Scary Stories for the Halloween Month

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Tell us your "true" stories of ghostly or paranormal encounters. It doesn't have to be something that happened to you. A local urban legend or haunted house story passed down is fine. I'll start it out with a skinwalker story. Not the hollywood bullshit or some romance novelist's caricature. The real deal. A little backstory to help you understand what the Hell I'm talkin' about should help.

In the Navajo Creation story there was a time when the Holy People used messengers to communicate with the five fingered, earth surface people (humans). These messengers were given gifts and attributes that helped them communicate their will throughout the area within the four sacred mountains. With the understanding that they would someday return what was given. They were given the ability to take on the attributes of any animal whose skin they wore but keep human intelligence. They had the ability to move at great speeds. They can become a shadow. They can immobilize you. When the Holy People asked for their gifts back, most of them complied. A few decided they didn't want to give anything back and disappeared into history. Which gives us today's skinwalkers.

Once they corrupted the Blessing Way the gifts were twisted into causing chaos rather than harmony/balance. Now they can stall cars and jam guns on top of the old tricks. They have corpse powder that can kill you if they blow it in your face and can shoot bones from a tube under your skin which causes illness and death. They are the Navajo version of satanists but on steroids.

When my parents were first married they managed a trading post at Salina Springs. My two oldest siblings spent most of their early childhood there. My parents spent a lot of time with a particular family that had lived in the area for generations. They used to sit and talk about history and tradition. On rare occasions they would talk about skinwalkers. Navajos really don't like to talk about them. In fact it was believed in some areas that to know anything about them made you suspect. My dad became good friends with a member of that family. They both rode the local rodeo circuit and spent a lot of time together on the road. My dad used to joke with him about skinwalkers. His buddy had gone to boarding school and didn't know much about his own culture. He was like a stranger in his own land. He eventually joined the service and spent a couple of years away from the homestead. When he came home for a visit he found his family in turmoil. Someone or something was breaking into the sheep pens at night and taking one or two sheep a night. They tried everything. Locks. Barbed Wire. They even built the fence up to around 9 feet in one corral and moved all the sheep into it. The sheep kept disappearing.

One of the uncles (extended families live on the same land) decided to hide in a nearby shed with a shotgun when all else failed. Early in the morning the uncle heard what sounded like a horse coming down the road at full gallop. As it got closer he could hear dogs howling and crying from all over the area. The corral the sheep were kept in was between the road and shed. He couldn't see what was coming up the road. Finally, the sound stopped abruptly at the other end of the corral closest to the road. He said he saw two bright glowing objects shining through the slats in the corral. He finally realized after watching for a while that they were eyes. That's when he realized what he was dealing with. He raised his gun to shoot and the gun would not discharge. He checked the safety and the bullet chamber to make sure that wasn't the problem. He just couldn't get it to work. The skinwalker heard the noise and started around the side of the corral. The uncle lit the coleman lantern to keep it at bay and it retreated to the other side of the corral again. Then he said it made a noise that caused the hair on the back of his neck to stand up. It was mimicking a baby crying. He said it sounded almost exactly like a baby. It was the "almost" the made his hair stand up. He said the cry had an edge to it. Like something hard and cruel. Without compassion. Like a predator luring in prey for the kill. He didn't know what to do and realized he probably didn't have much time. His family heard the commotion with the dogs and came to investigate. The porch light came on and the creature faded into the darkness. He said it just melted into the shadows and was gone.

When my dad's friend was told this story he just laughed and said joked that his uncle had been drinking too much that night. His uncle took offense and challenged him to sleep in the pen that night. My dad's friend accepted. He wasn't afraid of the dark. He spent two years in the military, rode the rodeo circuit and could fight like a prize fighter. He grabbed a tarp, his sleeping bag and pillows and bedded down in the pen. Around 2am the family awoke to blood curdling screams coming from the sheep pen. They said the screams were terrible. It sounded like someone was being tortured. They ran outside with guns and lights only to find my dad's friend sitting in the yard with his sleeping bag around him. There were huge rips in the bag. Rips that looked like claw marks. My dad's friend was still screaming. He was pale and his eyes were practically bulging out of their sockets. He was in his twenties and the hair at his temples had gone white. His family could not get him to snap out of it. They called the police and he was taken to the closest hospital. The doctors said he almost died from shock.

