Super Coco public test thread

Why are you so hostile? Calm down dude, this is a weed site.

You're not doing no side by side, I am not giving YOU a light, I said 3rd party non-biased grower. You are biased. You came onto this thread and told Enduro to check out HGL after he said he had AF600's. I offered a light for a side by side, you came on and trashed my lights, and said HGL is better. That is biased.

And I said I'll give HGL a 50% handicap in watts. And I stand by that.

You do not know anything about my LEDs, you've never used them, but plenty others have and are, and are getting good results, but you are entitled to your opinion. If you think HGL is better, so be it.

Look at The Dawgs thread, look at Beefbiscuits thread, the lights are doing just fine.

If you're happy with HGL products, then keep using them, I am not asking you to use my lights.

You are wrong about everything you said about my lights though, except there is no blue.

you stuff draws more power meaning more money per month more heat
I use 600mA drivers, that is the same as many places, actually less. My LEDs do not run hot, and they are at the proper power for what they are.

140x 6250k + 4250k 3.3v, 600mA
76x red 2.4v, 600mA
76x deep red 2.4v, 600mA
8x farred 3.0v, 600mA

(140 x 3.3v x 600mA) + (152 x 2.4v x 600mA) + (8 x 3.0v x 600mA) + (6 x 12v x 350mA) < fans, with ac/dc conversion, it comes to 593w

So, 593w from 300 LEDs is too much? And where is the heat coming from?

I use top bin LEDs and can prove it, if HGL used top bin LEDs, there'd be datasheets, and they'd be eager to show people. That is why I think my light is better, that and I've use HGL lights, yes, they work great, but there is better. And I am confidant enough to give them a 50% handicap in watts.

My opinion, their biggest flaw is their spectrum, and 60° lenses. Otherwise, they are decent lights.

Lastly, unless you're able to conduct yourself in a positive manner, I am done talking to you.

I rather let the lights do the talking. :peace:

eraser head my hydro grows will rape your fero leds. just becuase the part are made else where dosent mean they use shit parts. it just so happens parts and labour are cheaper over seas. kinda like our economy if you havent noticed. chris for real ttho im not playing i want your coco. and you can bash on hydro grow all you want but ive seen your end products and my bud one month from being done is better looking then most.

not to mention you stuff draws more power meaning more money per month more heat. your light spectrum's blow what really are you trying to put up against my product? because so far i see all power no fineness. you have no blue spectrum which is wonderful for even flower because chlorophyll is active with both red and blue spectrum's throughout the plants life. im more then happy to put up my product vs your but what do i get out fo it? why should i waste my time proving a ignorant non informed hater.

And by the way, I am not from Fero, I am from A51. I just work with Fero on a few projects.
Nice :!: I think it's about time someone offered the small grower a sensible easy to use product. If it does what you claim it can do the cost may be worth it :?: Sorry but I'm not one of the testers you seek. The $40 per plant you cited is not bad but I'm too cheap. My plants are smaller 1.5 to 2 oz.each. 3 plants per grow for $20. Anything more than that is too much for me. It's not a case of cannot afford, it's will not invest that much. It's not worth it for something so simple and easy to grow. I agree with you on the insect issues. Every commercial mix I tried seems to come with some type. That's one reason I like coco. Its easy to use and critters aren't trying to feed on it. I believe the list of components you are using is pretty much self explanatory except for the Perlite. What can perlite do for coco :?: I believe it already has excellent drainage and aeration beyond anything perlite can do.
Hi, I am in Atlanta and would love to test the supercoco. Please let me know how I can get it. I am not asking for it free and am perfectly willing to pay for some. Thanks!
Here is a good competition idea for you, it's going to be all about light, HPS-MH-LEDs-CFLs-Inductions, whatever it is that you love... and to make it fair everybody will grow in a free bag of supercoco, could be a competition that would start Dec. 1st, all from seed, 2 seeds per contestant and no more than 9 weeks strain for flowering time veg for 30 days from seed and on Jan 1st everybody flip to 12/12, whoever gets the biggest yield wins a BRAND NEW AREA 51 LED light!!!, not any light, the top of the line!! ( Eraserhead dont get mad at me, I am sure you can afford a 600W if we got enough people can you ? :bigjoint: )Talk about hitting 2 birds with one stone, you will get all the attention you want on your supercoco, many testers and a friendly competition to go along with it and a GREAT prize for the winner. People would have to register before November 15th to make sure they get their super coco in time.


