Using energy from crystals and pyramids to increase plant success


Well-Known Member
This is from the World Book Science Annual of 1974. No crystals involved, but it's about an Indian guy Swami Rama who moves a needle without touching it, can stop his heart, make his hand heat up by 10 degrees, and voluntarily produce different kinds of brain waves. Pretty cool, and i'd say it's a mixture of spirituality and science.


Well-Known Member
This is from the World Book Science Annual of 1974. No crystals involved, but it's about an Indian guy Swami Rama who moves a needle without touching it, can stop his heart, make his hand heat up by 10 degrees, and voluntarily produce different kinds of brain waves. Pretty cool, and i'd say it's a mixture of spirituality and science.
definitely cool
If it can be explained then is it no longer spirituality? (What does that even mean?)

I have read of monks that can raise their body temperatures. They learned how to do it to survive being trapped in a blizzard on the way to their monastery at the top of a mountain. People can lower their heart rate to the point that they appear dead.

I know a person that can completely beat a lie detector test because he has such control over his body. He will would not call it spirituality, he calls it a trick that anyone can learn to do.

Personally I believe that we are only limited by our imaginations. The old saying that we only use 10% of our brains may not be literally correct, but I believe we haven't even come within sniffing distance of what we are capable of.

That doesn't mean we should spend time flapping our arms and jumping out of trees to try and fly. If someone had a technique that could be taught to someone else that allows for humans to fly, great, let's try it. But when someone says, "Hey, flap your arms and jump out of a tree and you can fly," you will have to excuse my skepticism.


Well-Known Member
It's threads like these that keep me sticking around this place. It's not often I get to discuss topics like this without complete derailment. These types of threads are always so prone to trolls, butthurt, insulting people, etc. It's refreshing to see people actually discuss these kinds of things here, without taking anything personal enough to start spewing hatred and such. Kudos to all of you fo being free independent thinkers! I know this is sort of tangential, but I had to say it.


Active Member
i would have thought the crystals, due to the arrangement, of their internal structure, are more likely to channel any given energy, by the user, or light source.

they do grow over millions of years, but im not sure that means they are alive? they just pretty little rocks, arent they


Well-Known Member
Damn, and I thought I was the only one here that does that....NOT trolling,...working on movie sets.... Cool Beans!..ANother brother here!

Lol, yep i'm trolling...what a Moron!! Trust me when your on movie sets all day and there is nothing to do, this fills a lot of time.


The earth is alive it also grows so how could something alive produce anything but what is alive and also this sounds like confusion between life and consciousness and there is more than one level consciousness or perception of consciousness


Well-Known Member
The pyramid does have some sort of accepted energy and it is also known to keep food fresh longer, energise water - seems to mummify food/water to keep them fresh. It also can prolong the life of new razor blades - the pyramid seems to remove the fine particulars of water that is left on the blades after shaving to keep them sharper longer. We have also found that ailing plants often to come to life, while cats and dogs love to sit and sleep in pyramids. In ancient times sick people would often sleep overnight in pyramids as part of their healing process.


Well-Known Member
The pyramid does have some sort of accepted energy and it is also known to keep food fresh longer, energise water - seems to mummify food/water to keep them fresh. It also can prolong the life of new razor blades - the pyramid seems to remove the fine particulars of water that is left on the blades after shaving to keep them sharper longer. We have also found that ailing plants often to come to life, while cats and dogs love to sit and sleep in pyramids. In ancient times sick people would often sleep overnight in pyramids as part of their healing process.
Wow, 70's retro-myths, disproved many times including recently on mythbusters. What is energized water exactly? The term makes no sense.

Pyramid vs Control
Roses: Both dried out similarly

Apples: No visible difference.

Milk: Milk in both was pretty nasty with milk maggots.

Razors 1: Kari dulled two razor blades and put one under the pyramid. They were identical under the electron microscope (2500x magnification).