To the day he died he never regained his complete sanity. He kept slipping in and out. All he would say about his encounter was, "Ma'ii tsoh! Ma'ii tsoh!" Which is the name for Wolf in Navajo and another word for skinwalker. My dad used to visit him but he said his friend just wasn't there anymore. About ten years ago they found him dead one morning in his yard. He was lying on his back and staring up at the sky. There was an autopsy. Not a mark on him or any reason for his sudden death. According to the report he died sometime that night. For some reason he was outside after dark. Something he never did after his encounter. To this day it's a mystery.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
Tell us your "true" stories of ghostly or paranormal encounters. It doesn't have to be something that happened to you. A local urban legend or haunted house story passed down is fine. I'll start it out with a skinwalker story. Not the hollywood bullshit or some romance novelist's caricature. The real deal. A little backstory to help you understand what the Hell I'm talkin' about should help.

In the Navajo Creation story there was a time when the Holy People used messengers to communicate with the five fingered, earth surface people (humans). These messengers were given gifts and attributes that helped them communicate their will throughout the area within the four sacred mountains. With the understanding that they would someday return what was given. They were given the ability to take on the attributes of any animal whose skin they wore but keep human intelligence. They had the ability to move at great speeds. They can become a shadow. They can immobilize you. When the Holy People asked for their gifts back, most of them complied. A few decided they didn't want to give anything back and disappeared into history. Which gives us today's skinwalkers.

Once they corrupted the Blessing Way the gifts were twisted into causing chaos rather than harmony/balance. Now they can stall cars and jam guns on top of the old tricks. They have corpse powder that can kill you if they blow it in your face and can shoot bones from a tube under your skin which causes illness and death. They are the Navajo version of satanists but on steroids.

When my parents were first married they managed a trading post at Salina Springs. My two oldest siblings spent most of their early childhood there. My parents spent a lot of time with a particular family that had lived in the area for generations. They used to sit and talk about history and tradition. On rare occasions they would talk about skinwalkers. Navajos really don't like to talk about them. In fact it was believed in some areas that to know anything about them made you suspect. My dad became good friends with a member of that family. They both rode the local rodeo circuit and spent a lot of time together on the road. My dad used to joke with him about skinwalkers. His buddy had gone to boarding school and didn't know much about his own culture. He was like a stranger in his own land. He eventually joined the service and spent a couple of years away from the homestead. When he came home for a visit he found his family in turmoil. Someone or something was breaking into the sheep pens at night and taking one or two sheep a night. They tried everything. Locks. Barbed Wire. They even built the fence up to around 9 feet in one corral and moved all the sheep into it. The sheep kept disappearing.

One of the uncles (extended families live on the same land) decided to hide in a nearby shed with a shotgun when all else failed. Early in the morning the uncle heard what sounded like a horse coming down the road at full gallop. As it got closer he could hear dogs howling and crying from all over the area. The corral the sheep were kept in was between the road and shed. He couldn't see what was coming up the road. Finally, the sound stopped abruptly at the other end of the corral closest to the road. He said he saw two bright glowing objects shining through the slats in the corral. He finally realized after watching for a while that they were eyes. That's when he realized what he was dealing with. He raised his gun to shoot and the gun would not discharge. He checked the safety and the bullet chamber to make sure that wasn't the problem. He just couldn't get it to work. The skinwalker heard the noise and started around the side of the corral. The uncle lit the coleman lantern to keep it at bay and it retreated to the other side of the corral again. Then he said it made a noise that caused the hair on the back of his neck to stand up. It was mimicking a baby crying. He said it sounded almost exactly like a baby. It was the "almost" the made his hair stand up. He said the cry had an edge to it. Like something hard and cruel. Without compassion. Like a predator luring in prey for the kill. He didn't know what to do and realized he probably didn't have much time. His family heard the commotion with the dogs and came to investigate. The porch light came on and the creature faded into the darkness. He said it just melted into the shadows and was gone.