I am just putting the word out, seems like Eraserhead and Chris are dying to give away great stuff!! Let's have fun this winter!! Open to everyone!!

Nice :!: I think it's about time someone offered the small grower a sensible easy to use product. If it does what you claim it can do the cost may be worth it :?: Sorry but I'm not one of the testers you seek. The $40 per plant you cited is not bad but I'm too cheap. My plants are smaller 1.5 to 2 oz.each. 3 plants per grow for $20. Anything more than that is too much for me. It's not a case of cannot afford, it's will not invest that much. It's not worth it for something so simple and easy to grow. I agree with you on the insect issues. Every commercial mix I tried seems to come with some type. That's one reason I like coco. Its easy to use and critters aren't trying to feed on it. I believe the list of components you are using is pretty
much self explanatory except for the Perlite. What can perlite do for coco :?: I believe it already has excellent drainage and aeration beyond anything perlite can do.

I concur. THanks for stopping in.

First off that 40$ per plant is wrong(my bad). One bag fills at least two 7 gallon pots which are what is in the pictures. So it would be 20$ a plant.

But I suppose you are using 3-5 gallon pots. So it would cost you more like TEN DOLLARS per plant.

I'm going to buy some pots and I'll tell you today what you can do with a small bag(1.5 cu ft=9 dry gallons) 5 gallons= 4.65 dry gallons.

This thread will demonstrate that Super Coco is the cheapest growing method ever.

What size pot are you growing in?

The perlite is there because of the large amount of earthworm castings in the mix can be like mud. The compost and greensand can have this effect.

One word. Friability. I wanted the best texture ever and perlite has to be there in this mix.

Thanks for the questions. I swear potheads growers are the most intelligent people
Here is a good competition idea for you, it's going to be all about light, HPS-MH-LEDs-CFLs-Inductions, whatever it is that you love... and to make it fair everybody will grow in a free bag of supercoco, could be a competition that would start Dec. 1st, all from seed, 2 seeds per contestant and no more than 9 weeks strain for flowering time veg for 30 days from seed and on Jan 1st everybody flip to 12/12, whoever gets the biggest yield wins a BRAND NEW AREA 51 LED light!!!, not any light, the top of the line!! ( Eraserhead dont get mad at me, I am sure you can afford a 600W if we got enough people can you ? :bigjoint: )Talk about hitting 2 birds with one stone, you will get all the attention you want on your supercoco, many testers and a friendly competition to go along with it and a GREAT prize for the winner. People would have to register before November 15th to make sure they get their super coco in time.


I am just putting the word out, seems like Eraserhead and Chris are dying to give away great stuff!! Let's have fun this winter!! Open to everyone!!


I'm down I gotta free bag for anyone in this contest. Lets start a thread on it.
Hi, I am in Atlanta and would love to test the supercoco. Please let me know how I can get it. I am not asking for it free and am perfectly willing to pay for some. Thanks!

Hotlanta!!! You ever hear of a band called perpetual groove? I'll get some test bags up to ya'lls store asap. Which one do you use? Graphic designer is almost done with the bags. Then its three weeks and I'll have bags. In between that time I am offering to send testers to stores.
I was just thinking about the price of the product. That is a big issue I hoped to resolve here.

40$ 1.5 cu ft 9 dry gallons. You can't even buy a bag of soil and castings for that amount. The more I think about it this product is worth more but my intentions are to make money and make people happy. I want them to feel like they spent their money wisely after buying a bag. I believe they will feel better and better about the purchase the more they think about it and compare to every other method. I think they will be continue to find reasons that Super Coco is better than other products. I think I'll save a bunch of guys a bunch of money.
Why are you so hostile? Calm down dude, this is a weed site.

You're not doing no side by side, I am not giving YOU a light, I said 3rd party non-biased grower. You are biased. You came onto this thread and told Enduro to check out HGL after he said he had AF600's. I offered a light for a side by side, you came on and trashed my lights, and said HGL is better. That is biased.

And I said I'll give HGL a 50% handicap in watts. And I stand by that.

im not hostile at all i wont sit here and have some half witted moron tell me about leds lol. GL is thes best in my opinion becuase ive done the research. if you havent thats your shit to deal with. i dont want your light i wanna prove you know nothing geti it? chris you need to

You do not know anything about my LEDs, you've never used them, but plenty others have and are, and are getting good results, but you are entitled to your opinion. If you think HGL is better, so be it.

