Why don't Republican officials accept science? 3 examples..

Yes; I've seen and solved this one, but heuristically. Is there a method?

(arrows indicate crossing direction)

Load goat. →
Unload goat. Return empty. ←
Load wolf. →
Unload wolf. Load goat. ←
Unload goat. Load cabbage. →
Unload cabbage. ←
Load goat. →
Done! cn

Why would the wolf hang around if all you left him was some shitty cabbage? For that matter, why doesnt the wolf just eat you?

Maslow probably invented this stupid shit...
Bear, look at how many permutations that is with only three items. Now imagine evolution.

There are really only two solution permutations. The goat must go first and last. The wolf or the cabbage can go second, freezing the remaining sequence of moves.

Evolution does indeed have runaway combinatorial numbers, when viewed without restrictions of sequence. I do not see how that can be developed into a proof of necessary (or very likely) guidance. cn
Bear, ZF helps but not required.
This a simple Russian puzzle.
You have three items:goat,wolf,cabbage. Wolf eats goat,goat eats cabbage. You come to a river with a boat.You can only fit one item for each trip across and back.How do you get all three across

load wolf in boat
tie goat to back of boat. let that fucker swim
hang cabbage off front of boat, let that fucker float.

one trip, 3 across the river, and why am i bringing a wolf home for supper?

the goat and cabbage i can see, those are tasty, but why the fuck do i want a wolf again?

i dont think this is russian puzzle.

sounds moldavian to me.

god looks down from heaven and sees a man crying on the side of the road.
god appears to him and says "my son, why do you weep so?"
man says "i have no money!"
god waves his hands and the man's pockets are filled with rubles
"go my son, and weep no more"

the next day god sees this man crying on the roadside again
he appears and asks "my son why do you still cry so?"
man says "i am alone, i have no wife!"
god waves his hand and a beautiful girl appears beside him in wedding dress.
god waves his hands and says "you are married, go forth and multiply, and weep no more!"

the next day god sees this man crying again
god appears and says "my son, you are rich and have a beautiful wife, why do you still cry?"
man says "Because i am Moldavian!!"
god sits on street beside him and cries too.
three men are stranded on a deserted island when their plane crashes.

a russian, an uzbek and a moldavian.
they see a bottle on the beach and of course think VODKA!
but when the russian opens it, a genie floatrs out and says thank you comrades for freeing me!!
the russian says does this mean i get three wishes?
the genie says no comrade, i am a socialist genie, each of you comrades receives one wish!

the russian thinks and says
"I wish i was home in moscow with my wife, and a pocket full of US dollars!"
BAM!! the russian disappears leaving only a loose US dollars floating where he was

the Uzbeck thinks and thinks and says
"I wish i was in New York with my cousin, with a pocket full of diamoinds!"
POOF! the uzbek vanishes in a flash and only a single loose diamond falls to the beach where he stood.

the moldavian thinks and thinks on how clever they both were with their wishes
he thinks for days and days then he turns to the genie and says "im lonely! I wish my friends were still here!"
on may day a man decides to play a joke on the state security service.
he goes to a public phone in leningrad and dials the KGB
he asks "is this the KGB?"
the man on the other end says "yes comrade this is the KGB"
the man shouts "FUCK YOU! YOULL NEVER CATCH ME!" and runs away from the phone

he gets on a train to stalingrad and as soon as he reaches the city he goes to a payphone and calls the KGB again
"is this the KGB?"
"Yes comrade this is the KGB"

he runs off and boards a bus to moscow and when he reaches the city he goes to a pay phone and calls the KGB again
"is this the KGB?"
a heavy hand falls on his shoulder and someone whispers in his other ear "Yes comrade, this IS the KGB."
when communism first came to mother russia, comrade Moishe being a loyal russian sets out to help the revolution
he goes to the party headquarters and says "Comrades! How can i help?"
the party official is skeptical and says "but you are a jew!"
Moishe says "Can a jew not be also a good communist?"
the party official thinks and agrees, Comrade Lenin would never turn away a good communist from his duty.
he says to Moishe "take these pamphlets and distribute them in the city among the workers!
"Yes Comrade Commissar! Immediately!" and Moishe runs off to spread the good word of the revolution

four days later Moishe returns, and the Commissar asks, why did it take so long?
Moishe drops a fat bundle of rubles on the desk and says "I distributed the pamphlets as fast as i could Comrade, but this shit just isnt selling!"
I call this The Vegan's Revenge.I own 300 pigs.I can slaughter the pigs,but it'll take 3 days.I'm ecentric and can only kill an odd number each day.Tell me how many I kill on each day and I give you the meat.Otherwise I release them on nature reserve.
99 on day 1, and just wound one
99 on day 2, and hit the wounded one with a frying pan
99 on day 3. and by day 3 the wounded one shoulda bled out.

im hungry!
Are you two just resorting to benign 'humour' now that you realize you've lost the argument(s)?