When my dad's friend was told this story he just laughed and said joked that his uncle had been drinking too much that night. His uncle took offense and challenged him to sleep in the pen that night. My dad's friend accepted. He wasn't afraid of the dark. He spent two years in the military, rode the rodeo circuit and could fight like a prize fighter. He grabbed a tarp, his sleeping bag and pillows and bedded down in the pen. Around 2am the family awoke to blood curdling screams coming from the sheep pen. They said the screams were terrible. It sounded like someone was being tortured. They ran outside with guns and lights only to find my dad's friend sitting in the yard with his sleeping bag around him. There were huge rips in the bag. Rips that looked like claw marks. My dad's friend was still screaming. He was pale and his eyes were practically bulging out of their sockets. He was in his twenties and the hair at his temples had gone white. His family could not get him to snap out of it. They called the police and he was taken to the closest hospital. The doctors said he almost died from shock.

To the day he died he never regained his complete sanity. He kept slipping in and out. All he would say about his encounter was, "Ma'ii tsoh! Ma'ii tsoh!" Which is the name for Wolf in Navajo and another word for skinwalker. My dad used to visit him but he said his friend just wasn't there anymore. About ten years ago they found him dead one morning in his yard. He was lying on his back and staring up at the sky. There was an autopsy. Not a mark on him or any reason for his sudden death. According to the report he died sometime that night. For some reason he was outside after dark. Something he never did after his encounter. To this day it's a mystery.
Carne my family were fascinated by your story, have you got anymore?


Well-Known Member
I have a couple about local bodies of water. The first is a very large lake. There's a story that a girl, around 11 or 12 went swimming one day wearing a pink one-piece suit and something caused her to sink down and drown. The urban legend is that if any girl wears a pink suit in the lake, the little girl will swim up and pull them down by the ankles and drown them.

The other story is of a lake that I own land on and camp on almost year round. It was at one point called "nigger pond" but has since been changed, and honestly I don't even know the new name but if you refer to it as nigger pond to anyone in the area they know what your talking about so its never been an issue. It's widely believed (including by me) that there are slave corpses in the bottom of the lake, and that on the night that any of the given slaves were killed, you can see them walking the shore, or even on the water. There's actually been a few times where I would wake up in the middle of the night to check my catfish lines and I swear I've seen them in my peripherals and when you look over, you can see them for a second or two before they disappear into whatever direction they were walking.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My favorite story of all time.

My dad's cousin was driving back to Gallup from Window Rock. It was about 2am and he was pretty tired. The road he was on was famous for skinwalker encounters and was a little nervous. He was about 50 miles outside of Gallup when he heard something hit the side of his truck. He looked out the passenger side window and saw a face staring back at him. Driving down the road. It scared the living shit out of him and he sped up. Whatever it was kept even with him. He had heard about skinwalkers keeping up with cars on the road but he never believed it before. He sped up to about 60-65 mph and it kept pace. The road was getting dangerous so he decided to take a stand. He had his revolver in the glove box. He planned to slam on his brakes, grab the gun and fight for his life. He was terrified.

He saw a pull-out up ahead so he slammed on his brakes and careened into the pull-out almost overturning his vehicle. He grabbed the gun, flipped the safety and had his finger on the trigger by the time he swung the gun around to fire. Only to see someone holding a gun on him. He nearly shot out the window until he realized that what he was seeing was his own reflection.


Well-Known Member
I remember being very young,me and some friends were playing on a road next to a wooded area,and we looked into the woods,and their were like a glowing light,like the shape of a human,but with a more bright glow to it,I'm the first one to see it,so I asked the other,do yall see that bright glow of the shape of a person in that area right their,they were like yeah we see it.We back up and as soon as we did that it came closer,we backed up more and more,and it got closer more and more,and almost out of the wooded are onto the road we were standing on,and then.......I don't know,we hald ass the fuck outta their,we were so shook.


