Why don't Republican officials accept science? 3 examples..

All you can do is call me names and try to blame for shit. You pathetic internet fuck, I can whip your motherfucking ass by not showing up!

Get a NEW stereotype! This one just hurt a bunch of people's feelings

No kitty, It's my Pot pie!

Oh bro, you mad.


Why can't you just say why you want to vote Democrat?
Oh bro, you mad.

Why can't you just say why you want to vote Democrat?

Oh, no! I'm not supposed to be mad.....I'm so sorry master! Are you ready for me to clip your toenails and start a bath? I'll never forget how you saved me from my last master! He was gonna waste this fine nigger flesh! HUH! He don't know shit about niggers and work! LOL!
Oh, no! I'm not supposed to be mad.....I'm so sorry master! Are you ready for me to clip your toenails and start a bath? I'll never forget how you saved me from my last master! He was gonna waste this fine nigger flesh! HUH! He don't know shit about niggers and work! LOL!
Yeah, be my bitch.
^^^ Ok, bro...come on over and I'll finish smoking my huge blunt wit ya!

I was thinking of my next witty reply...then I saw you picture.

As they say, a picture speak a thousand words, and you've done my work for me.

Epic self-troll tho.

Just out of interest, was it difficult adjusting to land after you washed up on the beach? *Cue Orca noises*
Can't. Make. This. Shit. Up.

Richard Mourdock, take it away...



Rape is a gift from God.

Anyone who defends this shit is a GOP nuthugging asshole. Guess what Romney's stance on that comment was... yeah..

That's the best the GOP has? Really?
"State Rep. Roger Rivard, A Wisconsin State Rep. endorsed by Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan told a reporter that he believes “some girls rape so easy.”

"And now, there’s Mourdock. Together, I like to call these guys, Team Rape. Which they probably wouldn’t appreciate, but c’mon, they’re kinda asking for it." - Stephen Colbert

"This is important, so go grab a pencil. If you are about to talk about rape, I want you to stab yourself in the eye with your pencil.
Just jam it in there, really work it around, just back and forth, up in your skull cavity. See if you can get it in there and sever the portion of your brain that stores the word rape." - Stephen Colbert
"State Rep. Roger Rivard, A Wisconsin State Rep. endorsed by Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan told a reporter that he believes “some girls rape so easy.”

"And now, there’s Mourdock. Together, I like to call these guys, Team Rape. Which they probably wouldn’t appreciate, but c’mon, they’re kinda asking for it." - Stephen Colbert

"This is important, so go grab a pencil. If you are about to talk about rape, I want you to stab yourself in the eye with your pencil.
Just jam it in there, really work it around, just back and forth, up in your skull cavity. See if you can get it in there and sever the portion of your brain that stores the word rape." - Stephen Colbert

I saw the episode, it was disturbing and funny at the same time.
If anyone said something like that in my country their entire career would be over, not just politically tbh. They'd be shunned from society.

Those things those people said are some of the least moral and most disturbing words I have ever heard.
I saw the episode, it was disturbing and funny at the same time.
If anyone said something like that in my country their entire career would be over, not just politically tbh. They'd be shunned from society.

Those things those people said are some of the least moral and most disturbing words I have ever heard.

Which is interesting, because in America, saying stupid shit like that is actually praised by the local population.

Luckily people like Colbert bring it to the national stage and make it satirical, but rest assured, there are plenty of people in the states who feel the same way as they do..

I'm embarrassed these days to call myself American because of shit like this. I feel like if I traveled abroad, I'd have to explain myself otherwise the locals would think I'm an arrogant idiot spent on war mongering and gung ho American nationalism. "Git dem terrorists!" type shit..

What the rest of the world thinks of us must be dumbfounding..

If I were a foreigner observing the US, I'd think the same thing.. War mongering, arrogant, fundamental fucktards. Hellbent on taking over the middle east and securing the oil. This entire bullshit occupation is about securing resources, and yes, even drug resources. Opium production is up, with American military guarding the supply to ensure Afghan support as it's their only crop worth a damn. If we leave, their protection plummets and the support follows. Taliban takes control and all our efforts are lost...

Our elected officials base their decisions on who supports them (corporations/shareholders), who their base represents (evangelicals/fanatics), and what sort of dent they can make in the current administration (R or D). The American people, they couldn't give a fuck less about. You, me, none of us hold any real power. Even our votes are meaningless when it's put through the electoral college. You can 'suggest', and that's about it.

Dem., Rep., it's all just a sophisticated illusion to make you think you have a choice when you don't. Business will be run as usual, regardless of your vote, regardless of who wins. This goes on because we have a population of retards, bent on voting how they feel and not how they think. Hellbent on what the 4th branch of government tells them to think, the American media. -whistle blowers have come forward from CNN, MSNBC, FOX NEWS, every single major media branch in America, and have spoken out against it. Yet it remains just as powerful, with just as wealthy CEO's at the top perpetuating the bullshit. The problem is, nobody hears about that, they only hear about what they want to hear about; confirmation bias.

