So, for those who were wondering, I unfortunately had to harvest about two weeks early. Many of the buds on the top of my plants were developed nicely, but a lot of the bottom buds were still immature. I was greatly saddened, but weather forced my hand. Anyways, my partner has been overseeing the drying and trimming process, and I'll finally get to see how they're doing tomorrow after hanging for about seven days. He said he sampled some for the first time today and his exact words were, "Holy Moley." That has me excited because he's an old timer and he knows good weed. So even if we did have to harvest early it sounds like we got good crop. I'm not too concerned with the quantity. I could honestly make an ounce last me close to five to six months I'd wager. I don't smoke very much when I'm by myself. Maybe .1 -.3 a day depending on what I got going on.
i wasn't able to snap any good photos of my stuff because it was super dark in the shed they're drying in. I hope to get some bud shots this weekend though, so stay tuned.