Mitt Romney is a dumbass


Well-Known Member
as long as we learn to hate the wealthy, we all will fail. rising tides raise all ships. this class warfare, that the current leaders are pushing, is THE PROBLEM. how many poor people, have offered you a job? any of us? nope. im a working person. im of age, over 50, that i grew out of the "world or gov owes me a liveing" mentality. its childish. lots have no ambition to work. only smoke. but they are sure a wanting anyone with money to fall. why? because you dont work, so you really dont care about the economy. as long as you get your little 600. a mo. its rampant. and killing our country......americans used to be hard workers. now we have a double edged problem: no jobs, and not as many who even want one........thats how countrys turn comunist. by people like obama, castro, putin, the dude from venezuela, and yingyang ying!! all love it when they can get the people DEPENDANDANT on them, for their little monthly pitance! dont matter who is running against ohbama. the main thing, is that ohbama is the worst!! he has to go! get it? i dont think their is anything in the universe like we are facing, if he stays, and pulls out all the stops. he dont want jobs. he wants no jobs. just told epa to raise regs, so now last mo, 1.200 laid off in w virginia, and one other coal state. its what runs lots of elec plants. at this rate, elec will triple in price. just what that sob wants! go see the movie 2016. i did. it was enlightening. and a newtral author, who did lots of the the foot work. he talks about the "dreams from my father" fine. his father was a card carrying commi. get it? he wants to finish, what his dad wanted to do. make all countries a level field. so we get to be like them. third world? not me. not me. fact is, just picked me up a new ar-15. sweet. my rotti and i will defend our street if that comes down. peace.
now I kinda agree with the first part. But I don't see Obama as an enabler. Only 2.5% of Americans ( o ) receive govt

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
now I kinda agree with the first part. But I don't see Obama as an enabler. Only 2.5% of Americans ( o ) receive govt
Go away you fact finder, you! You're not wanted here. Facts are anathema to this discussion.


King Tut
Mitt Romney could atleast respect Americans enough to hide the the fact that he's in the back pocket of corporate America. The only way I see him winning is if Americans value race over politics. With that being said I also believe that Obama isn't what America needs either. He's too honest for a political role so high. Clinton was efficient because he would make the people he needed a few dollars and get them a little ass behind closed doors. That's politics , Obama has too much riding on him and there is too much bullshit to scoop through right now for a honest person to be an effective president. Plus If any type of scandal surfaces he stands to discredit a race. Thats too much pressure. We need another laid back white president right now. Obama is ahead of his time
Ok. i only read the first sentence before replying.

Which company is in the top three contributors to BOTH candidates?


BOTH these whores are sellouts.

Thank you.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
you missed a great opportunity for a rick roll.
or perhaps i waqs subverting your rickroll expectations with the new, improved and even more nefarious Mungo Jerry Roll...

so devious it actually delivers exactly what is promised, plus epic-level muttonchops. .

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Ok. i only read the first sentence before replying.

Which company is in the top three contributors to BOTH candidates?


BOTH these whores are sellouts.

Thank you.
you prefer your whores with dignity?

where do you find that? is this some fetish area on craigslist?

i prefer my whores pre-degraded. they take coupons.


Well-Known Member
why is this fucking bullshit in the general marijuana growing section?
should be in the politics forum with the rest of crap no one gives a fuck about..

we talk about weed every day. The chance to talk shit about the president and president elect only comes up every 4 years. Y not


Well-Known Member
probably because i don't live in america and couldn't really give a fuck which cunt you appoint
you are basically debating over which piece of shit will fuck up your country the least..

and because this was posted in the wrong section .. it has now been moved
and it's time to unsub..

but good luck with that..

we talk about weed every day. The chance to talk shit about the president and president elect only comes up every 4 years. Y not

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
nahh the british press already voted and he lost.

fortunately for you, you dont get to vote on the us president. that privilege is reserved to those of us who actually have to live under the twat's dictates. so instead of a horrifying fusillade of embarrassing humiliating and idiotic gaffes, blunders and outright retarded comments from the top competitors who cant fart without having it recorded, played back at super slow speed, searched for hidden policy messages and then critiqued on national and international television for it's volume, consistency of tone, aroma, and persistence, you can just sit back and laugh at us as we engage in our quadrennial celebration of the lowest common denominator. lucky you. its like the Extra Special Olympics.

i personally will be voting Romney, because the other option is shit, and while mormons may be wacky, odd and a little unhinged religiously. they are invariably pretty damned honest. meanwhile Barry Seotoro has proven himself both dishonest and incompetent at the two most important jobs of the US president. commander in chief of the most powerful military force on the planet, and the dude who picks the people to fill vacancies in the government. he has failed at both, broken every promise he made regarding both and generally made a fucking mess of the entire country.
mormons are honest? they aren't even honest with themselves. you want a man who has raked in the rewards since day 1 at others people expense. i'd rather have Blacky Mcblackyblack than a man who who believes he would have been better off had he been born a poor mexican, and it only takes 50k a plate to hear him say it!


