Carne Seca
Well-Known Member
Try to think past color, gender, sexual orientation and ethnicity for just a second. I know thats going to be hard for a democrat to do, but try to listen. Voter ID is meant to suppress only 1 vote. The Not American vote. Thats why democrats like no voter ID. It makes fraud easy and nearly untraceable. But that topic is for a different thread. So why bring it up here?
Freedom Works? As in paid for and run by the Koch Brothers, Freedom Works? Yep, no agenda there. LOL
Go peddle your bullshit on the Fox News forums. There is no fucking voter fraud going on. The single purpose of the voter i.d./voter suppression laws is to place a hardship on the disadvantaged, the elderly, students, minorities and even the military. The GOP even admitted to it. Everybody was talking shit about ACORN but the GOP voter registration scandal far outstrips what ACORN had going on. At least ACORN discovered and addressed their own problems. They were ripped to shreds. Not a word from Fox News or the rightie blogs has been said about the the GOP scandal and the investigation going on in Florida.