Gosh, it is hilarious to kick back, light one up, and watch everyone in this thread go at it. The truth of the matter also happens to be the funniest part, so stay tuned to what you're about to hear.
OK... look, if you're on an airplane that is about to impact the earth at 400/mph it doesn't matter if something comes along to slow your speed down to 350/mph; you will be crashing and burning and dying at either speed, and neither will be pleasant.
Unfortunately, within our population of 300+ million people, the vast majority are not even the least bit educated in politics, economics, or the general outcome of mankind. Over the last 70+ years our economy has slowly shifted into a society where A LOT of people are receiving money directly from the Federal Government, in which (the Federal Gov) either taxes or creates that money in order to provide it.
A lot of people are not paying taxes, this is not my opinion, this is a fact. Literally half of the US workforce doesn't pay taxes, are you effing kidding me? If I was one of these fuckers I FOR SURE vote to keep keep Obama in office... Fuck paying taxes, we're going down either way right? har har!
The problem with this whole clusterfuck is that you have a country who holds the world currency.... with the ability to create as much money as they literally want to!! Who also the bright idea of spending billions of that money overseas each year to ensure that our country remains at war for the rest of our existence. They tell us that it's to keep us safe from terrorists, but I think there are other reasons. You see, the war hawks really love these guys. They are willing to spend equally amount as much $$ as the socialists to build houses out of turds, in but in their case, missiles.
The problem is that 99.9% of the people in the United States fall into one of those two categories. And until that number is no longer the majority things will remain like this until we are shifted into a complete socialist democracy.
My 2 cents,