So when you get down to it, people hear what they want to hear, and don't bother with actual facts, not even if it will help their own situation, so long as it'll beat the opposition, all based on precognitive decisions that were made many years before they ever thought of them themselves.

How to convince a person otherwise is next to impossible.

And that is the true state of American politics, the true state of the real world.. As a kid, I used to think the shit was for real, "you can be anything you want to be!", no, you can't. Not unless you're willing to submit your morals and rape people of their freedoms. Today's world is much different than when I grew up as a kid, I was still riding the Reagan/Clinton card, where anything imaginable was available. Today, the best our youth can possibly get is "well, hopefully this'll be available when you grow up..." "you want to be president?! Get the fuck out of here! Were you born into a life of luxury!? Exactly! You won't be president!" "What? You accept evolution? You need JESUS!" "Our youth shouldn't question authority or the status quo, they should accept it wholeheartedly without question, fuck the way science is provided!".

Fuck this place and every fucktarded religious person too blind to see how badly they're screwing the future of America with every religiously based nutjob opionion that gets upheld by the higher ups just because they're afraid of getting fired themselves even though they know the shit the retarded gym instructor is telling the kids is bullshit.

Fuck political correctness, fuck religious nutjobs who attempt to interject their bullshit philosophy into the science classroom without any reasonable evidence to do so, and fuck all the people at the top who are too afraid to tell these fucks to get the fuck bent with their religious bullshit and take it to the church if they have a fucking problem with the curriculum, "we'd do better without your retarded ass anyway".
Which is interesting, because in America, saying stupid shit like that is actually praised by the local population.

Luckily people like Colbert bring it to the national stage and make it satirical, but rest assured, there are plenty of people in the states who feel the same way as they do..

I'm embarrassed these days to call myself American because of shit like this. I feel like if I traveled abroad, I'd have to explain myself otherwise the locals would think I'm an arrogant idiot spent on war mongering and gung ho American nationalism. "Git dem terrorists!" type shit..

What the rest of the world thinks of us must be dumbfounding..

If I were a foreigner observing the US, I'd think the same thing.. War mongering, arrogant, fundamental fucktards. Hellbent on taking over the middle east and securing the oil. This entire bullshit occupation is about securing resources, and yes, even drug resources. Opium production is up, with American military guarding the supply to ensure Afghan support as it's their only crop worth a damn. If we leave, their protection plummets and the support follows. Taliban takes control and all our efforts are lost...

Our elected officials base their decisions on who supports them (corporations/shareholders), who their base represents (evangelicals/fanatics), and what sort of dent they can make in the current administration (R or D). The American people, they couldn't give a fuck less about. You, me, none of us hold any real power. Even our votes are meaningless when it's put through the electoral college. You can 'suggest', and that's about it.

Dem., Rep., it's all just a sophisticated illusion to make you think you have a choice when you don't. Business will be run as usual, regardless of your vote, regardless of who wins. This goes on because we have a population of retards, bent on voting how they feel and not how they think. Hellbent on what the 4th branch of government tells them to think, the American media. -whistle blowers have come forward from CNN, MSNBC, FOX NEWS, every single major media branch in America, and have spoken out against it. Yet it remains just as powerful, with just as wealthy CEO's at the top perpetuating the bullshit. The problem is, nobody hears about that, they only hear about what they want to hear about; confirmation bias.

So when you get down to it, people hear what they want to hear, and don't bother with actual facts, not even if it will help their own situation, so long as it'll beat the opposition, all based on precognitive decisions that were made many years before they ever thought of them themselves.

How to convince a person otherwise is next to impossible.

And that is the true state of American politics, the true state of the real world.. As a kid, I used to think the shit was for real, "you can be anything you want to be!", no, you can't. Not unless you're willing to submit your morals and rape people of their freedoms. Today's world is much different than when I grew up as a kid, I was still riding the Reagan/Clinton card, where anything imaginable was available. Today, the best our youth can possibly get is "well, hopefully this'll be available when you grow up..." "you want to be president?! Get the fuck out of here! Were you born into a life of luxury!? Exactly! You won't be president!" "What? You accept evolution? You need JESUS!" "Our youth shouldn't question authority or the status quo, they should accept it wholeheartedly without question, fuck the way science is provided!".

Fuck this place and every fucktarded religious person too blind to see how badly they're screwing the future of America with every religiously based nutjob opionion that gets upheld by the higher ups just because they're afraid of getting fired themselves even though they know the shit the retarded gym instructor is telling the kids is bullshit.

