Why don't Republican officials accept science? 3 examples..

It is a lie. Evolution purports itself as the truth. But how is it truth when you must admit Lemark was partly right and evolution made a mistake? Evolution is a guess. It is vague. When it gets things wrong, woops. Then states, there fixed.

Several historians have argued that Lamarck's name is linked somewhat unfairly to the theory that has come to bear his name, and that Lamarck deserves credit for being an influential early proponent of the concept of biological evolution,farmore than for the mechanism of evolution, in which he simply followed the accepted wisdom of his time. Lamarck died 30 years before the first publication of Charles Darwin's Origin of Species. According to Stephen Jay Gould, if Lamarck had been aware of Darwin's proposed mechanism of natural selection, there is no reason to assume he would not have accepted it as a more likely alternative to his own mechanism. Note also that Darwin, like Lamarck, lacked a plausible alternative mechanismof inheritance - the particulate nature of inheritance was only observed by Gregor Mendel somewhat later, and published in 1866. Its fullsignificance was not appreciated until the Modern evolutionary synthesis in the early 1920s. An important point in its favour at the time was that Lamarck's theory contained a mechanism describing how variation is maintained,

which Darwin’s own theory lacked.

You are citing this to disprove evolution?
Show me where Darwin stated aquired traits can be passed on? He argued against Lemarck's theory you aquire traits and they're instead natural selection. Darwin argued for Mendel "genetics."
Show me where Darwin stated aquired traits can be passed on? He argued against Lemarck's theory you aquire traits and they're instead natural selection. Darwin argued for Mendel "genetics."

This is like listening to Catholics argue that Agnostics are Christians.
My qualm is when people think evolution, they think Darwin. That life is a progression of survival of the fittest. Humans have ideas which aren't for fitness. Our very existance proves that wrong. "Evolution" is like the Ayn Rand of science.
My qualm is when people think evolution, they think Darwin. That life is a progression of survival of the fittest. Humans have ideas which aren't for fitness. Our very existance proves that wrong. "Evolution" is like the Ayn Rand of science.

That didn't appear to be your "qualm" earlier. Seemed more bent on the part that evolution is a lie.. not who is credited with the idea.
Show me where Darwin stated aquired traits can be passed on? He argued against Lemarck's theory you aquire traits and they're instead natural selection. Darwin argued for Mendel "genetics."

I will not follow your attempts to reframe the argument. Your claim was evolution is a lie, but your followup is that people made mistakes. Name one accepted scientific theory which did not make mistakes. The best process is one which acknowledges that mistakes can be made and corrects them when they are discovered. To you this is somehow a bad thing?

You first separate evolution from Darwinism, then find fault in it, and conclude that evolution is a lie. Your conclusion ignores the separation of your premise.
you dont acquire hereditary change it happens to your genes over time, this or that dormant gene gets turned on and shared . . .or through genetics variation or mutation . . .i thought this was general the idea of genetic drift in hereditary triats

tricks are for kids, silly rabbit
If this planet was populated by alien scientists doing experiments. The 1918 Spanish flu and SARS are thought to come from comets. If true, what keeps comets from alien aided infection?Evolution explains micro but doesn't prove macro change.
If this planet was populated by alien scientists doing experiments. The 1918 Spanish flu and SARS are thought to come from comets. If true, what keeps comets from alien aided infection?Evolution explains micro but doesn't prove macro change.
You say the darnedest things...

Evolution is a lie

Darwinism was wrong (mistakes = lies?)

Evolution is incomplete (an incomplete lie?)

Evolution explains micro change but not macro ( a lie explains part of evolution?)
Some traits are passed on by nurture. Rats for example pass on the trait for licking their young after the young get licked. This will stay for a few generations but goes away if not performed.
Some traits are passed on by nurture. Rats for example pass on the trait for licking their young after the young get licked. This will stay for a few generations but goes away if not performed.

ya its a social bonding thing, take the social out and replace it with pet store you get what you get

russian artic fox's are the best example i can counter with

some breed for human interaction have curves tails now multi coloured coats not evident in the stock generations . . they yip and cuddle

the other line breed for aggressive ness toward humans became super aggressive they isolated what genetics traits change and what genes turn on and off due to different nature and nuture environments . . . . environmental genetics drift, some genes turnoff some genes turn on and aand the winners in life get em passe don . . thats evolution

when the rats lick it produces a response chemical inthe baby rats and the licking rats, the ones that had teh most of that happen lives and passed it on, and when you remove that action seeing as the attentiveness of that gene interaction is not required to live it goes away . . . genetic drift thanks for proving our point, genetic drfit takes into account enviromental and external as well as internal variables in genetic change . .or at lest i thoguth it did, maybe its just a thoery

im all half knowledge . . to much crap in there from TV
Sam, how do you know some alien didn't inject his own DNA into primative human to make modern man? There isn't 100% proof the macro changes are natural. How do we know proof positive that an outside force didn't do it? Because evolution says it did!
Sam, how do you know some alien didn't inject his own DNA into primative human to make modern man? There isn't 100% proof the macro changes are natural. How do we know proof positive that an outside force didn't do it? Because evolution says it did!

how do you know your not in the matrix, and im the one

we would see genetics markers in change from the previous gene pulls genetics makers to the next, we did it recently mapping the human genetics code and where it all goes back to . . .africa

im not a genetiscst but they seem on the level . . . . .
Sam, how do you know some alien didn't inject his own DNA into primative human to make modern man? There isn't 100% proof the macro changes are natural. How do we know proof positive that an outside force didn't do it? Because evolution says it did!

I saw that porno. Bad acting made me not believe it.

By the way, hank called, he wanted me to tell you John redcorn fucked Nancy and that Joseph isn't yours.
The African Dogon are an example. They knew Sirius was a twin star for over 5,000 years. Only until moderm astronomy last century did western science know that. The Dogon talked of far away visitors who told them. So it's not that far fetched aliens came.
The African Dogon are an example. They knew Sirius was a twin star for over 5,000 years. Only until moderm astronomy last century did western science know that. The Dogon talked of far away visitors who told them. So it's not that far fetched aliens came.

i agree, but evolution was based off of birds to begin with and landlocked reptilians . . not people

purple monkey dishwasher,

hows that for hereditary
The African Dogon are an example. They knew Sirius was a twin star for over 5,000 years. Only until moderm astronomy last century did western science know that. The Dogon talked of far away visitors who told them. So it's not that far fetched aliens came.

sorry wabbit, but the dogon story was just bad anthropology, the anthropologists inadvertently fed the dogons the data themselves. that story was all over the place in the 70's, but it was just a mistake from amateur sociologists, the tale of the "lost stone age tribe" in the philippines was the other side of the coin, when the anthropologists were on the way, the locals would don grass skirts and grab rough hewn weapons and run off to an elaborately constructed potemkin village and play caveman for the visitors, and when the anthorpologists left, they went back to town and became shopkeepers and farmers again. it was a very clever devious and laudable money making scheme to keep the local guides, translators and hotels in business. it really helped the economy, something Obama hasnt figured out how to do yet.
Good doctor, then explain how the Babylonians knew the exact positions of the 9 planets? They also have tablets over 3,000 years old showing all 9 and a 10th.