why do the righties want us to forget about bush?


Well-Known Member
ok so a 4 month old fetus is viable? really? the youngest premature baby ever to survive was 21 weeks i think.

w.e. i'm not a woman and i'm not trying to win the women's vote and i'm smart enough to date chicks on birth control so who gives a damn.


Well-Known Member
ok so a 4 month old fetus is viable? really? the youngest premature baby ever to survive was 21 weeks i think.

w.e. i'm not a woman and i'm not trying to win the women's vote and i'm smart enough to date chicks on birth control so who gives a damn.
Why force pre mature labor, and then leave the baby to die of organ failure? No food, no water. Just a breath, and then death. Sounds cruel.


Well-Known Member
ok so a 4 month old fetus is viable? really? the youngest premature baby ever to survive was 21 weeks i think.

w.e. i'm not a woman and i'm not trying to win the women's vote and i'm smart enough to date chicks on birth control so who gives a damn.
Actually it's more like 16 weeks and as technology advances it'll get lower and lower. 12+ weeks is the point when the fetus has all the organs, etc it needs to live.


Well-Known Member
nobody said it should be free. but the choice should be there. republican's idea of a congressional panel on women's rights is a panel with no women....
Nanci Palosi said that health care is a right, not goods and services. You might be able to fool uneducated people, but I know exactly how the liberal brain works bud. You, Obama, and Sandra Fluke all think it should be free. Free to you that is. Not to the person picking up the tab. Like employers, churches, etc.

If people don't pay up, the IRS will fine them. Is that what you mean by people paying for their own health care? If they don't engage in economic activity, the government will tax? Usually the government just taxes what it can't takeover. Obama Care is a tax AND a government take over of the largest sector in the economy.


Well-Known Member
nobody said it should be free. but the choice should be there. republican's idea of a congressional panel on women's rights is a panel with no women....
Why does there need to be a panel on women's rights? You libs are nutty. We are all Americans, shouldn't we all have the same rights? Isn't that what Martin Luther King wanted? I have civil rights too, don't discriminate. You want to make one gender beyond equal. That sounds unamerican. That sounds far out left


Well-Known Member
Im not a righty but I have to say I most CERTAINLY dont want people to forget about Bush.
If they fail in their first four years DONT GIVE THEM ANOTHER 4 years.
Remember this!!!!!

Obama must go.


Well-Known Member
Why does there need to be a panel on women's rights? You libs are nutty. We are all Americans, shouldn't we all have the same rights? Isn't that what Martin Luther King wanted? I have civil rights too, don't discriminate. You want to make one gender beyond equal. That sounds unamerican. That sounds far out left

Here is the real truth of the matter.
No one wants to be EQUAL. They want to be on the side that is on top.
Its an illusion to think there will ever be equality. Someone will always have an advantage in some way.

someone else made a good point...

If you have two daughters and one is pretty and one isnt, do you slice up the pretty girl's face so they are equal? Of course not you deal with the deck given to you and make the best of it.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Why does there need to be a panel on women's rights? You libs are nutty. We are all Americans, shouldn't we all have the same rights? Isn't that what Martin Luther King wanted? I have civil rights too, don't discriminate. You want to make one gender beyond equal. That sounds unamerican. That sounds far out left
republican nonsense, you know men voting on women's rights is a bunch of bs, look how long it took white folk to extend an arm to blacks, its the same for women. republicans and dems just want POWER, and one party is full of white males, the other party has much more variation.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
He was also protesting a babies right to live, after it starts breathing. Obama voted to support infanticide 3 times as a senator.
Obama's definition of women's rights is : free mammograms, free condoms, free birth control, and free abortions.
birth control= less pregnancy= less abortions.
free mammograms= good for womens health
Free condoms= good for society(less STD's)
free abortions= population control.

republicans love fetus's so much, the moment they are born, they decide to toss it into the trash heap.


Well-Known Member
It's funny UB - one the one hand we see posters and t-shirts with bush saying "miss me yet?" but, Bush doesn't seem to be real popular in reality. Compare that with the philandering, I -did -not -have -sex -with -that - woman Clinton who was hated by the right but is now popular with both sides.

Bush will go down as one of the worst presidents in modern history and the right knows that, which is why he is nowhere to be seen - as you said, why isn't he stumping for Romney if Romeny's real agenda is to bring us back to the good old Bush era?


Well-Known Member
The only "fucktards, sock puppets, spambots, and racists" is you. Nobody wants you to forget anything about Bush, they want you to quit uysing it as an axcuse for our Failure in Chief 0bama. The very fact that you are too stupid to realize this says all anyone needs to know about you...

P.S. Reported as Spam
actually, you meet two of those.

by calling the president an "affirmative action president", you give away your racist credentials. and the 100+ copy and paste articles you have spammed us with screams spambot.

but you have it wrong. you guys do want us to forget. if you guys didn't want us to forget, why was bush never mentioned at the convention, and why isn't he out there helping romney get elected? :lol:


Well-Known Member
Learn about singulars and plurals.

now harrekin, he hails from the southern part of our nation. in case you were not familiar with the southern united states, there is an abundance of sister fuckers, three toothed hicks, and general retards witnessed nowhere else in the world.

texas especially holds its fair share of these inbred douchebags.

rollindud is a victim. you treat him as such.


Well-Known Member
now harrekin, he hails from the southern part of our nation. in case you were not familiar with the southern united states, there is an abundance of sister fuckers, three toothed hicks, and general retards witnessed nowhere else in the world.

texas especially holds its fair share of these inbred douchebags.

rollindud is a victim. you treat him as such.
This is kind of what the outsiders idea of a Southerner (aside from the Colonel) is:

Is this an accurate and unprejudiced mental image in your opinion?


Well-Known Member
In re: to OP

The right wants you to forget about Bush because they are trying to forget about him too.

We should probably amend the constitution to increase presidential terms from 4 to 10. 4 just isn't enough time (even though it was for the rest of them).


Well-Known Member
Actually it's more like 16 weeks and as technology advances it'll get lower and lower. 12+ weeks is the point when the fetus has all the organs, etc it needs to live.
it's 21 weeks and it was an anomaly of science that it survived. it weighed one pound and spent 4.5 months in a special incubator developing under 24 hour surveillance.

this was in Germany in 2008.

there are only two reported cases of babies being born before 22 weeks and surviving... only the more recent one a confirmed scientific anomaly.