Why don't Republican officials accept science? 3 examples..

I call this The Vegan's Revenge.I own 300 pigs.I can slaughter the pigs,but it'll take 3 days.I'm ecentric and can only kill an odd number each day.Tell me how many I kill on each day and I give you the meat.Otherwise I release them on nature reserve.

My answer would be "add an odd number of pigs to the 300". That way both premises are fulfilled: the three hundred get processed entirely, and one is left with thrice odd numbers of pigs. cn

Compared to every other country the US has done very well to get out of the crisis.
Just look at how high the tax rates and fees are in European countries like the one I live in.
We've gained debt as well, we've lost many jobs, yet you don't really see the same complaining and whining that you do in the US.

It's as if you guys are mad that Obama didn't do three times as well as many other countries; *Wtf is up with Obama he's only lowered taxes, turned around the crisis, created jobs and done twice as well as most European nations, what a horrible leader*.

The premise is ridiculous if you could only see it for what it truly is.

And to be fair Obama is following the same path as most developed and prosperous countries are following to get out of the crisis.
Which is you have to spend money to get out of the mire we're in.
It takes investments, loans and (unfortunately) larger debt because of those things, to turn around a failing economy.
You can't just snap your fingers and turn it around by giving a 5 trillion dollar tax cut.

The premise you believe in (that any republican could've done better) is so far removed from reality it makes no sense.
Nothing could've stopped this crisis after it took hold (during a republican administration btw).

Obama has had to tear down the failed policies of Bush and make changes to turn your country around.
Every top economist from countries outside the US praises him for a job well done, as do most people.

It's quite astonishing that you can be this disrespectful to your CIC when he has in fact done more for the US than most other heads of state have done in their countries.

It seems like you guys have been brainwashed by some faux news and are so steadfast in your beliefs not even facts can turn your around.
If that's the case then there really is nothing to discuss.

european countries (and their populace) are accustomed to top down rule by decree. here in america that shit is frowned on.

here in america we expect more from our elected officials than pandering simpering and hoping more of the same will fix all the problems they caused last time round. thus, we voice our complaints, because you cant throw us in jail for saying shit (unless its mean to gays, negroes, chicanos, asians, old people, liberals or moslems) you all have been conditioned to expect your masters to cheat, lie, deceive and ride roughshod over you. in fact you expect it. the french would demand an inquest and criminal charges if their PM didt have at least 2 chicks on the side.

obama did NOT lower taxes. he didnt change taxes one iota.
obama did NOT turn any crisis around. the crisis continues unabated.
obama did NOT create any jobs. he did the opposite. he only stopped the "hemorrhaging" of civil service plutocrat jobs. those we could well do without. private sector employment is still in the toilet.
obama has failed to pass a budget for 4 consecutive years. he has done NOTHING economically.

the "turnaround" you claim is the slow clotting of the wounds inflicted by bush's spendthrift ways, by bush's own budgetary plan which continues to operate on autopilot thanks to obama's abysmal failure to get a budget past his fellow democrats in the senate.

"and to be fair" my ass. obama is following the pattern laid out by bush on the economy. he has done NOTHING! no budget=no changes in spending or allocations!
you may believe that you can spend your way out of debt, (and thats what this crisis is, DEBT, nothing more) but you know damned well that this does not work in your personal finances, and it cannot work in national finances. a nation is not a corporation, we cannot "re-invest" to increase production, lower costs or boost sales. a nation has no product to sell. a nation exists to safeguard the lives and property of it's citizens, not to shift units or turn a profit. corporate finance schemes cannot solve a nation's debt problems, and a nation cannot simply sell off a few reserve shares to break even.

you claim to know my mind now? i believe a conservative financial policy and sound money would have prevented this bullshit, and conservative financial policies would have stopped the damage long before now had we not indulged bush in a second term, nor surrendered to our tingling trousers and elevated Barrack The Unready to power. several conservatives and even a few republicans could have done far better. pretending republicans are an ideological monolith is whats ridiculous.

wait? NOTHING could stop the crisis? i thought obama used his magic power to do nothing to stop the crisis. which is it? the crisis was created by the federal reserve (thanks woodrow wilson, democrat) the federal loan and mortgage guarantee corporations fannie mae, (thanks Franklin Roosevelt, democrat) and freddie mac (thanks nixon, republican) and their mismanagement over 20 years of nearly constant democrat rule in the congress and senate. they change the rules, loosened restrictions (thanks clinton, democrat) and turned these two federal behemoths into wobbly tottering drunken giants, ready to fall into the gutter filled with their own piss at any moment. and all the while the watchdogs in the senate claimed they were doing "just fine" (thanks barney frank, democrat) they pushed more and more banks into making unwise loans to unwise borrowers until the entire house of cards burst into flames while it collapsed onto G W Bush's already precarious economy.

