. by people like obama, castro, putin, the dude from venezuela, and yingyang ying!! all love it when they can get the people DEPENDANDANT on them, for their little monthly pitance! dont matter who is running against ohbama. the main thing, is that ohbama is the worst!! he has to go! get it? i dont think their is anything in the universe like we are facing, if he stays, and pulls out all the stops. he dont want jobs. he wants no jobs. just told epa to raise regs, so now last mo, 1.200 laid off in w virginia, and one other coal state. its what runs lots of elec plants. at this rate, elec will triple in price. just what that sob wants! go see the movie 2016. i did. it was enlightening. and a newtral author, who did lots of the the foot work. he talks about the "dreams from my father" fine. his father was a card carrying commi. get it? he wants to finish, what his dad wanted to do. make all countries a level field. so we get to be like them. third world? not me. not me. fact is, just picked me up a new ar-15. sweet. my rotti and i will defend our street if that comes down. peace.


Well-Known Member
LOL!! I wish he had been too damn honest when he promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term...
But shit was hitting the proverbial fan while he and McCain were still campaigning. Towards the end both parties stop speaking on the economy altogether because the damage couldn't be fully assessed. And historically just about all of the people whom held the presidency do their best to up hold their promises unless a major change comes about


Well-Known Member
as long as we learn to hate the wealthy, we all will fail. rising tides raise all ships. this class warfare, that the current leaders are pushing, is THE PROBLEM. how many poor people, have offered you a job? any of us? nope. im a working person. im of age, over 50, that i grew out of the "world or gov owes me a liveing" mentality. its childish. lots have no ambition to work. only smoke. but they are sure a wanting anyone with money to fall. why? because you dont work, so you really dont care about the economy. as long as you get your little 600. a mo. its rampant. and killing our country......americans used to be hard workers. now we have a double edged problem: no jobs, and not as many who even want one........thats how countrys turn comunist. by people like obama, castro, putin, the dude from venezuela, and yingyang ying!! all love it when they can get the people DEPENDANDANT on them, for their little monthly pitance! dont matter who is running against ohbama. the main thing, is that ohbama is the worst!! he has to go! get it? i dont think their is anything in the universe like we are facing, if he stays, and pulls out all the stops. he dont want jobs. he wants no jobs. just told epa to raise regs, so now last mo, 1.200 laid off in w virginia, and one other coal state. its what runs lots of elec plants. at this rate, elec will triple in price. just what that sob wants! go see the movie 2016. i did. it was enlightening. and a newtral author, who did lots of the the foot work. he talks about the "dreams from my father" fine. his father was a card carrying commi. get it? he wants to finish, what his dad wanted to do. make all countries a level field. so we get to be like them. third world? not me. not me. fact is, just picked me up a new ar-15. sweet. my rotti and i will defend our street if that comes down. peace.
you're an idiot.