Using energy from crystals and pyramids to increase plant success

Here's the funny part:

Most of you are laughing so hard about the crystals. I am too. But, here's a link to a site that will also break down the walls of all the other illusions most people harbor.

- a fool and his money are easily parted.
Here's the funny part:

Most of you are laughing so hard about the crystals. I am too. But, here's a link to a site that will also break down the walls of all the other illusions most people harbor.

- a fool and his money are easily parted.

"A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees."

"In the vain laughter of folly wisdom hears half its applause."

"It is the peculiar quality of a fool to perceive the faults of others and to forget his own."
If you want people to buy into your ideas, why not post something compelling?
Before you mentioned 'spirituality' and how scientists refuse to consider it.
What do you mean by spirituality? Why should scientists 'mix religion or spirituality with science'?

How would they do that? Do they put on wizard hats and say incantations over bubbling cauldrons?
If you want people to buy into your ideas, why not post something compelling?
Before you mentioned 'spirituality' and how scientists refuse to consider it.
What do you mean by spirituality? Why should scientists 'mix religion or spirituality with science'?

How would they do that? Do they put on wizard hats and say incantations over bubbling cauldrons?

Yea but it seems as though you're talking to ME as though I am the one who claimed it to be an absolute fact. I never once claimed that. In fact, I thought Heisenberg did a pretty good job of explaining why it doesn't add up.

I am simply trying to get a point across that you are obviously missing entirely. If you haven't got it yet, you aren't ready.
Yea but it seems as though you're talking to ME as though I am the one who claimed it to be an absolute fact. I never once claimed that. In fact, I thought Heisenberg did a pretty good job of explaining why it doesn't add up.

I am simply trying to get a point across that you are obviously missing entirely. If you haven't got it yet, you aren't ready.

You are not ready yet to understand my point.
I guess we have us a good old fashioned "not getting the point" Mexican standoff.
Forget crystals...the real trick is building a pyramid around your plants. Pyramids (as all egyptians once knew well) are powerful channels for psychic energy, and if you grow in the heart of a pyramid then it helps channel that energy into your grow. Its exactly the same energy that they used pyramids for keeping razors sharp back in the old days. I'm currently looking to sell a range of pyramid-shaped grow tents. Good, tubed aluminium construction; especially designed to help channel energy, angled perfectly to allow it to pass unimpeded through the substructure. Each pyramid's proportions are carefully chosen to maximize the energy released, and each, patented Pyramirical-growtent (tm) now comes complete with tri-tinfoil lining, scientifically proven by scientists to be the superior modern material for the easy transmission of cosmic energy, whilst still remaining 100% light-proof!!!
The basic 5ft pyramid is good for 1 plant, and retails for just $499.99

PM me if you want one...

Forget crystals...the real trick is building a pyramid around your plants. Pyramids (as all egyptians once knew well) are powerful channels for psychic energy, and if you grow in the heart of a pyramid then it helps channel that energy into your grow. Its exactly the same energy that they used pyramids for keeping razors sharp back in the old days. I'm currently looking to sell a range of pyramid-shaped grow tents. Good, tubed aluminium construction; especially designed to help channel energy, angled perfectly to allow it to pass unimpeded through the substructure. Each pyramid's proportions are carefully chosen to maximize the energy released, and each, patented Pyramirical-growtent (tm) now comes complete with tri-tinfoil lining, scientifically proven by scientists to be the superior modern material for the easy transmission of cosmic energy, whilst still remaining 100% light-proof!!!
The basic 5ft pyramid is good for 1 plant, and retails for just $499.99

PM me if you want one...


I'm pretty sure you're goofing but be careful playing with the rules man, it really looks like you're serious. Such a good troll, I couldn't even tell you were trollin at first lulz :P
True, but I was very drunk and laughing a lot to myself at the time...drunk enough to forget that my mirth might not fully translate online....I shoulda known a winking smiley face was more appropriate than the normal smiley hehe.

It's funny though. When I was growing up, there were playground tales about how pyramids kept razor blades sharp. Even as an 8yr old I knew it was fishy, and very soon after that the story was proven, of course, to be nonsense. I think it was some april fool BBC joke, like their classic spaghetti tree news story....I've enjoyed a good spoof ever since falling for that one I guess :)
I am growing 4 plants. In 1 pot I used quartz crystal and blue agate in the bottom for drainage and the others got regular rock/hydroton to see in a side by side comparison if any energetic benefits were to be had. The plant with the energy containing stones at the bottom has been more resilient and grown larger and healthier than the others! Even after transplanting and switching to hydroton. The plant is the one indica that I have so maybe it still has some of that Blue/purple energy in there! I may use the crystals again when I transplant and add some more purple quartz, maybe moss agate and green calcite :) I have a Malachite pyramid would that aid in any way? I'll have to research or get a crystalology book. Thanks for posting, have been wondering about this subject!
I stuffed some quartz up my ass now I am more resilient and healthy. I think I'm gonna stick one in my pee-hole and see what happens.

It's just good science.