Razors 2: Tory shaved with two razors, one for each side of the face. One of the razors was aligned with magnetic north and placed in the pyramid. Tory then shaved with both razors 16 days later. Both razors nicked him pretty good.


Well-Known Member
As a gem and mineral dealer(as a side line) I feel it would be unethical to say there is benefit to using crystals and minerals for their metaphysical properties. Often people will approach me at a gem show or a festi where I'm vending and ask if I have a stone that is good for this or that, and I simply say that they should look at the stones and pick one that appeals to them. You can look in books and try to learn about the metaphysical prorperties of crystals but you'll find that at one time or another someone has used every stone for just about anything.
So that said if anyone needs a Moldavite I have a surplus of that, pm me.


Well-Known Member
As a gem and mineral dealer(as a side line) I feel it would be unethical to say there is benefit to using crystals and minerals for their metaphysical properties. Often people will approach me at a gem show or a festi where I'm vending and ask if I have a stone that is good for this or that, and I simply say that they should look at the stones and pick one that appeals to them. You can look in books and try to learn about the metaphysical prorperties of crystals but you'll find that at one time or another someone has used every stone for just about anything.
So that said if anyone needs a Moldavite I have a surplus of that, pm me.

What rocks help with brewer's droop and herpes?


Active Member
JUST to let whoever said it know, there has NEVER been consistent evidence that anyone ever thought the earth was flat, it was made up by someone in the 20th century, Columbus actually thought the earth was pear shaped..... but most on here are right, people have to be ready to accept the impossible, im just afraid that the impossible wont be found in those little shiny rocks...


I think you meant the mind molds matter :) as thoughts create reality what you believe and think will change what is seen and how you experience what is seen everyone's opinion is right if they believe with no doubt right and wrong what works and doesn't work just look at this forum there are so many people getting the same results growing flowers with different methods because they found what they believe in and that extends to every part of life. be love and find love, look for love and find that love is missing


Well-Known Member
I think you meant the mind molds matter :) as thoughts create reality what you believe and think will change what is seen and how you experience what is seen everyone's opinion is right if they believe with no doubt right and wrong what works and doesn't work just look at this forum there are so many people getting the same results growing flowers with different methods because they found what they believe in and that extends to every part of life. be love and find love, look for love and find that love is missing
What about people who are on drugs and believe they can fly? What about mental patients who believe their loved ones have been kidnapped and replaced with an exact impostor? If I believe that gravity takes the day off for Thanksgiving, can I leave the house through my third story window and not fall? If I believe that MJ grows best when it's covered in mustard, will I grow good bud?

Conviction or popularity of a belief has nothing to do with reality. If everyone on earth held the perfect belief that the moon is made of cheese, it wouldn't change the moon.


Well I can't argue what you said and I wouldn't try but I don't live a life with duality and from my understanding of life and science and ancient teachings what you see may not be the same as I and that goes for what you said about crazy people I understand what your saying though :) good luck


Well-Known Member
It would be interesting to see if plants in the rain forest grow differently or better in areas of high crystal concentrations. Should be easy to see. And isn't soil just a collection of tiny bits of crystals and decomposing organic matter?

Mister Sister

Active Member
I don't know about plant growth, but I have just recently had a crystal coincidence that I felt might be nice to share here. So a friend gave me a crystal to put in my pocket for reasons that have no context to this story. I always held it in the same pocket as my keys because I didn't want it to scratch my phone. On my keyring is a key-fab that hasn't worked in at least 2 years. One day I gave them to my daughter to play with and realized that the batteries in the key-fab were working because my panic alarm was going off. Confused, I went outside to see if it just had some weird-fluke-type-power left in the battery. The strange part is, the key-fab works like brand new. Doesn't miss a beat and has been that was for about a week now, at least. Was it the crystal that reinvigorated the batteries or was it something completely different? The world may never know. Either way I'm glad I can unlock my car from more spots than the drivers side door! At any rate, MS