Homemade EZ cloner not working

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Well-Known Member
really, why dont you just stop? at least realize that anybody here with just the most basic growing knowledge can see right through you, indicadom. you sound like an 11 year old only child. yes, i meant that as an insult(to 11yo children). put up or shut up.


New Member
really, why dont you just stop? at least realize that anybody here with just the most basic growing knowledge can see right through you, indicadom. you sound like an 11 year old only child. yes, i meant that as an insult(to 11yo children). put up or shut up.
I am not going to allow your ignorance to muddle the information I am sharing. You are not contributing anything here, why are you posting in this thread? I have given tons of information in this thread about my ideas, you are just in here humping other poster's legs.


Well-Known Member
i like legs sweetheart. watch for stains. yes, you are giving bad advice based on your IDEAS. l am trying to show reason with actual experience. its killing you that you dont have anything to show except a 1" dick, isnt it? wait guys and you will see some lifted pics he will try to pass as his.


New Member
i like legs sweetheart. watch for stains. yes, you are giving bad advice based on your IDEAS. l am trying to show reason with actual experience. its killing you that you dont have anything to show except a 1" dick, isnt it? wait guys and you will see some lifted pics he will try to pass as his.
Bad advice? In what way exactly? Tell me specifically what bad advice I gave?


Well-Known Member
I would suggest you all put each other on ignore. There's know it alls in every forum and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Lets knock off the insults guys geez.. Everyone does shit different with the same ending success. Pick the advise you want and run with it, ignore the rest.


Well-Known Member
I agree and it would be all fine if IndicaDom didn't go out of his way to insult us and our advice yesterday, which sparked all of this.


Well-Known Member
IF you had the patience, go back to when this first started. See who started insulting who first. It was you buddy.


Well-Known Member
guys, he cant do it and it kills him. just tell him to put up or shut up. he has ideas but obviously no real knowledge and after he goes through puberty he will realize how stupid people like him sound. those that can, do, those that cant, preach.


Well-Known Member
guys, he cant do it and it kills him. just tell him to put up or shut up. he has ideas but obviously no real knowledge and after he goes through puberty he will realize how stupid people like him sound. those that can, do, those that cant, preach.
Exactly. I think that's why he's so quick to insult us because it tears him up inside that he can't grow. Mom won't let him. So he fills his mind with as much grow information as possible in an effort to sound like he is a guru at growing. Not working very well.


New Member
guys, he cant do it and it kills him. just tell him to put up or shut up. he has ideas but obviously no real knowledge and after he goes through puberty he will realize how stupid people like him sound. those that can, do, those that cant, preach.
Ideas? These are all documented concepts, I am not the originator of any of these ideas I am speaking about, they come from tested methods on large scales implemented by experienced growers. I can't grow a weed? Lol, sure pal.

Exactly. I think that's why he's so quick to insult us because it tears him up inside that he can't grow. Mom won't let him. So he fills his mind with as much grow information as possible in an effort to sound like he is a guru at growing. Not working very well.
You've been proven wrong countless times in countless threads. Anyone with half a brain can look at the data and information I've presented and make up their own mind. Forever remain ignorant, I do not care.


Well-Known Member
Out of all your posts. I believe I've read them all. I think you posted one link. The only thing you provide is your opinion and say it's fact. You don't even have real grow experience to back up your opinion making you not credible.


New Member
Out of all your posts. I believe I've read them all. I think you posted one link. The only thing you provide is your opinion and say it's fact. You don't even have real grow experience to back up your opinion making you not credible.
You don't think I'm credible, that is fine, are you done being butt hurt because someone smarter than you?


Well-Known Member
You don't think I'm credible, that is fine, are you done being butt hurt because someone smarter than you?
It wouldn't be a deal to me if you didn't pretend like you grow. How many times are you going to avoid the question post one picture of your grow? You like to talk, you like to talk shit but you can't back any of it up. Definition of a troll.


Well-Known Member
No one said those things are necessary, you can clone with a glass of water on a window sill. The point was the time they save on the clones showing roots, you yourself agreed 2 - 3 days. That is a lot of time when you start scaling perpetual goals over long periods of time. I am not quite sure why you are trying to argue whether or not a 3 week vegged clone(which by the way he isn't vegging, he just has it in non-pHed water and clonex, lol), is going to put on more bud than a clone flipped at the showing of roots. I guess you don't understand what running high plant numbers does for yield, the timeline I am using is correct, and if you would like me to chart it over the course of a year, 5 years, or 10 years and really see how much money, time, effort I save versus him, I will, I will be happy to change your opinion about the inefficient way most people here grow.
Again I am all ears, but I have grown high count numbers, 60 clones in a 4' x 4' under perpetual for over 2 years now; I am pretty sure I know how it works.

After rooting my clones spend at least 10 days (minimum) of veg before going into 12/12 flower room, trust me I have seen what is produced from a freshly rooted clone to a clone that has had some time to veg out.

I agree that leaving your rooted clones in an aero-cloner after roots have grown out past 4" - 6" is not helping but I would assume OLDDUDE is moving those clones to veg.

I have a 2 week cycle and can produce more than the 10 - 15 clones I need for the cycle, I don't need to put freshly rooted clones to flower because I always have clones that have vegged for at least 10 days, this is why rooting 2 - 3 days earlier means jack as they will just get an extra 2 - 3 days veg more than the others before being thrown to flower.

I also do not keep mothers so rooted clones that have gotten to big are simply chopped up to maintain clone numbers, I cannot see how you would think a rooted clone with no veg could possibly out perform a clone that has vegged for 10 days or 3 weeks for that matter.

No need to chart it out for me, as I said I have used both methods and for me clones with no veg time produced minimal bud (10 - 20 grams) compared to clones that have vegged out some time produced (20 - 40 grams), and double the production seems like good value for 10 - 15 days.

Your schedule is more efficient if other growers have to wait for clones to veg out, but if they have prepared vegged out clones as I do; when the cycle time calls to harvests 10 plants there are 10 more VEGGED clones to replace them; again I am sure you will agree that clones that have vegged for 7 - 10 days will surely produce more
than clones that go from cloner to flower.



Well-Known Member
I really can't believe this is still going on, ignore this fucker .and OP , good luck with whatever it was you're doing.


Well-Known Member
megalomaniac extreme! and he thinks ALL scientists agree on every-fucking-thing.
You shut up! The scientists have spoken and IndicaDom is now God. In all seriousness, I bet that kid is thinking one day he will be the new king of Pot.
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