Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Do not try it!!!

...oh gawd, the barely-remembered humiliation of having to shave all over ... cn

Well, at least you still had your girlish figure. :p

Security handed me back a bag full of weed and scarf with half a joint in the pocket... ^^;

Damn you RIU- I'm meant to be asleep. Smoke time. :weed: -> :eyesmoke: -> :sleep:
Tonight's random post:
I went to the Ross Undress-for-less earlier to day, and had to do a dyslexic double take. No; those signs in the back were not for FISTING ROOMS after all ... cn
Oct. 14, 2012 -- The Red Bull Stratos mission carried Felix Baumgartner to an altitude of over 128,000 feet -- 8,000 feet higher than planned -- when the daredevil took the plunge into thin air. Despite a minor issue with Baumgartner's visor causing it to fog up unexpectedly, the ascent progressed as planned. The New Mexico weather even allowed a picture perfect ascent over Roswell.

Stay tuned for continued coverage on DNews of Baumgartner's new world record...

Best video of the jump so far on youtube. This guy has balls.

I feel like rolling one more time before new years,last time I rolled was july,so I'm fully loaded with serotonin and dopemine.
why tell it to the streets when you can tell it to my face,I think they got a word for that shit it's sabotage,I learned that from those cool white boys from entourage lol...
So, I'm doing dish more which is great since it gives way more hours and I don't have to be friendly to people and always had to put on a fake smile. On a sad note tho, I find it more difficult to do dish when I drink as it requires alot more speed, so gonna go into Red Bull mode now so I won't have to waste a buzz trying too hard to keep up, was fun while it lasted tho.

I dunno, if you saw him you would say "he just might have bed bugs"...
He's not an everyday shower kind of guy.

Although it's suppose to be a myth that bed bugs only target dirty people, not showering for a few days and guessing his place is just as dirty and allowing the bed bug problem to accumulate and get worse, doesn't help either. I'm sure they're happy there and considering they mostly come out at night, I would say you're safe but still would tell him to take a proper shower and get all the nooks and crannies, can't take any chances.

I had bed bugs once and did something about it as soon as I found out why I was getting these rashes on my elbows, for some reason they only like biting my elbows lol. Didn't look like much so I guess I got to kt early enough so my solution worked the first time.
Jimi Hendrix is a god...
Only a god plays a right handed guitar restrung to be left handed with his teeth.