Random Jibber Jabber Thread

There's more than one way to skin a squirrel -- but a Michigan man learned that doing it with a blow torch can prove disastrous.

Firefighters say he was trying to singe the hair off a squirrel so he could eat it when he accidentally caught his third-floor wooden deck on fire on Wednesday.

The blaze quickly spread and engulfed most of his apartment building in Holland, Michigan, and left his 32 neighbors homeless.

Not too long ago I had a really good friend of mine over to help me trim because he's broke as fuck and I'd throw him a few bucks to help out.
He does set props on tv shows but is non union so...work is far and few in between.
Anyway, dude calls me like 4 days later and tells me he has bed bugs. He lives in a big apartment complex in Eagle Rock and thinks he got them from neighbors.
So far no signs he brought any over to my grow but I am freaked the fuck out and don't want him over even though he needs the money. I feel bad but I don't think I can have him over anymore because I don't want to risk getting them. What would you all do if you were in my predicament?
Tell him to take a shower.. He'll understand since he probably knows bugs are bad for plants.. And tell him you got a extra blanket and pillow (assuming you have extras), so don't bring anything that can mess up your plants.
I'm not worried about my plants. I'm worried about bed bugs hitching a ride on him and making their way into and onto my stuff and eventually into my living quarters.
They are a nightmare to get rid off.
His bedding had bed bugs. Not him!! I was bitten once in a shitty cheap beach hut in Asia. Once ur away from them it should be ok. He prob has roundworm on his skin or something else. Look for ring marks on skin. Bed bugs are not vegetarian and pose no risk to your plants. They're after blood - ur blood!!
Put him in a bubble and quarantine his ass ...

Or maybe take the water hose to him before he comes in and if he gets made flip the script and tell him he can't take a prank lol

Wake n bake got me sorry bout those off the wall suggestions ...

Which brings me to my random jibber jabber. Nothing beats smoking your own herb!!
Well maybe being balls deep deep but smoking your own herb definitely takes a close second
His bedding had bed bugs. Not him!! I was bitten once in a shitty cheap beach hut in Asia. Once ur away from them it should be ok. He prob has roundworm on his skin or something else. Look for ring marks on skin. Bed bugs are not vegetarian and pose no risk to your plants. They're after blood - ur blood!!
I dunno, if you saw him you would say "he just might have bed bugs"...
He's not an everyday shower kind of guy.
I dunno, if you saw him you would say "he just might have bed bugs"...
He's not an everyday shower kind of guy.

Seriously though, how long does it take to have a quick shower? For a guy like this we could be talking two and a half mins (obviously longer for the rest of us) I have to take 3-4 showers a day in the summer and this is normal here.

If you can´t get him in the shower then I would take him outside and hose him down followed by a nice spray of neem oil and that should take care of it.
You're preaching to the choir.
I'm just creeped out on if he brings some hitchhikers over on his clothes, ya know what I mean?
My other friend and I already joked about hosing him down.
Yeah, he'd joke about wearing his boxers for a week and just turning them inside out for the next week while on tour. The thing is, I don't think he was joking.:o
So, for those who were wondering, I unfortunately had to harvest about two weeks early. Many of the buds on the top of my plants were developed nicely, but a lot of the bottom buds were still immature. I was greatly saddened, but weather forced my hand. Anyways, my partner has been overseeing the drying and trimming process, and I'll finally get to see how they're doing tomorrow after hanging for about seven days. He said he sampled some for the first time today and his exact words were, "Holy Moley." That has me excited because he's an old timer and he knows good weed. So even if we did have to harvest early it sounds like we got good crop. I'm not too concerned with the quantity. I could honestly make an ounce last me close to five to six months I'd wager. I don't smoke very much when I'm by myself. Maybe .1 -.3 a day depending on what I got going on.

i wasn't able to snap any good photos of my stuff because it was super dark in the shed they're drying in. I hope to get some bud shots this weekend though, so stay tuned.
So, for those who were wondering, I unfortunately had to harvest about two weeks early. Many of the buds on the top of my plants were developed nicely, but a lot of the bottom buds were still immature. I was greatly saddened, but weather forced my hand. Anyways, my partner has been overseeing the drying and trimming process, and I'll finally get to see how they're doing tomorrow after hanging for about seven days. He said he sampled some for the first time today and his exact words were, "Holy Moley." That has me excited because he's an old timer and he knows good weed. So even if we did have to harvest early it sounds like we got good crop. I'm not too concerned with the quantity. I could honestly make an ounce last me close to five to six months I'd wager. I don't smoke very much when I'm by myself. Maybe .1 -.3 a day depending on what I got going on.

i wasn't able to snap any good photos of my stuff because it was super dark in the shed they're drying in. I hope to get some bud shots this weekend though, so stay tuned.

Sounds good bro
You're gonna be swimming in buds soon