Using energy from crystals and pyramids to increase plant success


Since you can not back up your claims, why not make your own experiment? Grow some plants with and without crystals, perhaps try the scientific method. I'm not going to read heisenberg's post, because I am sure he is saying what I am trying to communicate in a smarter and more effective way.

You are just telling us stories and making assumptions. Stories are great, but I can tell you a lot of stories about growing plants. They would all sound more believable than yours and they would all be false.

I would be happy to entertain your ideas if there was something that would actually back them up.

I am just asking to see an experiment with results that could be repeated elsewhere.
I am not looking for some snotty, "You just don't get it" comment. That is rude and dumb.

I think you would get better results with your plants if you could manage to get bigfoot to shit on them.

Best idea in the thread so far.
So, you fixed your bug problem at the same time as putting these rocks in your grow room.


Anyone who truly believes crystals will make your plants grow better...

So, you fixed your bug problem at the same time as putting these rocks in your grow room.


Anyone who truly believes crystals will make your plants grow better...

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No actually... I put the crystals in my grow room.. and then had no more bug problems...

Anyone who truley believes that they understand the infinite potential of universal energies (or that they dont exist) is far more retarded in my opinion!
No actually... I put the crystals in my grow room.. and then had no more bug problems...

Anyone who truley believes that they understand the infinite potential of universal energies (or that they dont exist) is far more retarded in my opinion!

What are universal energies? One of these?
Thermal energy
Chemical energy
Electric energy
Radiant energy, the energy of electromagnetic radiation
Nuclear energy
Magnetic energy
Elastic energy
Sound energy
Mechanical energy
Luminous energy
Mass (E=mc²)

Energy is a very specific word with a hard definition. All energy follows the laws of thermodynamics. One thing we understand about energy is that it does not have infinite potential.

While energy can not be created or destroyed, it can and will be rendered useless which would seem to negate it's potential. It seems your opinion is uninformed and devoid of merit.

12 steps to critical thinking

1) We admit that our cognition, perception, and memory are flawed and pseudoscience and gullibility are rampant.

2) We come to accept that the process of thinking critically is more important than any belief.

3) We acknowledge the utility of methodological naturalism as a way of empirically understanding the world.

4) We make a thorough study of the various mechanisms of self-deception, cognitive biases, and logical fallacies.

5) We vow to explain what a logical fallacy is to those that make one instead of just calling out the logical fallacy.

6) We acknowledge to ourselves, others, and on the internet that we are skeptics.

7) We will always listen to and consider new ideas and welcome challenging views.

8) We will endeavor to examine our premises and logic and correct any misinformation or misconceptions we may have spread.

9) We will correct errors and false statements on blog posts and within forums unless doing so would make us a dickish troll.

10) We will continue to keep all opinions and conclusions tentative and revise them in the face of new information.

11) We will seek through study and research to improve our critical thinking skills and keep up to date on basic scientific literacy.

12) Having become more skeptical ourselves, we will engage in skeptical activism and outreach to help make the world a more skeptical place.
As for Sacred Geomoetry and Ancient Aliens, there are plenty of extensive threads in the spirituality section debunking this nonsense.

Is Nassim Haramein Right About the Things He Says in Thrive?

Not very much of the time. A lot of what Mr. Nassim states in Thrive is simply false. On this blog we have already debunked much of the material he presents. For example, we’ve already noted that his claim about the “Flower of Life” in the Osirian Temple is incorrect. It is not “burned into the atomic structure of the rock.” In this article, which debunks the idea of “ancient astronauts,” I explain at length how and why Mr. Haramein’s assertions about ancient civilizations and ancient history are wrong. For instance, the Egyptian and Mayan “sun gods” had nothing to do with science or engineering. A case can be made that the Incan “sun god” did supposedly teach some knowledge to the Incas, but the context in which Mr. Haramein employs this idea—supposedly to illustrate that “ancient astronauts” exist—is totally incorrect. There is not a single piece of evidence anywhere in the world indicating that aliens visited ancient civilizations thousands or hundreds of years ago. The only basis for the “ancient astronaut” claims is the supposition that particular structures, such as pyramids, were beyond the capability of ancient peoples to construct, and therefore they must have been built by aliens. As I explained in the article debunking ancient astronauts, that supposition is totally unsupportable. Furthermore, he’s also wrong about the Forbidden City being “where the sun gods reside.” The Forbidden City, built in Beijing in the early 1400s, was where the terrestrial emperor resided, not the “sun gods.”
To all you fun makers

Have you forgotten that crystals are used as power sources, in cell phones, laptops, radios... or did you somehow never come across this?