Look at The Dawgs thread, look at Beefbiscuits thread, the lights are doing just fine.

If you're happy with HGL products, then keep using them, I am not asking you to use my lights.

You are wrong about everything you said about my lights though, except there is no blue.

I use 600mA drivers, that is the same as many places, actually less. My LEDs do not run hot, and they are at the proper power for what they are.

140x 6250k + 4250k 3.3v, 600mA
76x red 2.4v, 600mA
76x deep red 2.4v, 600mA
8x farred 3.0v, 600mA

(140 x 3.3v x 600mA) + (152 x 2.4v x 600mA) + (8 x 3.0v x 600mA) + (6 x 12v x 350mA) < fans, with ac/dc conversion, it comes to 593w

So, 593w from 300 LEDs is too much? And where is the heat coming from?

I use top bin LEDs and can prove it, if HGL used top bin LEDs, there'd be datasheets, and they'd be eager to show people. That is why I think my light is better, that and I've use HGL lights, yes, they work great, but there is better. And I am confidant enough to give them a 50% handicap in watts.

My opinion, their biggest flaw is their spectrum, and 60° lenses. Otherwise, they are decent lights.

Lastly, unless you're able to conduct yourself in a positive manner, I am done talking to you.

I rather let the lights do the talking. :peace:

And by the way, I am not from Fero, I am from A51. I just work with Fero on a few projects.

ide love to put your un informed ass in place. not only am i gonna do a hgl but im gonna do one in super soil one in hydro and one in coco just to show you know nothing =). chris please msg me so i can get detail on your coco plz i want some even if its 40 bucks a bag. just do me a favor erasertard show up for the next comp. becuase not only am i gonna win your light but right after im gonna throw it away or pawn it ahahahahahah.
You're gonna put me in place? Good luck with that.

You're just an internet tough guy trying to convince everyone with your best grammar that you're better than them.

You will not be entering any contest I host, you're automatically disqualified, because it is a contest for adults that aren't a douche.

So, have fun with your keyboard warrior campaign, I do not have time for you anymore, you're on my ignore list. Anything you say from here on, I will not see. And I'm sure with your shitty attitude, most others will skip past what you said as well.

Do you think it's a coincidence that your Youtube video has almost no views? Do you think it's a coincidence that your threads have little traffic? It's because you're a jackass.

And by the way, you are a pretty shitty grower. You really need to brush up on your skills before talking the way you do.

Have a nice day :fire:

ide love to put your un informed ass in place. not only am i gonna do a hgl but im gonna do one in super soil one in hydro and one in coco just to show you know nothing =). chris please msg me so i can get detail on your coco plz i want some even if its 40 bucks a bag. just do me a favor erasertard show up for the next comp. becuase not only am i gonna win your light but right after im gonna throw it away or pawn it ahahahahahah.
You're gonna put me in place? Good luck with that.

You're just an internet tough guy trying to convince everyone with your best grammar that you're better than them.

You will not be entering any contest I host, you're automatically disqualified, because it is a contest for adults that aren't a douche.

So, have fun with your keyboard warrior campaign, I do not have time for you anymore, you're on my ignore list. Anything you say from here on, I will not see. And I'm sure with your shitty attitude, most others will skip past what you said as well.

Do you think it's a coincidence that your Youtube video has almost no views? Do you think it's a coincidence that your threads have little traffic? It's because you're a jackass.

And by the way, you are a pretty shitty grower. You really need to brush up on your skills before talking the way you do.

Have a nice day :fire:

I missed what happened here but lets leave it at that, huh gents? Thanks alot.
will do chris still wanting that coco. and eraser i didnt wanna prove im better. i simply wont sit here and have you bad mouth hgl. when your light has missing spectrum's
meaning its poop. or at least thats my opinion. but you are right i got to heated for that i apologize.
Just came across this thread today. And its exactly what I wanted to do. I've been wanting to do an organic grow, and to me organic doesn't come in a bottle. So I've been reading up on SS, and I was going to use a coco based soil substitute called Basement Mix instead of potting soil as the base (I hate peat also). But you've come up with the finished product, in a package size I can store. I would really like to try your product, I'd cut it with the Basement. And I wanted to run SS through one of my Soil-Ponics hempy bucket. (Which by the way IS the cheapest possible way to grow) but it isn't organic. Hope to see your product in Colorado hydro shops soon.
If it turns out good results then I could see paying 39 for it... That's what I payed in Alaska for a bag of FFOF...

