why do the righties want us to forget about bush?


Well-Known Member
Congress never passed cap and trade. So Obama circumvented congress and ordered the regulations be mandated through the EPA by way of executive fiat. If congress doesn't do what Obama says, then Obama will find a way around democracy.
that's kind of a random in a thread where righties want us to forget about history so we can be doomed to repeat it.

also, crayons and falafels.


Well-Known Member
What is Obama most interested in defending?

A. The constitution
B. The Libya Embassy
C. The county's borders
D. Big Bird


Well-Known Member
Before the ambassador's body guard got murdered, his wife asked him if there was anything he needed. And he replied, " a new president"
No shit true story


Well-Known Member
People in Libya raped our ambasador's asshole, and then dragged his body through the street. Obama wants you to know its all kosher because intel said,"it was because of a video"


Well-Known Member
People in Libya raped our ambasador's asshole, and then dragged his body through the street. Obama wants you to know its all kosher because intel said,"it was because of a video"
that's almost as bad as 9/11, just off by 3,000 dead americans or so.

but good job at making political hay out of dead americans! your joy over dead americans really comes through, and you're not alone...



Well-Known Member
Why do the Democrats always attack Bush even tho Obama has done an absolutely shite job himself?

Have yous not figured it out yet? Barack Obama IS Osama bin Laden...photoshop a big beard and a Muslim head-dress onto Obamas face, you'll be shocked.


Well-Known Member
This thread should have been titled " Lets talk about anything other than that failure Obama".:lol:


Well-Known Member
This thread should have been titled " Lets talk about anything other than that failure Obama".:lol:
you just illustrated the point of this thread by trying to get us all to forget about (very recent) history.

congrats on the ironic fail!


Well-Known Member
you just illustrated the point of this thread by trying to get us all to forget about (very recent) history.

congrats on the ironic fail!
What was the approval rating initially for the two wars?

Bipartisan support...you my friend have a short memory.


Well-Known Member
What was the approval rating initially for the two wars?

Bipartisan support...you my friend have a short memory.
bush made the case for that war from the bully pulpit with false information.

obama was still protesting that war the day before we invaded.


Well-Known Member
i believe the initial polls detailing support for the wars in the middle east were skewed.

over-sampling of idiots.


Well-Known Member
bush made the case for that war from the bully pulpit with false information.

obama was still protesting that war the day before we invaded.
He was also protesting a babies right to live, after it starts breathing. Obama voted to support infanticide 3 times as a senator.
Obama's definition of women's rights is : free mammograms, free condoms, free birth control, and free abortions.


Well-Known Member
He was also protesting a babies right to live, after it starts breathing. Obama voted to support infanticide 3 times as a senator.
Obama's definition of women's rights is : free mammograms, free condoms, free birth control, and free abortions.
nobody said it should be free. but the choice should be there. republican's idea of a congressional panel on women's rights is a panel with no women....


Well-Known Member
nobody said it should be free. but the choice should be there. republican's idea of a congressional panel on women's rights is a panel with no women....
Only moral way is 12 weeks max. Baby is unviable and seriously undeveloped prior to this, and it still gives the woman 12 weeks of "choice".

Morally pro-choice ;)