Super Coco public test thread

Wow I am really horrible with keeping this thread current!!! I am trying. Things are looking superb right now. Ten plants are 2 weeks in flowering while the remaining plants were kicked into flower yesterday.

Here are some pics from Oct 4.


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Here are plants I was forced to move inside due to sun blocking cloud cover from jet contrail pollution.

Cheesequake. transplanted Sept 22. Started flowering on Sept. 23

The bushy plants are the cq and they have not been trained nor had any pruning besides the first pinch.

No need for bushmaster here. Nor any other dangerous growth regulator.

From Oct 2


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Just when you thought this thread was dead... BAM!

Just add water.

Week 2.5 flower for the big ten and day one of flower for the rest after a nice 24 hr snooze!


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Just wanted to chime in with my respect for what you guys are doing as someone who doesn't have the environment to have bitching experiments like this. Non legal state hydro store bullshit for me. Guys like yourself keep the desperately needed ingenuity going. :joint:
Why coco instead of soil??


Thanks for stopping by and I do not mind repeat questions and this question in particular .A definition of soil is needed to answer this question but first we must acknowledge the fact that when we say super soil we really mean super potting soil and not just soil which would be top soil. Potting soil is not soil rather it is a mix of substrates. The most popular substrate in the U.S. is peat moss. The second is probably a tie between bark and sewage compost. Dr Earth is the only real "soil" mix out there because they use real compost which you could call "soil" because it is a main constitute of top soil.

Knowing this we can now assume that super coco is "soil" but made with coco instead of peat moss and sewage compost and building scraps.

The only difference is in the texture. Super Coco looks and acts like soil just a little bit looser because the peat moss physically holds onto to water and has a spongy nature. Coco "pours" like sand.

Coco is superior to peat moss.

Hope that clears it up for ya. In case you didn't see I am taking seeking riu members to test a bag or two with me and publish their results here. I will send you a bag or two for free.

I would LOVE to see some side by side comparisons of Super Coco vs. any method.
Just wanted to chime in with my respect for what you guys are doing as someone who doesn't have the environment to have bitching experiments like this. Non legal state hydro store bullshit for me. Guys like yourself keep the desperately needed ingenuity going. :joint:

Thats the coolest thing anyones ever said to me. (I know I'm not that cool). Thanks Trevronious. Hey at least you have a hydro shop! My hometown didn't get one till two years ago. Wouldn't you rather walk out that store with ONE bag of soil and not have to return for bottle after bottle?
If you would like to try some Super Coco I'll send you a couple bags no charge if ya can post pics here.

Here was my last experiment. This system could easily do four pounds with just a ounce per plant 16 plants per row. I'm gonna sell some really cheap kits of this once Super Coco is in stores. It is the future of hydroponic growing and the easiest system ever created. You simply connect two feet pieces of pvc into 45 degree angles to form a octagon. The levels drain into a small res and the pumps are always on. A ball valve is installed at the drain end to maintain a flooded state. Heath Robinson the father of modern hydro invented this system and said that the waterfall effect really aerated the water and the roots love it and boy was he right.

After watching the documentary on Victor Shaughberger " Nature was my teacher I realized that the pipes in this system recharge the water. Victor said water was alive and hence was born and died and he showed how lakes rejuvenated themselves by vortex's in the water.


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I would love to check it out. I went from coco to super soil so I know how to work with coco.

Hey headtreep sorry I didn't respond in a timely manner to your pm. I don't have enough testers as of now so I am behind on schedule. Anyone who would like a free bag or two to test pm me for details and no experience is needed I would even like a few first timers. I will have Super Coco in stores shortly and would like for it to have been tested by as many people as possible
This is pretty exciting my friend. I look forward to the results... I grow on a pretty small scale which affords me the opportunity to pay too close attention to my plants. If you don't have any takers that you care for I would be willing to test and document this for you. Good luck though brother. If it turns out good results then I could see paying 39 for it... That's what I payed in Alaska for a bag of FFOF...

Wait....WHAT???? I didn't catch that last part!! You payed 39$ for Ocean forest in Alaska?? WOW I am so tired of the greedy bastards running this industry.