I have a few relatives in Alaska but I'm dam glad I don't live there.

I was just thinking about the price of the product. That is a big issue I hoped to resolve here.

40$ 1.5 cu ft 9 dry gallons. You can't even buy a bag of soil and castings for that amount. The more I think about it this product is worth more but my intentions are to make money and make people happy.

As I said earlier

Nice I think it's about time someone offered the small grower a sensible easy to use product. If it does what you claim it can do the cost may be worth it

I also have another opioion I'd like to share with the readers.

People like dabumps have little to no choice therefore a product like yours would be a deal.

People in the rest of the world paying prices like that are in need of a psychological evaluation :idea: or too dam lazy to do simple research.

I currently pay $20 total for 2 cubic feet of Organic Pro-Mix and 30 pounds of castings.

PRO-MIX® Ultimate Organic Mix
Model Number: 0470P | Menards® SKU: 2667665

$6.99 SKU: 708941

Those of you in need of an evaluation are buying the same castings from places like this :confused:
Order #WOR30LBS
Wiggle Worm
Worm Castings
30 Pounds

Yes I am aware that all castings are not the same type or price but the one listed will cost nearly 300% more if you don't or won't take time to read.
Hi Chris, I am in the process of researching soilless mixes, and i came across this thread. I am interested in making my own soilless mix from scratch using coco as the main ingredient. In the past i have used peat moss but am not satisfied with it. I have a few questions for you. Is this product similar to subcools supersoil recipe? If i understand you correctly you can plant directly in this mix without having to put it only in the bottom of the pot and put something milder on top and let the plant grow into it, is this correct?

Can you give me some pointers as to how to make my own coco based mix from scratch? I realize you may not want to reveal your exact recipe to the general public, but any advice you can give would be appreciated. If your product makes it to my area i would probably buy it if it were at a reasonable price, but I have always been a DYI type of person, and enjoy getting my hands dirty in the garden.

currently I use a mix of the following:
5 parts peat moss (will be switching this to coco when i run out of the bales of peat moss)
3 parts pearlite
2 parts worm castings
1 cup powdered dolomite lime per cubic foot
4 cups Epsoma Plant Tone per cubic foot

The mix is good for vegging and for flowering i top dress the mix with Epsoma Flower Tone and water it in.

I would really prefer to make a mix I can use from start to finish by just adding water throughout veg and flower. Any advice for me?

I thought about using the above mix as a substitute for the Roots Organic that the subcool recipe calls for and just following the subcool recipe, how do you think that would work?
what would you say the main differences between the super coco vs super soil? 30 per bag isnt too bad for 1.5 cu feet of super charged soil, comparable to the prebagged TGA Brand super soil.

also what would you say are the key differences in the performance of the super cocoa vs super soil? other than the lack of a need to layer the soil to keep the hot spot at the bottom so the plant grows into the nutrients at will vs bein present in all the soil?

what kind of myco are you using to innoculate the mix? i would suggest researching Laccaria Bicolor, its a great one and compliments other bennies well.

ive been using roots for a few years now and really enjoy the product (no bug issues as Sunlight Supply doesnt handle my roots, or store it down the road from the dump with FFOF) right now on a small 15 bag order its around 14-15 $ per bag special order with shipping included.

just read through the whole thread and had a few questions still, the proof is in the pudding, im anticipating seeing what others can do with the mix, and how it holds up vs roots soil, super soil, and other mixes.

So, the question remains, HOW CAN I ORDER YOUR SUPERCOCO?

That is the one question I have not seen answered in this thread.'

BTW - I think the Medical Marijuana Mix is only available locally in Michigan. The guys that make it are trying to get distribution outlets but apparently having a rough time. It is supposed to basically be a clone of subcool's supersoil.

Also BTW Eraserhead and Greenskrillex - why don't you guys find somewhere else to fight it out? As entertaining as all the posturing and testosterone powered proclamations are, we all know that they will ultimately come to nothing. So you might as well find a more highly publicized thread to trash each other. That way you can be guaranteed a larger audience.