You make no effort to answer any questions, you post 3-4 sentence posts with more wild accusations and claims yet not proof.

How can you not be embarrassed?
This is one of the saddest and most painful tangents I've read in a while.
Are you two just resorting to benign 'humour' now that you realize you've lost the argument(s)?

You make no effort to answer any questions, you post 3-4 sentence posts with more wild accusations and claims yet not proof.

How can you not be embarrassed?
This is one of the saddest and most painful tangents I've read in a while.

the argument was specious.

a few religious dudes said some shit that is based SOLELY on their religious (and wacky) beliefs which had NO effect on their status as members of congress and did NOT constitutionally disqualify them from holding office.

this does NOT mean all of any group believe X, nor does it disqualify all of any group from holding positions in government. the only thing that the OP can actually assert is that these particular dudes should be voted out because they are dumbasses. but that can be said about almost ANY politician.

obama believes we can spend our way out of debt. this is magical thinking at it's worst and he has the power to put this stupidity in motion, which he does by NOT PASSING A BUDGET FOR 4 YEARS!! this results in baseline increases to every program which means more spending with no accountability cuz it's still bush's fault. HE should be barred from holding office for this miserable deceit.

barney frank claimed fannie and freddie were doin just fine, when they were teetering on the brink of collapse. He should be barred from office for that lie alone.

patrick leahy released information from his seat on the senate intelligence comittee in violation of national security orders and his oath of office. he should have been imprisoned.

when the premise is flawed, jokes flow like wine.

and apparently whines flow like piss.
the argument was specious.

a few religious dudes said some shit that is based SOLELY on their religious (and wacky) beliefs which had NO effect on their status as members of congress and did NOT constitutionally disqualify them from holding office.

this does NOT mean all of any group believe X, nor does it disqualify all of any group from holding positions in government. the only thing that the OP can actually assert is that these particular dudes should be voted out because they are dumbasses. but that can be said about almost ANY politician.

obama believes we can spend our way out of debt. this is magical thinking at it's worst and he has the power to put this stupidity in motion, which he does by NOT PASSING A BUDGET FOR 4 YEARS!! this results in baseline increases to every program which means more spending with no accountability cuz it's still bush's fault. HE should be barred from holding office for this miserable deceit.

barney frank claimed fannie and freddie were doin just fine, when they were teetering on the brink of collapse. He should be barred from office for that lie alone.

patrick leahy released information from his seat on the senate intelligence comittee in violation of national security orders and his oath of office. he should have been imprisoned.

when the premise is flawed, jokes flow like wine.

and apparently whines flow like piss.

Compared to every other country the US has done very well to get out of the crisis.
Just look at how high the tax rates and fees are in European countries like the one I live in.
We've gained debt as well, we've lost many jobs, yet you don't really see the same complaining and whining that you do in the US.

It's as if you guys are mad that Obama didn't do three times as well as many other countries; *Wtf is up with Obama he's only lowered taxes, turned around the crisis, created jobs and done twice as well as most European nations, what a horrible leader*.

The premise is ridiculous if you could only see it for what it truly is.

And to be fair Obama is following the same path as most developed and prosperous countries are following to get out of the crisis.
Which is you have to spend money to get out of the mire we're in.
It takes investments, loans and (unfortunately) larger debt because of those things, to turn around a failing economy.
You can't just snap your fingers and turn it around by giving a 5 trillion dollar tax cut.

The premise you believe in (that any republican could've done better) is so far removed from reality it makes no sense.
Nothing could've stopped this crisis after it took hold (during a republican administration btw).

Obama has had to tear down the failed policies of Bush and make changes to turn your country around.
Every top economist from countries outside the US praises him for a job well done, as do most people.

It's quite astonishing that you can be this disrespectful to your CIC when he has in fact done more for the US than most other heads of state have done in their countries.

It seems like you guys have been brainwashed by some faux news and are so steadfast in your beliefs not even facts can turn your around.
If that's the case then there really is nothing to discuss.
Holy shit. You're actually the first person to actually disprove evolution. Obama did it! Now what else we going to do that we know the meaning of life?
Many Republicans don't accept science because they are brained washed with their god and think thta gays are wrong and the earth is like 6,000 yrs old. Talk about a case of denial. please, do talk about it! They in denail is the short answer

  • Are you two just resorting to benign 'humour' now that you realize you've lost the argument(s)?

No one has ever won an argument in the politics section of Rollitup...

Hate to break it to ya :P
Many Republicans don't accept science because they are brained washed with their god and think thta gays are wrong and the earth is like 6,000 yrs old. Talk about a case of denial. please, do talk about it! They in denail is the short answer

Well maybe it's the earth is wrong and gays are 6000 years old. Like Highlander. There can be only one, so watch yer ass. cn