Well-Known Member
Anyone who wants to open a window on an aeroplane for fresh air at 35,000ft is a fucking idiot and the sheeple that vote for the turd cant be much better.


New Member
as long as we learn to hate the wealthy, we all will fail. rising tides raise all ships. this class warfare, that the current leaders are pushing, is THE PROBLEM. how many poor people, have offered you a job? any of us? nope. im a working person. im of age, over 50, that i grew out of the "world or gov owes me a liveing" mentality. its childish. lots have no ambition to work. only smoke. but they are sure a wanting anyone with money to fall. why? because you dont work, so you really dont care about the economy. as long as you get your little 600. a mo. its rampant. and killing our country......americans used to be hard workers. now we have a double edged problem: no jobs, and not as many who even want one........thats how countrys turn comunist. by people like obama, castro, putin, the dude from venezuela, and yingyang ying!! all love it when they can get the people DEPENDANDANT on them, for their little monthly pitance! dont matter who is running against ohbama. the main thing, is that ohbama is the worst!! he has to go! get it? i dont think their is anything in the universe like we are facing, if he stays, and pulls out all the stops. he dont want jobs. he wants no jobs. just told epa to raise regs, so now last mo, 1.200 laid off in w virginia, and one other coal state. its what runs lots of elec plants. at this rate, elec will triple in price. just what that sob wants! go see the movie 2016. i did. it was enlightening. and a newtral author, who did lots of the the foot work. he talks about the "dreams from my father" fine. his father was a card carrying commi. get it? he wants to finish, what his dad wanted to do. make all countries a level field. so we get to be like them. third world? not me. not me. fact is, just picked me up a new ar-15. sweet. my rotti and i will defend our street if that comes down. peace.
Don't come down my street with your AR, My AK will retort effectively. BTW. I had the highest score with a rifle in my Batallion, thats over 1,000 guys qualifying, including officers, even one general. My AK has been zeroed at 100 yds and will shoot a 3 in. group, that's pretty impressie for an AK, although it is one with the forged reciever. Remember, the Right is wrong and get over yourselves.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
mormons are honest? they aren't even honest with themselves. you want a man who has raked in the rewards since day 1 at others people expense. i'd rather have Blacky Mcblackyblack than a man who who believes he would have been better off had he been born a poor mexican, and it only takes 50k a plate to hear him say it!
yes, just about every mormon i ever met could be trusted with my wallet.

i cant think of a single one who i would not let in my home.

trusting a mormon's honesty and iintegrity has never let me down, even though im not one.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Anyone who wants to open a window on an aeroplane for fresh air at 35,000ft is a fucking idiot and the sheeple that vote for the turd cant be much better.
wow, regurgitate talking points much?

obama visits all 57 states and not a mutter about the gaffe, obama declares the supreme court is "a bunch of unelected people" who would be "taking the unprecedented step of overturning a law" with nary a whisper about this level of idiot being called a "constitutional scholar"

yet mitt has to take repeated kicks in the nuts for wondering why airplanes dont have sufficient ventilation in emergency situations. his point is obvious to me, if a car becomes filled with smoke, you can roll down the windows, why not include emergency ventilation on planes too?
but then this would require thought, and thought is nefas in the glorious empire of Barrackia.


Well-Known Member
wow, regurgitate talking points much?

obama visits all 57 states and not a mutter about the gaffe, obama declares the supreme court is "a bunch of unelected people" who would be "taking the unprecedented step of overturning a law" with nary a whisper about this level of idiot being called a "constitutional scholar"

yet mitt has to take repeated kicks in the nuts for wondering why airplanes dont have sufficient ventilation in emergency situations. his point is obvious to me, if a car becomes filled with smoke, you can roll down the windows, why not include emergency ventilation on planes too?
but then this would require thought, and thought is nefas in the glorious empire of Barrackia.
57 states can be a simple slip of the tounge mitt put a fair portion of his speech around airplane windows not opening

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
57 states can be a simple slip of the tounge mitt put a fair portion of his speech around airplane windows not opening
and has he also insisted on installing screen doors on all our submarines, and sending rockets to the sun, but only at night when it's cooler?

yes 57 states can be just a brainfart, but obama put a lot of effort into his comments on the "bunch of unelected people" who would be "taking an unprecedented step of overturning a law" he put the cherry on top with his "strong majority of a democratically elected congress" commentary.

strong majority? weak, barely scraped over the rail minimal majority"

democratically elected congress? as opposed to our previous congresses who were appointed by benito mussolini and che gueverra?

this dolt is as much a "constitutional scholar" as my last night's turd.


Well-Known Member
I didn't read a single post in this thread. I'd just like to pop my head in and agree that mitt romney is a fucking dumbass on top of being a dishonest liar. Yes.

/Rage On