Has FDD2BLK helped you and how??

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New Member
Once my car wouldn't start and I was about to be stranded out in the middle of nowhere. Fdd appreared jumped in my car; started it up and when I turned to get in .........he was gone with my car.....leaving me stranded.......in the middle of nowhere.


Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Why is that being a PERV? Now if she had said something like. FDD I want to Gargle on your balls. Then you might be able to say that was perv.

Mmmmmmmmmm, Nut Gargle...... BOING!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
LMFAO, Lacy! Come on, don't be mad anymore Lacykins....when you're mad, I feel sad, and when I feel sad...I do things that are...bad? lol, trying to keep the rhyming up but it wasn't flowin


Well-Known Member
i was buried by an avalanche, and fdd came, found me, and dug me out. He also had a little keg around his neck...so I could get my drink on until the rescue team got there, I guess....


Well-Known Member
fdd has not only given tons of solid advice and Ideas,
He pulled me from a burning building...then went back for my kittens.


New Member
A pussy break at fdd's cathouse house ???????:roll:
Twisty dude I don't think you are allowed to talk like this.

And btw fdd. If you don't want me adding any of your quotes in my signature then just don't add any of mine to yours. :hump:
And of course I wasn't angry. Its all about the L-o-v-e!!!!!!!!!!!!:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

He's disabled my signature in this thread. I wonder what other things he has done while in my BOX!


Yeah I'm laughing but don't worry I'm not pissing myself. ;)

It wasn't dingos.... It was a ball of cat's...........there was a pussy break at
fdd's cathouse.......hid your (catnip) or bud.............:mrgreen:

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I know that easily 80% of my confidence to grow has come from the swagger in his knowledge packed threads. 99% of everything I know about growing has come from RIU. You folks have explained everything and made my new hobby so enjoyable. You have done everything except provide the clones..... You folks don't do that do you?

Hahahaha - Thanks from a grateful newby!


Well-Known Member
What the hell? Where'd ya go, Lacy?

SM, in Micronesia, looking forward to a day of diving. 8) And fdd didn't help me out at all with that, however! he helped me make preparations unwittingly (search all posts feature is nice when plain ol' search doesn't net the results I'm looking for).

Oh yeah.. one thing, though, Mr. Fdd, that one thread where you put the tag "tunafish" (your outdoor grow)... what is up with that? :lol: :-P


Well-Known Member
What the hell? Where'd ya go, Lacy?

SM, in Micronesia, looking forward to a day of diving. 8) And fdd didn't help me out at all with that, however! he helped me make preparations unwittingly (search all posts feature is nice when plain ol' search doesn't net the results I'm looking for).

Oh yeah.. one thing, though, Mr. Fdd, that one thread where you put the tag "tunafish" (your outdoor grow)... what is up with that? :lol: :-P

go to the top of the screen and click search. then in the tags field enter tuna fish. now hit enter. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
yeah fdd let me know that a 1 dollar bill weighs 1 gram ,,, i had no idea ,, i have been using nickels which weigh 5 grams ,, now that i know this i can gradually increase my weight by 1 gram ,, instead of 5 at a time ,, thanks fdd ur the man.....!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i forgot to mention fdd taught me how to grow mary jane useing cucumber seeds,i was so impressed i told fdd to patent that tecknique,he said that in do time,that their were a few wrinkes to iron out,one was that if you left the bud to long after cutting and cureing that the buds turned to pickles,so i know he will figure it out and we will all be growing pot from cucumber seeds.thanks fdd.


Well-Known Member
fdd taught me how to read...
he used to sit me on his lap and read me fraggle rock books and smurfs... then one day he let me read to him and everytime i missed a word, he'd beat me profusely... but when i got one right, he'd lemme eat a brownie or smoke a bong hit.... i was reading tale of two cities in no time....
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