Let's say you have a dog (you know, man's best friend) only you don't treat him that way, instead you treat him with disdain, even make fun of him (as you are here towards things you don't understand, solely because it is beyond your present state of awareness/ consciousness) I wouldn't count on his protection, should the time come. And he's libel to escape the first chance he gets. He feels your negativity

The potential of crystal energy depends on you. Don't believe, and you won't see any benefits. If a crystal amplifier is being short circuited, it can't amplify until the obstruction is removed, pretty much the same in your tents or grow rooms.

I have crystals everywhere, + I use Orgone mixed with semi-precious stones and metals, and in my rez, whose water goes through an RO. I use RO for cooking and drinking.

Next Step

I run the RO water through a water- vortex energizer to clear the water of all the negative effects caused by the toxic energy residues of chlorine, flouride, and pharmaceuticals (from people flushing their meds) that remain, in minute amounts.

Vortexing helps to restore the original energy and cell memory to the water so it can be beneficial. Think of a fast moving mountain stream and the plant life that thrives along the shore, or how energizing it is to swim in it

I often hear that my mmj does things for those ho get to enjoy it that other stuff they smoke doesn't. Because they don't have a preconceived opinion, it is opening them up to new experiences- conscious awareness
Many electronic devices utilize crystals, yet none of these devices are dependent on your attitude towards it or your feelings about it. In fact the none of the energies science has defined depends on your believing in it. This crystal energy doesn't seem to share any of the properties that all other energy does, meaning it does not fit the definition of energy.

"We can dismiss the pre-scientific belief in the magical powers of crystals and gemstones as due to the lack of scientific knowledge. Modern occultists, however, distort and falsify scientific knowledge in order to promote belief in their crystal products. According to the purveyors of this crystalline pseudoscience, crystals channel good "energy" and ward off bad "energy." They carry "vibrations" that resonate with healing "frequencies," work with the chakras and help balance yin and yang. Crystals allegedly affect the emotions and can be used not only for physical healing, but for emotional problems as well. Crystals can not only help with emotional healing, but with self-expression, creativity, meditation, and the immune system. None of these claims is backed by any scientific evidence.

"The New Age idea that crystals can harness and direct energy seems to be based upon a misunderstanding of one of the more curious characteristics of certain crystals, namely, that they produce an electrical charge when compressed. This is known as the piezoelectric effect and was discovered in 1880 by Pierre and Jacques Curie. Other technological developments had to occur before the piezoelectric effect could be put to use, however, and it was not until the 1950s that the piezoelectric effect could be put to general use in record player needles and a variety of measuring devices. Nowadays, these devices "are used in almost every conceivable application requiring accurate measurement and recording of dynamic changes in mechanical variables such as pressure, force and acceleration."

"The piezoelectric effect, however, does not give crystals healing or protective power, despite the claims of those who use and sell crystals in New Age and neo-pagan occultist shops. However, wearing crystals seems to give some people a feeling of protection. This, and their aesthetic qualities, seem to be the only virtues of crystal jewelry."