Well-Known Member
I have tons. We were sitting around the fire pit last night telling skinwalker stories. Scared ourselves silly.
Any that you have experienced?Love your story telling btw:),and when its daylight I'll post my ghost story lmao...........but seriously its making my hair stand up just thinking about it.:shock:


Well-Known Member
Tell us your "true" stories of ghostly or paranormal encounters. It doesn't have to be something that happened to you. A local urban legend or haunted house story passed down is fine. I'll start it out with a skinwalker story. Not the hollywood bullshit or some romance novelist's caricature. The real deal. A little backstory to help you understand what the Hell I'm talkin' about should help.

In the Navajo Creation story there was a time when the Holy People used messengers to communicate with the five fingered, earth surface people (humans). These messengers were given gifts and attributes that helped them communicate their will throughout the area within the four sacred mountains. With the understanding that they would someday return what was given. They were given the ability to take on the attributes of any animal whose skin they wore but keep human intelligence. They had the ability to move at great speeds. They can become a shadow. They can immobilize you. When the Holy People asked for their gifts back, most of them complied. A few decided they didn't want to give anything back and disappeared into history. Which gives us today's skinwalkers.

Once they corrupted the Blessing Way the gifts were twisted into causing chaos rather than harmony/balance. Now they can stall cars and jam guns on top of the old tricks. They have corpse powder that can kill you if they blow it in your face and can shoot bones from a tube under your skin which causes illness and death. They are the Navajo version of satanists but on steroids.

When my parents were first married they managed a trading post at Salina Springs. My two oldest siblings spent most of their early childhood there. My parents spent a lot of time with a particular family that had lived in the area for generations. They used to sit and talk about history and tradition. On rare occasions they would talk about skinwalkers. Navajos really don't like to talk about them. In fact it was believed in some areas that to know anything about them made you suspect. My dad became good friends with a member of that family. They both rode the local rodeo circuit and spent a lot of time together on the road. My dad used to joke with him about skinwalkers. His buddy had gone to boarding school and didn't know much about his own culture. He was like a stranger in his own land. He eventually joined the service and spent a couple of years away from the homestead. When he came home for a visit he found his family in turmoil. Someone or something was breaking into the sheep pens at night and taking one or two sheep a night. They tried everything. Locks. Barbed Wire. They even built the fence up to around 9 feet in one corral and moved all the sheep into it. The sheep kept disappearing.

One of the uncles (extended families live on the same land) decided to hide in a nearby shed with a shotgun when all else failed. Early in the morning the uncle heard what sounded like a horse coming down the road at full gallop. As it got closer he could hear dogs howling and crying from all over the area. The corral the sheep were kept in was between the road and shed. He couldn't see what was coming up the road. Finally, the sound stopped abruptly at the other end of the corral closest to the road. He said he saw two bright glowing objects shining through the slats in the corral. He finally realized after watching for a while that they were eyes. That's when he realized what he was dealing with. He raised his gun to shoot and the gun would not discharge. He checked the safety and the bullet chamber to make sure that wasn't the problem. He just couldn't get it to work. The skinwalker heard the noise and started around the side of the corral. The uncle lit the coleman lantern to keep it at bay and it retreated to the other side of the corral again. Then he said it made a noise that caused the hair on the back of his neck to stand up. It was mimicking a baby crying. He said it sounded almost exactly like a baby. It was the "almost" the made his hair stand up. He said the cry had an edge to it. Like something hard and cruel. Without compassion. Like a predator luring in prey for the kill. He didn't know what to do and realized he probably didn't have much time. His family heard the commotion with the dogs and came to investigate. The porch light came on and the creature faded into the darkness. He said it just melted into the shadows and was gone.

When my dad's friend was told this story he just laughed and said joked that his uncle had been drinking too much that night. His uncle took offense and challenged him to sleep in the pen that night. My dad's friend accepted. He wasn't afraid of the dark. He spent two years in the military, rode the rodeo circuit and could fight like a prize fighter. He grabbed a tarp, his sleeping bag and pillows and bedded down in the pen. Around 2am the family awoke to blood curdling screams coming from the sheep pen. They said the screams were terrible. It sounded like someone was being tortured. They ran outside with guns and lights only to find my dad's friend sitting in the yard with his sleeping bag around him. There were huge rips in the bag. Rips that looked like claw marks. My dad's friend was still screaming. He was pale and his eyes were practically bulging out of their sockets. He was in his twenties and the hair at his temples had gone white. His family could not get him to snap out of it. They called the police and he was taken to the closest hospital. The doctors said he almost died from shock.

