Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
thanks for well wishes PB

is funny as much as i wish good luck to all i try not to operate on luck
but a little luck is never bad to have in your tool belt

today is day 3 from overnight soak
yo yo ma
how you be
i hope all is good in yo hood
for you and luved ones

i knew youd appreciate PP a very pretty girl
an taste and aroma great along wit ahead after along cure

i got a few crombs of it left i got a lot of crumbs laying around
the containers are very nice you made -you are very artistic- i got hunnerds of seeds stored by fems and regs gifts and trades - purchasses - about 7 excel form pages
you need stuff to grow i looked through my storage of seeds i have made- quite heavy if you interested in any holla at me on pm

seed drop not worrryin about just feel stupit like a beginner
i keep thnkin about them dont like to grow an not know whut they are
once had 6 misc form cali conn i passed them on to someone -gave all away
hated thought of growing and not knowing

but only 3 possabilites i started wit 1 kosher ku-2 bubba-3 gran dad purp
im thinkin wit help of peeps that have grown them all to be sorted early on by leafe formation
good to hear from you ma stay up

big hug
I'm quite sure I can spot the bubbas out off top. I know both GDP and bubba has dark green leaves but bubba leaves are more broad. THe kosher should be the only one that should be in a class all by itself since its a og cross and the others are indica dominant. Well once the ball gets rolling on them I'll see if I can help.


Well-Known Member
gd morning D.its gonna be a ns day today for growing.had to run around pay bills,treating 4 cats ringworm from god knows from where.damn near brot me to tears,lol,have been treating for 4 to5 weex ,,already look like freddy kruger got ahold of me.
gd morning D.its gonna be a ns day today for growing.had to run around pay bills,treating 4 cats ringworm from god knows from where.damn near brot me to tears,lol,have to be treating for 4 to5 weex ,,already look like freddy kruger got ahold of me.
Damn 4-5 weeks yikes!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm quite sure I can spot the bubbas out off top. I know both GDP and bubba has dark green leaves but bubba leaves are more broad. THe kosher should be the only one that should be in a class all by itself since its a og cross and the others are indica dominant. Well once the ball gets rolling on them I'll see if I can help.
thanks i will need it

an prolly mr Rdmm can identafy the gran dad purp's
that will leave the kosher ku for me to ID-LOL

gd morning D.its gonna be a ns day today for growing.had to run around pay bills,treating 4 cats ringworm from god knows from where.damn near brot me to tears,lol,have to be treating for 4 to5 weex ,,already look like freddy kruger got ahold of me.
so you apply the meds yoself cause if you breedin an still usin vet it kills yo profits
like owning a laundry mat an paying to have machines fixed must do all for self to be big

no i just pulled out numdawgs cause i knew you liked 18 an was the best i could do for you was not gona give you my 4 ,18's-i have been sitin on the seeds for over a year should be fine though
one day gona get the monkey off my back an stop buying seeds - i think i need detok am very hooked on seeds -but jokes asside i will run sum day got loads to try

is long treatment but i suggest to stick wit it -good luck wit critters

oh runnin 1-kosher ku-2 bubba ku-3 grandaddy purp


Well-Known Member
the kittens are gone,gottem homes,correction already been treating 4 weex ,used betadine iodine scrub and some antifungal and a toothbrush.stops it pretty quick but takesfew weex to keep it killed about all gone jus have to sanitize the house daily...yea i appreciated that actually surprised ,yure good dude youngster.


Well-Known Member
yeah an i like to watch somebody that can grows -grow,results when i introduced the parents to each other - an nature made the seeds that they are using
makes me feel good to see results when good anyway is not always good news but must take good wit the bad if you putin seeds out there


Well-Known Member
yea usually ones furtherest from the light does less but a couple those low yielders to finance the next.good tho have beans and plenty nutes and extra OF ,so soil and bud candy ,,sure like to give that iguana juice a try,hydro guy really raved about it.its one single dose per plant per grow 95.00.and supposed 30% increase.ns hydro store in ft worth.but i'm not sold on half the stuff out there .


Well-Known Member
i normally give just water for 2 weeks then start wit about 1/4 strenth
this time im useing 1/2 gal water wit
two drops of thrive
3 drops cal bloom
2 drops rooot excel
2 drops hygrozyme
2 drops clonex
3 dops bcuzz root
2 drops bmo root
3 drops grow big
2 drops micro

dont you luv to experiment
from nothing to errthing

soon to see - who knows maybe no diff

an im useing bottom feed this time to encourage roots to hit bottom daouble cupped
i m useng red cups wit holes in them - inside of cups wit no holes an 1/2 inch of water in bottom check every morn
heatpad normally has cups pretty dry but not this time

im also useing a baggie over each cup just sitting on it not closed
you can see the humidity build up works fine

so for the record this time is double cupped inside cup wit holes and outside without
trying a weak salution of home made seedling food
all done on heat mat at 80 degrees

last germ i was eaxperimenting wit cd case flat then stand up on edge all else same

I an I


Well-Known Member
damn thats a quite a list.i use haf tsp open sesame minimal amnt and 2 tsp bud candy ro water every watering during flowering first4 weex ,beastie bloomz,chang ching..i dont like using any veg nutes in of or happy frog doesnt need it.and thanx for the compliment but i consider myself as a avg grower .read ed rosenthals indoor high yield guide before i bot a seed or light in 2000.help save askin questions which i dont mind helpin newb but easier to learn the elements and science that goes into it.try using my head other than a hat rack.


Well-Known Member
just playin around or experimenting last grow used water an starter soil wit nutin in it

one extreme to the other
an you are right a long list last grow no list


Well-Known Member
im not sayin you need all this bull im just seeing whut the diff i,s nothing verses averythinhg maybe no noticible diff dont know yet
am interested to find out


Well-Known Member
D I'll be back later to speak propa creeps have got in touch some bs about out of stock ffs soz was ignorant last night had loads to do then when did get on got in a little discussion that took all my Time.


Well-Known Member
is all good i kinda had a feel it was gona end sour from the way they draged there feet
but had to give it a shot we played our hand and they have played theres
over and done guranteed it wont be the last bit of fuckery in our lives
cause as we know the worldis full wit all kinds

no grudge
no negative
no hostility
no revenge
just move on

an except the fact that our world is
a clint eastwood movie
good -bad - an ugly
may the good that cross your path outway the bad- bro

we are free to move on no burden to carry of debt to pay or wrong doing to catch up with us

as i remain on the side of the light it seems the dark side has a strong hold on this life that we live
the dark side seem to be winning this battle but wont win the war

my fight is over -i have lain down my sword -an reclaimed my smile -im good your good life is good -god is good
they are going to have to pay one day an we are free of debt

dont even bother to tell them whut a piece of shit they are -cause they already know they are


Well-Known Member
I'm still on me phone so gunna be short
I reckon we might still get them bro
Bc skunk outta stock till 27th
You wanna look for somethin same price
Then I'll ask for that instead see what they say.