wow, doesnt sound like republicans did that much to help, but the democrats were the ones hacking away at our financial and economic stability. they been at it since 1912 in fact.

obama tore down nothing except our nation's self respect. he turned around nothing but our taxpayers, and that was just so he could sodomize us easier.

every top economist YOU LISTEN TO praises him. cool. how nice for you. "people" who are praising him are few and far between in america, the country he is supposed to be working for. i dont give two fucks if europe likes our president. i sure as fuck like damned few of your potentates. YOU and your coffee klatch of european dilettantes dont get a vote on who is america's president. your opinion of obama's performance is irrelevant.

be astonished that we dare speak ill of our mighty "CIC", i care not. as i am not in military service he is NOT my commander, he is my employee you dolt! and as my employee he has not performed as expected, and has failed to measure up on his performance review. if enough of the Human Resources Board agrees, he will join millions of other americans on the unemployment line. its OUR decision, not yours.

"it seems" again with the weasel words. blaming "faux news" for our "brainwashing" is just plain retarded. americans who are paying attention to politics on BOTH sides of the aisle are unhappy with obama, for doing the wrong thing at every turn. he broke all the promises i wish he had kept, and kept all the ones i thought were idiotic.

he has alienated his core supporters with his inaction on their agenda, and energized his opposition with his actions in contra to OUR agenda. he is a political dunce.

he swings at every pitch, refuses calls from his coach and does as he pleases in the field. he thinks he is a superstar, but he's just a fancy dan. once the crowd stops cheering his flamboyant moves, his metrics show him to be mediocre at best. his rookie card reads like a palooka who should be sent back down to the minors.

you offered no facts, you stated opinions as fact, and your opinions are coloured by distance, agenda and your fear of an america that doesnt ask your permission to do what needs doing.

sorry you europeans got self esteem problems. they are YOUR problems.
Jesus Christ, we get it, you don't like Obama.

This thread isn't about Obama, not every thread is about Obama. Take your bitching about Obama to your own thread.

This thread is about dumbass Republicans in positions of power who make scientific decisions based on their dumbass religion.

That's the bottom line, they make these stupid decisions because of their faith.

That is why religion has no place in politics or public policy.
i stopped reading your apoplectic conniption at this point right here.

obama did lower taxes. what did you do with your tax breaks?

i got no tax breaks.

obama did nothin on taxes. he has insisted they be RAISED but he aint lowered shit. or you talking about the payroll tax holiday bulllshit? thats deferring taxes not lowering them.
Jesus Christ, we get it, you don't like Obama.

This thread isn't about Obama, not every thread is about Obama. Take your bitching about Obama to your own thread.

This thread is about dumbass Republicans in positions of power who make scientific decisions based on their dumbass religion.

That's the bottom line, they make these stupid decisions because of their faith.

That is why religion has no place in politics or public policy.

i aint the one who trotted him out like a show pony to prove that republicans are evil.

religion DOES have a place in politics and public policy, it's just usually a negative one, or a cautionary tale.

frankly im not nearly as bothered by some jackoff's religious beliefs as you are.

maybe youre protesting too much...

i bet you got a book of mormon stashed under your bed right now. lets take a peek...

thats not porn! thats back-issues of the Watchtower! Get him boys!!
Does it bother you Akin and Broun are on the S,S & T committee?

Believe whatever the fuck you want, don't let those beliefs hijack your judgment in making decisions that affect millions of people.
Liberals want us to love the criminals like ourself. If we run out of wine we can magically make it out of water. Even whores are loved. They're persecuted even though they asked for it. Shut up pay your taxes. Seems liberals are the ones who fuck Jesus.
i got no tax breaks.

obama did nothin on taxes. he has insisted they be RAISED but he aint lowered shit. or you talking about the payroll tax holiday bulllshit? thats deferring taxes not lowering them.

I got $2500 extra back 2 years in a row for going back to school http://www.irs.gov/uac/American-Opportunity-Tax-Credit

Guess they figure they'll get it back when you get a higher paying job.

Maybe he should do what Bush did giving out rebate checks lol while we were accruing debt. Didn't complain then did ya?
I got $2500 extra back 2 years in a row for going back to school http://www.irs.gov/uac/American-Opportunity-Tax-Credit

Guess they figure they'll get it back when you get a higher paying job.