How does 40$ for 9 dry gallons( 1.5 cu ft) and 60$ for 16 dry gallons ( 2.5 cu ft)?

And hang in there folks if you think thats to high. We are still purchasing a bunch of materials at retail because chemical fertilizer is king in all types of agriculture making it hard to find sources of these bulk organics. What's sad is how these farmers are killing the soil with these poisons when all they need is some quality vegetable compost or castings or this or that which we toss in landfills to kill our groundwater.
I use Roots right now and switched from FF products due to the root aphids. Now no root aphids, just gnats. Lots and lots of gnats.

I grow one girl at a time for personal and try to be as clean as possible.

Lets hope your hard work pays off for the users and yourself.
hey chris greenS here im a big fan of super soil and would love to test your coco. and if it works wonderfully im gonna buy 10-30 bags.
Hi Chris, sorry for the misleading post over in the supersoil results thread, I meant no offense. Anyway, I wouldnt mind trying a bag and compare with my own supersoil at some point, I grow with LEDs and its hard for me to tell if the LEDs are simply doing it for me and that my soil recipe could be greatly improved or maybe my soil recipe is simply great. But they say if its not broken dont fix it. (I added greensand in the recipe just recently!!)

I even thought of marketing my own supersoil all premixed / composted for people that dont own their land of simply convenience or for the beginner. But I dont have the knowledge to do so, may be in the far future.

One thing though is I am doing all I can to have a lesser impact on the environment, and I have read bad things about coco. I am in the process of re-using my own supersoil using the bokashi composting method. I like to use local source as much as I can but if there is any way to re-use the coco, then its not a big deal to me to use it especially if it delivers better results (you may want to start experimenting with this, and at some point teaching people how to re-cycle their supercoco for at least one run making it an even better investment. You could have bags of amendments people can buy to simply re-amend their recycled supercoco. Food for thought.

Let me know what you think and let me know what deal do you have for anyone that is willing to test your supercoco. Also mostly interested in what you (an others) have to say about re-using coco.

Relatively new grower here - Just started last year and I have been watching/listening to subcool and he got me interested in supersoil - The problem with supersoil is newbies don't understand enough yet. That's why I appreciate people like you and what you're doing. I currently have a 4x4 600w grow going with 4 plants in 5gal smartpots with a somewhat supersoil from subcool's guide and I have some coco for side-experimenting / learning. I am really interested in what you have been saying about you're supersoil and would love to review/test/report it. I feel like most of the people in here are experienced growers from what I gathered reading the thread - I feel like my testimonial would be good for the spectrum of growers, me being new. Great pitch if new growers can pick it up and get great results.

In the mid-west, let me know good sir and keep up the great work! If it works great I would be gladly purchasing it.
I love to see people trying new things. This super coco really has me interested. I just finished up my 1st super soil run with roots and got great results, but had a few gnats. Switching in the coco sounds like the best thing you could have done to improve the mix. Ive tried DWC, Hempy, bottled organics with soil, and the water only method of super soil was the easiest and produced awsome results. This looks to be a winner. Ive never used coco but that might have to change in the very near future.

Look out folks, this guy is gonna make a real impact in the grow world!!!
Hi Chris, sorry for the misleading post over in the supersoil results thread, I meant no offense. Anyway, I wouldnt mind trying a bag and compare with my own supersoil at some point, I grow with LEDs and its hard for me to tell if the LEDs are simply doing it for me and that my soil recipe could be greatly improved or maybe my soil recipe is simply great. But they say if its not broken dont fix it. (I added greensand in the recipe just recently!!)

I even thought of marketing my own supersoil all premixed / composted for people that dont own their land of simply convenience or for the beginner. But I dont have the knowledge to do so, may be in the far future.

One thing though is I am doing all I can to have a lesser impact on the environment, and I have read bad things about coco. I am in the process of re-using my own supersoil using the bokashi composting method. I like to use local source as much as I can but if there is any way to re-use the coco, then its not a big deal to me to use it especially if it delivers better results (you may want to start experimenting with this, and at some point teaching people how to re-cycle their supercoco for at least one run making it an even better investment. You could have bags of amendments people can buy to simply re-amend their recycled supercoco. Food for thought.