Fuck political correctness, fuck religious nutjobs who attempt to interject their bullshit philosophy into the science classroom without any reasonable evidence to do so, and fuck all the people at the top who are too afraid to tell these fucks to get the fuck bent with their religious bullshit and take it to the church if they have a fucking problem with the curriculum, "we'd do better without your retarded ass anyway".
Which is interesting, because in America, saying stupid shit like that is actually praised by the local population.

Luckily people like Colbert bring it to the national stage and make it satirical, but rest assured, there are plenty of people in the states who feel the same way as they do..

I'm embarrassed these days to call myself American because of shit like this. I feel like if I traveled abroad, I'd have to explain myself otherwise the locals would think I'm an arrogant idiot spent on war mongering and gung ho American nationalism. "Git dem terrorists!" type shit..

What the rest of the world thinks of us must be dumbfounding..

If I were a foreigner observing the US, I'd think the same thing.. War mongering, arrogant, fundamental fucktards. Hellbent on taking over the middle east and securing the oil. This entire bullshit occupation is about securing resources, and yes, even drug resources. Opium production is up, with American military guarding the supply to ensure Afghan support as it's their only crop worth a damn. If we leave, their protection plummets and the support follows. Taliban takes control and all our efforts are lost...

Our elected officials base their decisions on who supports them (corporations/shareholders), who their base represents (evangelicals/fanatics), and what sort of dent they can make in the current administration (R or D). The American people, they couldn't give a fuck less about. You, me, none of us hold any real power. Even our votes are meaningless when it's put through the electoral college. You can 'suggest', and that's about it.

Dem., Rep., it's all just a sophisticated illusion to make you think you have a choice when you don't. Business will be run as usual, regardless of your vote, regardless of who wins. This goes on because we have a population of retards, bent on voting how they feel and not how they think. Hellbent on what the 4th branch of government tells them to think, the American media. -whistle blowers have come forward from CNN, MSNBC, FOX NEWS, every single major media branch in America, and have spoken out against it. Yet it remains just as powerful, with just as wealthy CEO's at the top perpetuating the bullshit. The problem is, nobody hears about that, they only hear about what they want to hear about; confirmation bias.

So when you get down to it, people hear what they want to hear, and don't bother with actual facts, not even if it will help their own situation, so long as it'll beat the opposition, all based on precognitive decisions that were made many years before they ever thought of them themselves.

How to convince a person otherwise is next to impossible.

And that is the true state of American politics, the true state of the real world.. As a kid, I used to think the shit was for real, "you can be anything you want to be!", no, you can't. Not unless you're willing to submit your morals and rape people of their freedoms. Today's world is much different than when I grew up as a kid, I was still riding the Reagan/Clinton card, where anything imaginable was available. Today, the best our youth can possibly get is "well, hopefully this'll be available when you grow up..." "you want to be president?! Get the fuck out of here! Were you born into a life of luxury!? Exactly! You won't be president!" "What? You accept evolution? You need JESUS!" "Our youth shouldn't question authority or the status quo, they should accept it wholeheartedly without question, fuck the way science is provided!".

Fuck this place and every fucktarded religious person too blind to see how badly they're screwing the future of America with every religiously based nutjob opionion that gets upheld by the higher ups just because they're afraid of getting fired themselves even though they know the shit the retarded gym instructor is telling the kids is bullshit.

Fuck political correctness, fuck religious nutjobs who attempt to interject their bullshit philosophy into the science classroom without any reasonable evidence to do so, and fuck all the people at the top who are too afraid to tell these fucks to get the fuck bent with their religious bullshit and take it to the church if they have a fucking problem with the curriculum, "we'd do better without your retarded ass anyway".

I don't understand how saying such things can be praised by any rational person.
But therein lies the problem doesn't it? Those people aren't rational, they aren't reasonable and they certainly aren't morally 'good' people.

I get where you come from. Most Americans I meet here (and trust me there are a lot of Americans in Denmark) try to explain their country and themselves as to not get into trouble. Those who travel seem to know the state of their union, they know how offensive it is to the rest of the world.

It's sad that you even have to do this just to be accepted as a normal person and not some bigoted uneducated religious nutbag.

Facts have taken a huge hit during the past 16 years in America in particular.
It's as if facts and evidence doesn't matter. And that is possibly the single most disturbing thing about the US atm.

I wouldn't want to live under such tyranny and oppression, neither would most of the developed world.
The only reason anyone puts up with the amount of bullshit the US spews is because of money.
You're better than this Harrekin.
I know you've read some of my posts which were twice the length of the one Padawan just posted.
Yeah I'm just fucking with him.

Govt worldwide has spiralled into this all consuming behemoth, and probably sooner rather than later, that entity is gonna need to be trimmed back. Imo should this financial shit-storm continue at the expense of ordinary people...it might be trimmed more forcefully that the "powers that be" expect.