Why don't Republican officials accept science? 3 examples..

Yep. That shows evidence a "programmer" like a alien race could've left those "library routines" in the "database" that can be activated by "dynamic routine calls."

I think you are looking at it on a very small scale.

Lets assume some force in the galaxy attained sentience an extremely long time ago. Now, you could try to go explore every solar system in the galaxy but it would take an infinite amount of time and unless these travellers had figured out how to exceed the speed of light it would be nearly impossible.

However, if they just seeded the universe with DNA that was programmed to evolve on whatever it could... By the time they reached these worlds, life would already have developed. Life that they could manipulate to their own design but life that had evolved in that specific ecosphere which would make it highly adapted and ready to be utilized.

We are on the verge of creating self aware life forms with computer technology and we are not really that advanced compared to what is likely possible.

The universe is a truly crazy place ;]
How is DNA evidence of a programmer?

every time i trigger my network interface's bayonet connector to transmit my data packets into my favorite server i have to reboot, and have a sammich.

and the server still hasnt confirmed receipt of anything beyond my SYN packet. i did get a really vigorous ACK response last night though.

i suspect theres some data loss going through the verification and addressing layers.

sounds like bill gates is on the design team to me.

plus only microsoft would put the snack bar so close to the shitter.
The previously thought "junk dna" that act like uncalled "library routines." Just like how different distrobutions of Linux contain conditional compile code only activated with different make flags.
Hey, how about them SF Giants!


ohh no you didnt!
How is a blueprint the evidence of an architecht?

An actual blueprint is different in that we know it must have been created by someone.

There is no evidence to suggest that DNA was 'created'. There is strong evidence that suggests it evolved as well;

DNA contains the genetic information that allows all modern living things to function, grow and reproduce. However, it is unclear how long in the 4-billion-year history of life DNA has performed this function, as it has been proposed that the earliest forms of life may have used RNA as their genetic material. RNA may have acted as the central part of early cell metabolism as it can both transmit genetic information and carry out catalysis as part of ribozymes. This ancient RNA world where nucleic acid would have been used for both catalysis and genetics may have influenced the evolution of the current genetic code based on four nucleotide bases. This would occur, since the number of different bases in such an organism is a trade-off between a small number of bases increasing replication accuracy and a large number of bases increasing the catalytic efficiency of ribozymes.



The previously thought "junk dna" that act like uncalled "library routines." Just like how different distrobutions of Linux contain conditional compile code only activated with different make flags.

I'm not sure what you're saying or how that pertains to how DNA is evidence of a programmer
Unless you extract the library routines,your code contains defines for TAN even if you only include SIN with the math library.Aren't those useful?If someone examining your code didn't know what TAN does,they'd conclude it's junk without calls to it
With the ozone in its current tatters, it's a SIN to TAN. Although I expect to be accused of Circular Reasoning for this. ;) cn
That puts a whole new spin on panspermia. I only thought comets,etc, would contain prion and viral pathogens which could alter adaptation. Very interesting.
That puts a whole new spin on panspermia. I only thought comets,etc, would contain prion and viral pathogens which could alter adaptation. Very interesting.

Prionic diseases are something special ... a communicable illness without a physical pathogen. It seems intuitive to me however that prions are entirely homegrown. cn
“If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let’s assume that maybe that didn’t work or something, I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be of the rapist, and not attacking the child.” -Todd Akin rep. Missouri

"God's word is true. I've come to understand that. All that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and Big Bang theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of hell. And it's lies to try to keep me and all the folks who are taught that from understanding that they need a savior." -Paul Broun rep. Georgia

Broun also believes "the Earth is no more than 9,000 years old".

(both of these men are on the US house committee on science, space and technology)


"If the life of the mother was at risk, would you say she should be allowed to have an abortion?" -reporter

"Let me briefly say, there is no such exception with modern technology and science, you can't find one instance. This is an issue that opponents of life throw out there to make us look unreasonable. There's no such exception as life of the mother, and as far as health of the mother, same thing." -Joe Walsh rep. Illinois

Why do we allow people like this to be making scientific decisions that affect the whole nation if they don't accept science?

decriminalize weed without legalizing it so we can form our own society without this garbage tv show shit we do now
Do you know some advanced number theory, like ZF set theory? I was thinking of posting a puzzle on Wed when I get on a real computer. But it requires knowledge how to do algorithmic type reasoning.
Do you know some advanced number theory, like ZF set theory? I was thinking of posting a puzzle on Wed when I get on a real computer. But it requires knowledge how to do algorithmic type reasoning.

Sadly, no. I regret not having taken number theory in undergrad. Numbers fascinate me. cn
Bear, ZF helps but not required.
This a simple Russian puzzle.
You have three items:goat,wolf,cabbage. Wolf eats goat,goat eats cabbage. You come to a river with a boat.You can only fit one item for each trip across and back.How do you get all three across
Bear, ZF helps but not required.
This a simple Russian puzzle.
You have three items:goat,wolf,cabbage. Wolf eats goat,goat eats cabbage. You come to a river with a boat.You can only fit one item for each trip across and back.How do you get all three across
Eat them....???
No, you're delivering these items back to your family. You have to do it alone. Your animals are trained to be left alone and not run away, but will eat without you present.
Bear, ZF helps but not required.
This a simple Russian puzzle.
You have three items:goat,wolf,cabbage. Wolf eats goat,goat eats cabbage. You come to a river with a boat.You can only fit one item for each trip across and back.How do you get all three across

Yes; I've seen and solved this one, but heuristically. Is there a method?

(arrows indicate crossing direction)

Load goat. →
Unload goat. Return empty. ←
Load wolf. →
Unload wolf. Load goat. ←
Unload goat. Load cabbage. →
Unload cabbage. ←
Load goat. →
Done! cn