To the day he died he never regained his complete sanity. He kept slipping in and out. All he would say about his encounter was, "Ma'ii tsoh! Ma'ii tsoh!" Which is the name for Wolf in Navajo and another word for skinwalker. My dad used to visit him but he said his friend just wasn't there anymore. About ten years ago they found him dead one morning in his yard. He was lying on his back and staring up at the sky. There was an autopsy. Not a mark on him or any reason for his sudden death. According to the report he died sometime that night. For some reason he was outside after dark. Something he never did after his encounter. To this day it's a mystery.
Long story, but glad I took the time to read it. I like the urban legend type of thing, not all the bullshit TV stuff.
When I ws younger, I had a very good friend who was the head bartender at a bar I frequented, and she was full blooded Cherokee, and I always wanted to ask her if she had any stories like that, but we would always get interrupted.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Any that you have experienced?Love your story telling btw:),and when its daylight I'll post my ghost story lmao...........but seriously its making my hair stand up just thinking about it.:shock:
Now this is a dig into the distant past. I didn't want to share this one because people would think I'm crazier than I really am.

Many moons ago when I was a teenager I had my worst encounter. I was working a summer job at a convenience store. I had the graveyard shift. It wasn't too bad. I had a friend that was a sheriff and he would come in to the store and visit for a couple of hours. There were gas pumps in the front and back of the store. It was my responsibility to make sure the parking lot and gas pump area was kept clean. I would wait until around 2am to start sweeping due to low traffic. There were nights I would get a little creeped out but usually it was pretty nice. At this time there was construction getting ready next door and they had completely leveled the area next to the store. Not a bush or shrub to be found in an area that was about the size of a football field. Between the parking lot and that construction area was a large trash bin (I'm bringing this up for a reason). The landscape was flat and there were no tall trees or brush to obstruct your view. During nights of the full moon you can see for miles.

I had been working for about a month and never really had any problems. The patrons were pretty cool. Most of them were Navajo. I really didn't have anything to worry about.

Or so I thought.

One night I had just finished with the sweeping. I kept a close eye on the door to make sure no one would sneak in and try to rob the register or steal something. I walked in the door and headed back to the storeroom to return the broom when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I turned and saw something black huddled in the northern corner of the store. It was crouched down like it was hiding. I froze. It stood up and I realized it was a young Navajo man. There was something strange about him. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. I don't know what it was about him but I instinctively knew something was off. I asked him what he was doing and he just said, "can I use your phone?" He started walking towards me with his head down. By this time I had returned to the register area. The closer he got the more I felt I needed to get away from him. By the time he got to the counter I was backed up at the opposite end. I did not want to get close to him. It was irrational but I couldn't help myself. He raised his head and asked me again if he could use the phone. There were tears his eyes and I could tell he had been crying for awhile. I reached under the counter and handed him the phone and quickly backed up. I felt like a rabbit being scrutinized by a mountain lion. I don't know who he called and I don't really want to know. He said in Navajo, "I did it. I did it and I can't go back." He kept saying it over and over again. His voice was getting hoarse and he was sobbing. Then he just stopped like someone had shut off the sound on a radio or television. He just stood there with the phone in his hand. I had this crazy sense of fear coming over me. It was almost like it was coming from him and hitting me in waves. I had this feeling that he was working himself up to do something. Then he set the phone down and wandered to the back of the store. I didn't know what to do. He kept looking at me while he was going through the aisles.

My sheriff buddy showed up. That kid slipped out the back door like an eel. It was almost inhuman the way he moved. He turned to look at me and I nearly fainted. I swear to all that's holy that his eyes were larger. Almost too big for his head. It was the strangest thing I've ever had the misfortune to see. I told my sheriff friend what happened and he went outside with his flashlight and scoured the vicinity. The kid was gone. He stayed with me until my shift was over.

