Do you believe it. Drop in Unemployment.???


Well-Known Member
Whats the good news? We are losing careers, and high paying jobs, and substituing them with minimum wage low paying jobs. How are people supposed to pay their bills working at McDonalds dipshit? Care to comment on the REAL unemployment #, and how its unchanged. I'd love to hear you spin it. Go ahead. Explain

Spoken by someone who doesen't believe in the minimum wage - no doubt. You folks don't get to take every posistion all the time. First it is personal responsiblilty - meaning that it is the peson who is unemployed's responsibility to get a job - not the mommy state. Then it is that the government doesn't creat jobs - but when there are fewer jobs the first place you go to cry - is the government, it's the government's fault people don't have jobs. Then when you are dead certain that lots and lots of people dont have jobs, you don't want to thelp those people with unemployment insurance because that is the thing that prompts them not to work - even though you yourself say that Mcdonalds jobs don't make the morgage. Sooner or later you are going to have to get a coherent argument going. All the while you are claiming that the government is lying about the figures.


New Member
Spoken by someone who doesen't believe in the minimum wage - no doubt. You folks don't get to take every posistion all the time. First it is personal responsiblilty - meaning that it is the peson who is unemployed's responsibility to get a job - not the mommy state. Then it is that the government doesn't creat jobs - but when there are fewer jobs the first place you go to cry - is the government, it's the government's fault people don't have jobs. Then when you are dead certain that lots and lots of people dont have jobs, you don't want to thelp those people with unemployment insurance because that is the thing that prompts them not to work - even though you yourself say that Mcdonalds jobs don't make the morgage. Sooner or later you are going to have to get a coherent argument going. All the while you are claiming that the government is lying about the figures.
Geez Canndo, did your spell check take a dump or what, hey ya think Buckie will drop by to chastise you ? lol I doubt it either!

When you figure out that government only creates government jobs which are not self sustaining BTW and the roll of government is to enable, not restrict the free market to create jobs, it will all make sense!


Well-Known Member
These people can't look past 4 years..

"Obama fundamentally changed America!"

Yeah, no he didn't.

I saw none of you bitching about any of this when your guy was in office, so why would I listen to you now, or ever?


Well-Known Member
I counted numerous mis truths in that satement. Obama did not create 5 million new jobs. Thats meaningless out of context. While Obama and his propagandists claim 27 consecutive months of job growth, employment growth is the norm and not the exception for the American economy. In the 62 years from the end of World War II in 1945 until 2008, jobs grew in 86% of the months, or 640 out of 744. But Obama and his propagandists think you are too stupid to know the country you live in. They know at least their MSNBC base will believe them.

Reagan’s recovery produced job growth in 81 out of its first 82 months, with 20 million new jobs created in those first 7 years alone, increasing the civilian work force at the time by 20%. That grew into 50 million new jobs over the entire Reagan 25-year boom from 1982 to 2007. Compare that to the disgrace of Obamanomics. While Obama liked to claim 4.3 million new jobs created(now 5.2), total jobs by May, 2012 were still over half a million less than in January, 2009 when he entered office. Even George Bush oversaw 52 consecutive months of job growth, including 8 million new jobs created after his 2003 capital gains and dividends tax rate cuts became effective (which Obama is dedicated to reversing).

Fromw what I say here, the fact that Reagan inherited a fraction of the finanical problems Obama did has no bearing - and more importantly to me - We can go back 25 years to thank Reagan for a rosey employment picture but we musn't blame Bush's influence can't possibly extend even 4 years into the future. Interesting how absolutely selective some arguments are.


Well-Known Member
Geez Canndo, did your spell check take a dump or what, hey ya think Buckie will drop by to chastise you ? lol I doubt it either!

When you figure out that government only creates government jobs which are not self sustaining BTW and the roll of government is to enable, not restrict the free market to create jobs, it will all make sense!

I understand what you are trying to say but it sitll winds up being a farce - your folks can't argue a consistant and cogent line of reasoning to save your lives.


Well-Known Member
Fromw what I say here, the fact that Reagan inherited a fraction of the finanical problems Obama did has no bearing - and more importantly to me - We can go back 25 years to thank Reagan for a rosey employment picture but we musn't blame Bush's influence can't possibly extend even 4 years into the future. Interesting how absolutely selective some arguments are.

Reagan inherited a far worse recession from Carter, than Bush gave to Obama. And Carter turned things around in 2 years. Its been four years, and Obama is still bitching and crying about George Bush. And when its not Bush's fault, its the people's fault. We just don't know how to act and behave the way Obama wants us to. :cry:


Well-Known Member
I understand what you are trying to say but it sitll winds up being a farce - your folks can't argue a consistant and cogent line of reasoning to save your lives.

