Well-Known Member
I understand your skepticism but LED is definitely where we are heading. It will be the norm within the next decade. Once we learn more about what frequencies the plants actually need, and then get some super legitimate companies making them affordable, I just don't see how they couldn't be the absolute best for plants. Im talking HIGH powered cannabis specific LEDs. No bullshit. People always mention trying to mimic nature, but this is the wrong path to take. We have the opportunity to be better than nature, CO2 injection for example. Becoming better than nature is the only way that the quality of buds will just keep on climbing. They certainly don't need the entire light range of the sun. Or HPS/MH lights either. So much wasted heat energy. Granted, my LED light probably does suck lol. Just wait till we get some seriously on point LED lights man. Don't give up on em!
you need to start being more ligh hearted as the guy your talking at, hes grown with leds much longer than you with, as you put "high powered cannabis specific leds" with that being said you have the right idea be better than nature, but that does not mean DISSIMILAR! you want to be similar to nature but better when it come to light you need yellow green blue and red as they all have a purpose as the plants have adapted to use them there are no specific spectrum's only blends that are better than sunlight.
more red more blue does not = more bud. more light all together does though. keep this in mind also it is very hard to beat the sun as far as light goes. LED definitely will not cut it.