The next night I parked my car next to the back walk that is on the north side of the property. At about 3am I finished cleaning the parking lot and gas pump areas. I came inside and put everything up. When I came out of the storage area I saw a large dog walking through the north gas pump area close to the trash bins. The last thing I wanted was a stray dog getting in the bins and causing a mess. I ran to the door and yelled at the dog. I was trying to scare it off. That when I noticed it didn't have a tail and it was walking funny. Like someone using a dog pelt as camoflauge. It scared the fuck out of me. I shut the door and locked it and started to back away. Then like a regular dog it started running towards the large trash bin. I shrugged off what I saw as nerves and took off after it. The construction crew had filled the trash bin that day and I really didn't want to have to clean up the mess. I saw the dog run behind the trash bin. I followed right behind, turned the corner and nothing. No dog. Nothing. Not even tracks. In the sand. Nothing. I ran back to the store like Satan himself was after me. I kept the store locked for the rest of the night and only unlocked it to let patrons in. After my shift I walked to my car to leave. I noticed something all over the hood and windshield. When I got close enough to get a clear view, I saw dog prints. My car was in full view the entire night. I didn't see a thing.

The following night was my night off. I had a rehearsal that evening so I spent most of it on stage. When I got home I was exhausted. I showered and went to bed. It was warm that night so I left the window over my bed open. There was a nice steady breeze and the curtains were fluttering back and forth. I heard dogs in the distance start to howl and yap. Like when a siren goes by. Then our dogs started in. I kept hearing a noise like a horse galloping down the road. It would fade in and out but slowly the sound grew louder. Then I heard something hit the wall outside my bedroom. It was more of a sliding scratchy sound. Like a large animal rubbing up against the wall. I kept hearing it over and over again. I switched on my lamp and quickly got dressed. When I entered the hallway I could hear something running back and forth across the roof. It woke my mom and dad up and my dad came out of his room. He didn't even ask. He just said to stay in the house and it would leave eventually. This went on for about 20 minutes. Finally it quit and the dogs died down. It was over. My dad and I talked about it for awhile and then I went to bed. I shut the lamp off and realized i had left the window open. I turned to shut it and saw two glowing red eyes staring at me through the slits in the curtains as they blew open from the breeze. The eyes were about 7 feet off the ground. I froze. I was petrified. I would have to say it was the most frightened I have ever been. I was too scared to move. I just sat there as the wind kept blowing the curtains and showing those eyes. For some reason it turned it's head and looked towards the river. I started yelling for my dad and it was gone. Just like that. I didn't even see it move. It just vanished.

The next day we looked for tracks but the ground was too hard to find anything definitive. My mom called a relative that knew how to deal with stuff like this. Whatever he did, it worked. The visitations stopped. What I saw through the window looked similar to this:

I only saw the upper torso but the markings were similar.


Well-Known Member
My god, Carne. You tell a riveting story. That is some truly chilling shit. I've never had any paranormal experiences myself, but I do have a very open mind about it.

I hope you're not just pulling our legs with these stories. I'm pretty fascinated by what you've said in this thread.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My god, Carne. You tell a riveting story. That is some truly chilling shit. I've never had any paranormal experiences myself, but I do have a very open mind about it.

I hope you're not just pulling our legs with these stories. I'm pretty fascinated by what you've said in this thread.
I wish I was pulling your leg. Seriously. I'd rather be spinning a yarn than have this memory in my head. As I said before, they don't call this the land of enchantment for shits and giggles.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
I wish I was pulling your leg. Seriously. I'd rather be spinning a yarn than have this memory in my head. As I said before, they don't call this the land of enchantment for shits and giggles.
Omg that was amazing, I can't wait to read it to my family, i would love to visit where you live it sounds like somewhere out of the movies, and I would love to talk to your family about your ancesters you are a very Interesting person Carne thank you for that.
A Short scare my brother told me around a campfire when I was a kid - still haven't forgotten it after all these years (probably not true, but creeps me out non the less):

A little girl was playing in her room when her mom called from down stairs saying dinner was ready. She put her toys away and as she was on her way to the stairs a hand reached out of the closet, grabbed her, and covered her mouth so she couldn't scream. When she was completely inside the closet, she realized her mom was the one grabbing her as her mom said, "did you hear it too?"