Please learn how to spell before arguing your points with out facts


Well-Known Member
Spoken by someone who doesen't believe in the minimum wage - no doubt. You folks don't get to take every posistion all the time. First it is personal responsiblilty - meaning that it is the peson who is unemployed's responsibility to get a job - not the mommy state. Then it is that the government doesn't creat jobs - but when there are fewer jobs the first place you go to cry - is the government, it's the government's fault people don't have jobs. Then when you are dead certain that lots and lots of people dont have jobs, you don't want to thelp those people with unemployment insurance because that is the thing that prompts them not to work - even though you yourself say that Mcdonalds jobs don't make the morgage. Sooner or later you are going to have to get a coherent argument going. All the while you are claiming that the government is lying about the figures.


Well-Known Member

Reagan inherited a far worse recession from Carter, than Bush gave to Obama. And Carter turned things around in 2 years. Its been four years, and Obama is still bitching and crying about George Bush. And when its not Bush's fault, its the people's fault. We just don't know how to act and behave the way Obama wants us to. :cry:

You are actually claiming that Reagan inhereited a worse recession from Carter than Obama did from Bush? - in a short, spell checked response - bullshit.

Prove that gem for us all. Again, you can't attribute Reagan for perpetuating 25 years of good times while denying Obama the right to blame Bush for the reach of his "bad times".


Well-Known Member
It that what this is going to be about today? Rather than look at those imperfections, try examining the imperfections in your reasoning.
I'm trying to determine if I'm debating with a level headed adult, or a small child who skipped economics class at school today.


Well-Known Member
You are actually claiming that Reagan inhereited a worse recession from Carter than Obama did from Bush? - in a short, spell checked response - bullshit.

Prove that gem for us all. Again, you can't attribute Reagan for perpetuating 25 years of good times while denying Obama the right to blame Bush for the reach of his "bad times".
Inflation was WAY higher when Reagan was inaugurated. The housing market was a disaster. Interest rates were at about 21%. Inflataion was through the roof. Way higher than when Bush left office.

Carter said there was nothing he could do because its the people's fault. We weren't investing the way Carter wanted us to. We weren't paying enough taxes, and if we would all just submit to the will of Jimmy Carter, he could make it all better.


Well-Known Member
If those numbers are using the U3 method they are useless numbers.
Now use the U6 method and see what it is really!


Well-Known Member
If those numbers are using the U3 method they are useless numbers.
Now use the U6 method and see what it is really!
Name one person that goes by the U6 number? If we did that our current unemployment rate in the country right now is 14.7% If we took all Americans that are out of work and put them in one long unemployment line, it would stretch across the entire country.


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to determine if I'm debating with a level headed adult, or a small child who skipped economics class at school today.

the right always seems to believe that they are the sole experts in the ecomomy and that they are here to school the rest of us in "econ101".

I have started 4 reasonably sucessful businesses - I have been a "job creator" and paid plenty in Federal taxes let alone assisted in the local economy. I am well aware of economics and how it works. I am also aware of the basic tenents of what the right believes about economy. In general, as much as the right believes that economy is their exclusive doman - they have done a magnificently poor job of putting their knolege into practice.

Now beyond even that, there is the fact that economy is only a single factor in a society and a modern country - consider that.


Well-Known Member
Inflation was WAY higher when Reagan was inaugurated. The housing market was a disaster. Interest rates were at about 21%. Inflataion was through the roof. Way higher than when Bush left office.

Carter said there was nothing he could do because its the people's fault. We weren't investing the way Carter wanted us to. We weren't paying enough taxes, and if we would all just submit to the will of Jimmy Carter, he could make it all better.

No comparison - inflation is only a portion of the situation. Lending was still fairly free, unemployment wasn't as low, and we were never, back then, in danger of a full blown recession.

Again - are you actually comparing what Reagan inherited with what Obama did? If you are, then I think you may have a rather short or selective memroy.


Well-Known Member
No comparison - inflation is only a portion of the situation. Lending was still fairly free, unemployment wasn't as low, and we were never, back then, in danger of a full blown recession.

Again - are you actually comparing what Reagan inherited with what Obama did? If you are, then I think you may have a rather short or selective memroy.
So Obama is the only one who can fix the problem right? :roll: Is that what we are all supposed to believe? If a community agitator from Chicago can't put our entire country back on track, then nobody can? What has Obama ever accomplished that qualifies him to save our country? Something of substance. Not "oh he won the vote" Because thats not an attribute. His plan, his record, his presidency. A JOKE. Comparing Reagan to Obama is like comparing Ken's Kush to some bammer weed. "Lending was still fairly free"! Uner Carter? Are you kidding me? Interest rates at 21% combined with through the roof inflation creates an environment where investing and growth are nearly imposable. But what do you care? You don't depend on the private sector, you depend on the government. The only growth you and Obama are interested in is government. Just take a look at the recent unemployment report. How many tens of thousands of new IRS agents did Obama just hire to enforce all the regulations and new taxes associated with Obamacare?