Maybe he should do what Bush did giving out rebate checks lol while we were accruing debt. Didn't complain then did ya?

it's amazing how you guys all know me better than i do.

i got my check in the "Summer of Flatscreens", and i cashed that bitch too. only a fool turns away a chance to get a little of his money back.

i would have preferred drastic cuts to spending, and paying down the debt, but that wasnt gonna happen, and no, i did not enjoy the "stimulus" bullshit.

it was better than obama's plan. free gifts for those who qualify, and for everybody else? NOTHIN. if i could afford to go back to school i would, but i cant. so your smug declaration is just what it appears. Bragging about how The O-Man bought your vote for bread and circuses.

nice thinking publius sulpicius rufus. wreck the republic to appease the masses with one more round of chariot races while war rages throughout the provinces. sadly mitt romney is no lucius cornelius sulla. if he gets instituted dictator i doubt he will do shit for the republic.
it's amazing how you guys all know me better than i do.

i got my check in the "Summer of Flatscreens", and i cashed that bitch too. only a fool turns away a chance to get a little of his money back.

i would have preferred drastic cuts to spending, and paying down the debt, but that wasnt gonna happen, and no, i did not enjoy the "stimulus" bullshit.

it was better than obama's plan. free gifts for those who qualify, and for everybody else? NOTHIN. if i could afford to go back to school i would, but i cant. so your smug declaration is just what it appears. Bragging about how The O-Man bought your vote for bread and circuses.

nice thinking publius sulpicius rufus. wreck the republic to appease the masses with one more round of chariot races while war rages throughout the provinces. sadly mitt romney is no lucius cornelius sulla. if he gets instituted dictator i doubt he will do shit for the republic.

Where were you on TARP? I mean 1 month before the election Bush signed it into law as a last ditch effort to hook up his banker buds. How can republicans be trusted or considered better?? We would never have had a black president if the republicans hadn't fucked us over so bad. Sadly everyone has short term memory.

And I love it when people say you only voted for so-in-so because of something he gives you, considering you're voting before they give you anything, and they haven't promised to give you anything. But after the fact if you qualify for something you're "bought off". Great logic there. I have a mortgage and went back to school. It's not easy but it's definitely possible.
Where were you on TARP? I mean 1 month before the election Bush signed it into law as a last ditch effort to hook up his banker buds. How can republicans be trusted or considered better?? We would never have had a black president if the republicans hadn't fucked us over so bad. Sadly everyone has short term memory.

And I love it when people say you only voted for so-in-so because of something he gives you, considering you're voting before they give you anything, and they haven't promised to give you anything. But after the fact if you qualify for something you're "bought off". Great logic there. I have a mortgage and went back to school. It's not easy but it's definitely possible.

when you put your nickel in the jukebox you expect to hear the song you chose. thats how most people vote. politicians promise shit, and if they win, they are expected to deliver. bush ate my nickel and didnt play jim croce, he played goddamned toby keith. he didnt get my nickel the next time. i wasnt buyin what obama was sellin either.

you dropped your coin in the slot and got the track you expected. thats a transaction. obama's payoff was just a little more crass and obvious than i expected.

he sold himself as the great reformer, come to clean up washington with his "No Lobbyist" policy. he broke that one before his campaign was even rolling.
he claimed he was gonna be "transparent" but he threw up smokescreens left and right as soon as people started looking at his record.

i stopped believing anything he said 3 months before the election. if he had kept either of those promises he would have got my vote, just like clinton did in his first term. but unlike clinton obama didnt wait till he won to start fucking me. he had his dick out months before the polls opened, and he was just waiting for me to bend over.
You Know what? I'm getting off my motherfucking ass and voting for some democrats! My early vote has already started motherfuckers! Come on I need a winner! I'm a gambling man!! See ya on the other side!

Don't buy this shit - get out and fucking vote. You push a few buttons
You Know what? I'm getting off my motherfucking ass and voting for some democrats! My early vote has already started motherfuckers! Come on I need a winner! I'm a gambling man!! See ya on the other side!

Don't buy this shit - get out and fucking vote. You push a few buttons
Fucking hippy, commie, bastard.

Why are you wasting your vote on the National Socialist Party?
300+ million people and we get a black guy or a mormon to represent us. What, the, fuck.

I don't vote for extreme religions, not evangelicals, not mormons, not amish, none of them. Just look at this thread, how the fuck do those idiots get elected? It's "gods plan" for a woman to be raped. lol what a shitty god.

All I can say is... ted haggard.