Let me know what you think and let me know what deal do you have for anyone that is willing to test your supercoco. Also mostly interested in what you (an others) have to say about re-using coco.


Thanks but I'm the one who jumped on you yesterday and I am sorry. I have not read these things about coco but I'm sure they are everywhere because the big peat moss guys see their monopoly on potting substrates slip away.

About reusing the soil yes I absolutely think the soil should be reused after it has sat under the sun for a couple months I will put about a 3rd of old soil into my new mix and here is why. The colonies of mycorrhizae are established in the old soil. Throwing in this old soil in the new pile is a great way to supercharge your new soil. This is the last area I have yet to master and I am working on it.

There are a few reasons super soil isn't available. The soil companies are really fertilizer companies whose bread and butter are water-solubles. Next this feat is nearly impossible for the layperson. fortunately I had a firm understanding of organics then devoted two years to find out what potting soil is made of, what it should be made of, then make it. Then there is the logistics and freight. Just so happens when you combine my Father, Brother , and my trade experience you get three people that could build and deliver nearly anything. If you ever watched swamp loggers you've seen it is the most difficult trade out there.My Dad taught that guy from NC's boss how to swamp log

As far as the environment I have a huge guilt. My Fathers creation of the mat logging system where the shovel machine lays trees in a road where the skidders can pull the wood makes it possible to fell timber on a lake.

The equipment company developed the shovel machine Dad got no credit but he didn't know what he had.

A year later the equipment inc invites Dad to Indonesia to offer him the job of showing those natives how to mat log. He went over there and saw million acre tracts of rainforest to be clearcut. the acreage provided by the corrupt government who knows felling a million acres in one place is unheard of by a master timber harvester. We can't stand to see raccoon fall out the trees much less destroy a home of the few remaining tigers.

The story after that gets more depressing so I'll stop but I felt a bit of history was in order.

Anyone can test the soil if they will keep a journal and post the pics here and anywhere.

Thanks endurexx
Relatively new grower here - Just started last year and I have been watching/listening to subcool and he got me interested in supersoil - The problem with supersoil is newbies don't understand enough yet. That's why I appreciate people like you and what you're doing. I currently have a 4x4 600w grow going with 4 plants in 5gal smartpots with a somewhat supersoil from subcool's guide and I have some coco for side-experimenting / learning. I am really interested in what you have been saying about you're supersoil and would love to review/test/report it. I feel like most of the people in here are experienced growers from what I gathered reading the thread - I feel like my testimonial would be good for the spectrum of growers, me being new. Great pitch if new growers can pick it up and get great results.

Hey thanks for following the thread and the very kind words! you(PEOPLE) are great!

Great to see the interest in super soil. Yes nearly everyone is mixing some form of super soil. I see guys buying castings and guano all the time. They are planning on mixing up some kind of super soil. A lot of these people are farmers who know all you need for some crops is horse manure.

Cannabis likes the good stuff! All plants do but most will grow with only one fertilizer source. From the beginning I realized that super soil was special because of the micro fauna from all the different sourses of nutes. These micro fauna chelate the nutrients. Different micro fauna chelate different materials so it is the bio diversity that makes super soil special. It's not steroids but more like nature mainlining V8 juice. You are providing the most superior root environment out there and thats what it's all about. Earthworm castings are also what makes super soil super. Castings can never burn plants and is like super dirt. The guy I buy my castings from grows a lot of herbs in the castings and when I saw those plants I thought those are the healthiest plants I've ever seen. He proceeded to shove em in my nose and damn those terpenes were strong!!! One smelled just like pot and the other smelled just like jacks cleaner! It was definitely the same terpene. He showed me a rose bed that had been growing in a shovel full of castings for ten years with just one shovel full of castings added at the five year mark.

This outrageous terpene output from castings and super soil is also what makes it so special. I have done tests that show dank grown in super soil actually never dries out! I have put it in the 120 degrees attic, outside, in front of a fan, and it may get a little crispy on the edges but it always has the moisture from those terpenes. I think that the tga varieties have a lot to do with this fact.

Yes I need as many testers as I can get pm me for details.