Well-Known Member
I can't tell a tale like Carne but here is my Ghost Story
It was 1989,I was with my 2 friends,Robert and Ian.Ian was younger and we let him come anyway:).We were 16 he was 14 or 13 anyway.....We were checking on some plants we had hidden behind Fiskville Cemetery(Austin).I had moved them so you could only get to them through the cemetery,knowing no one would find them.The cemetery is square with a big circle drive in it with a small road down the middle to the only entrance/exit.It was dark between 10 and midnight.I was driving,Robert in the passenger seat,Ian in the back,as we made our way down the dead end road to the cemetery we could hear a voice on a loud speaker.We agreed it sounded like chatter on a c.b. radio.:shock:Listening intently driving slowly being quiet trying to understand but never being able too,we made it to the gate.Super paranoid,very nervous and a little scared I got out to open the gate.The voices now are getting louder and we still can't understand what's being said!!!:shock:I get back in and they are scared,we start making our way around to the back,windows down listening and the voices are getting louder:shock:!!!!!!!!of course we still can't understand!!!Finally we get to the plants,we nervously creep out the car and the noise gets louder. Ian is crying now,Robert jumped back in,plants were fine,voices still loud and chattering like.We start making our way out and of course Ian starts a screaming and a crying "look,look,a ggghhooo....".We turned back and saw a reddish-orange glowing figure with dark spots for eyes,wearing a hat,long coat and boots that was hovering a little.We all three saw the same thing!Robert started screaming "Go!Go!Go!",we're all screaming,im peeling outta there,Ian still crying and repeating "!What was that!What was that!"all the way home.God knows what he told his hung with us again.Robert said the ghost chased us out of the cemetery:shock:.This is a true story.......everything... year,location,names.I learned the grave where we saw the ghost had been vandalized twice in the previous 2 months.SCARY STUFF!


Well-Known Member
I can't tell a tale like Carne but here is my Ghost Story
It was 1989,I was with my 2 friends,Robert and Ian.Ian was younger and we let him come anyway:).We were 16 he was 14 or 13 anyway.....We were checking on some plants we had hidden behind Fiskville Cemetery(Austin).I had moved them so you could only get to them through the cemetery,knowing no one would find them.The cemetery is square with a big circle drive in it with a small road down the middle to the only entrance/exit.It was dark between 10 and midnight.I was driving,Robert in the passenger seat,Ian in the back,as we made our way down the dead end road to the cemetery we could hear a voice on a loud speaker.We agreed it sounded like chatter on a c.b. radio.:shock:Listening intently driving slowly being quiet trying to understand but never being able too,we made it to the gate.Super paranoid,very nervous and a little scared I got out to open the gate.The voices now are getting louder and we still can't understand what's being said!!!:shock:I get back in and they are scared,we start making our way around to the back,windows down listening and the voices are getting louder:shock:!!!!!!!!of course we still can't understand!!!Finally we get to the plants,we nervously creep out the car and the noise gets louder. Ian is crying now,Robert jumped back in,plants were fine,voices still loud and chattering like.We start making our way out and of course Ian starts a screaming and a crying "look,look,a ggghhooo....".We turned back and saw a reddish-orange glowing figure with dark spots for eyes,wearing a hat,long coat and boots that was hovering a little.We all three saw the same thing!Robert started screaming "Go!Go!Go!",we're all screaming,im peeling outta there,Ian still crying and repeating "!What was that!What was that!"all the way home.God knows what he told his hung with us again.Robert said the ghost chased us out of the cemetery:shock:.This is a true story.......everything... year,location,names.I learned the grave where we saw the ghost had been vandalized twice in the previous 2 months.SCARY STUFF!
This is some really interesting stuff. I'm most impressed that you saw an actual full-body apparition.

I really wish I could have my own "safe" paranormal experience.