I haven't changed my ratio of substrate....
Beneath the first 10 cm or so,there is my old mix ...
(One time used..As some of you know ,I use the same substrate to about seven-eight times..Or even more...)
That time I was missing some liters ,and I bought 20 liters " ready made" peat/perlite mix ...Didn't mix it with some extra perlite...
IO dunno why..Guess I was bored..I have more than of 100 liters of perlite in the attic...
Batteries have i.e
dynamic difference of 1.5 Volts...
Power ( Watts ) is dynamic difference multiplied by current =>
Volts x Amperes = Watts
2 batteries AAA or AA ,in series ,have a dynamic difference of 3 Volts approx (if new or freshly recharged )
Not 3 Watts ...
If they drive
a device ,that works with
3 Volts Input and the device
draws 1 Ampere current of the batteries ,then
the device has power of 3 Watts..
(the device ,
not the batteries..
The batteries supply energy.. So for one hour of operation ,the above device ,will consume
3 Watts x 1 hour = >3 Wh => .003 kWh....
Now ..We now the voltage (dynamic difference ) of the batteries.....3 volts ( 2 x 1.5 in series ) .....
Watts/volt=Amperes ..... => 3 Wh / 3 volt=
1 Ah ( Amperorioum ) ...This " combined " battery gave 1Ah
energy to the device ..
Often batteries(usually rechargeables) state how much
ENERGY the can "store " in
Ah units...
(or mAh )
Stored energy unit(for batteries )= Ah( i.e vehicle batteries )or mAhfor small batteries )
Spent energy unit = kWh (much bigger unit than Ah ,usually...)
Voltage (dynamic difference )= Volts
Current =A -mperes
Power =Watts ( Volts x Amperes ) { or kJ/sec or umol/sec or HorsePower (745 somethin Watts ),ect }....
Energy = Power x time = W h (for one hour ) or kWh
Now...Enough with the basics of electricity...
Toppin day... (I use a variation of UB's topping..)
12th day at veg...
Before and after topping (with the removed parts )

@Ganja2,that's a Led-jungle,you 've there !!!!
Wow !!!