The idea that something only works if you believe in it is a common claim by many pseudoscientific proponents and is known as special pleading. My (esp,crystals,health drink,time machine,ghost phone) is beyond your science and therefore can not be judged by it. The very controls which make science accurate are the ones that special pleading attempts to circumvent, because it is those quality controls which filter pseudoscience out. Meanwhile these same proponents are more than happy to use science to support their claims if they feel it backs them up. They want to eat their cake and still have it.
If you can debunk this be my guest... His math is sound.. and it makes a hell of a lot more sense than the explination we are givin as children as to how the world works.. and how things come into existence. The entire theory of relativity that your entire life is based on has been in question by the scientific community for the last decade.. Physicis are freaking out because this guy actually makes sense.. and has been able to solve equations that have perplexed the greatest minds in our history. Your stuck believing what you were taught in 3rd grade.. and thats fine with me.. Ive chosen to open up my mind to the possibility that maybe the theory of relativity (which doesnt make much sense to begin with) is wrong? And that the fundamental physics we base creation on are flawed at their most basic levels? This theory goes beyond dogma and religion and bases its theory in mathematical fact. Think of it this way.. the atom that makes up the solid world is composed of 99.99999% empty space.. which in turn means that the solid reality you and I live in is really just 0.0000000001% of actual existence. For centuries scientists have been focusing on the 0.000000000001% of the matter that makes up existance.. and IGNORING the 99.999999999999% of SPACE that makes up EVERYTHING! SO.. what is this space made up of? In short.. its ENERGY.. did you know that the density of a proton is calculated to be MORE than the density of the entire visible universe? There are MANY things you.. nor the general scientific community are not able to explain.. and the transfer of energy is one of those things that is only looked at from the perspective of the 0.00000000001%. Once you stand back and realize that everything is both infinitly big.. and infinitly small at the same time.. this type of energy begins to make a LOT more sense. Watch Nassim's video before you make another comment.. anything said before researching this view point is only continuing the dogmatic rituals that have kept man kind in the dark about this kind of thing for thousands of years. Unification theory is the new physics.. throw out what you know.. because I guarantee you this will be taught in schools everywhere in the VERY near future!
Ahh so your crystals which a few pages ago were backed up with science, now depends on overturning the entire theory of relativity? Your ideology seems to drift wherever you sense support. The theory of relativity is well defended in the science section of this site, which is where you should go if you are looking for discussion. As for debunking Nassim, there is an entire page devoted to exposing his quackery at
And just for the record.. is one of the biggest sites for misinformation available. It is controlled by the same people that control your government, your media, and for the most part.. YOUR LIFE.. Math doesnt lie... but sites like this can.. because they rely on closed minded people like yourself to just "take their word for it" rather than doing the research for yourself.. But then again.. we are all taught not to question authority from a very young age.. so how could I expect you to question something you read on the internet? Your in the dark man.. math doesnt lie.. and Nassim does the math..
Oh.. and by the way.. that article you posted is talking about the movie Thrive.. which only has snippits of info from Nassim.. it mentions nothing of his unification theory... How much more useless shit are you going to post before you actually do some work yourself?
And just for the record.. is one of the biggest sites for misinformation available. It is controlled by the same people that control your government, your media, and for the most part.. YOUR LIFE.. Math doesnt lie... but sites like this can.. because they rely on closed minded people like yourself to just "take their word for it" rather than doing the research for yourself.. But then again.. we are all taught not to question authority from a very young age.. so how could I expect you to question something you read on the internet? Your in the dark man.. math doesnt lie.. and Nassim does the math..

So now there is a conspiracy to hush the insights of Nassim? One that extends even to wordpress! Well lets see you have so far engaged in just about every tactic defenders of pseudoscience like to use.

You first misrepresent science as if it backs up your claims.

You back up your myth with others myths

You then devalue science and appeal to ignorance (what we don't know) as if ignorance of the world somehow supports your claims

You suggest science is closed minded

You evoke a shadowy conspiracy that intends to downplay your claims and keep everyone in the dark except those who agree with you

"Every working scientist's career is defined by his new discoveries; there is no work to be done, and no salary to be found, in accepting irrefutable truths and doing nothing. Nobody funds research that's intended to not learn anything." - Brian Dunning
Oh.. and by the way.. that article you posted is talking about the movie Thrive.. which only has snippits of info from Nassim.. it mentions nothing of his unification theory... How much more useless shit are you going to post before you actually do some work yourself?

I am required to do no work. The burden of proof falls to the party making the claim. It's not my fault that the sources you sight have already been analyzed and discredited.
Last post for this thread... I have "experimented" with 2400 plants over 3 years, the first 1600 grew well with use of chemical sprays and sulphur burners. The last 800 plants grew well without use of chemical sprays and sulphur burners. The ONLY difference was the crystals, and I no longer use chemical sprays or sulphur burners. Once you have "experimented" with 2400 plants and gotten different results.. feel free to post.. Untill then.. you are in NO POSITION WHATSOEVER to argue the validity of this. I may not have documented proof.. but I DO have experience.. which is more than ANY of you can say... SO untill you have the EXPERIENCE to back up your claims.. run along kiddies!
"If an opinion contrary to your own makes you angry, that is a sign that you are subconsciously aware of having no good reason for thinking as you do. If some one maintains that two and two are five, or that Iceland is on the equator, you feel pity rather than anger, unless you know so little of arithmetic or geography that his opinion shakes your own contrary conviction. So whenever you find yourself getting angry about a difference of opinion, be on your guard; you will probably find, on examination, that your belief is going beyond what the evidence warrants." —Bertrand Russell
"If an opinion contrary to your own makes you angry, that is a sign that you are subconsciously aware of having no good reason for thinking as you do. If some one maintains that two and two are five, or that Iceland is on the equator, you feel pity rather than anger, unless you know so little of arithmetic or geography that his opinion shakes your own contrary conviction. So whenever you find yourself getting angry about a difference of opinion, be on your guard; you will probably find, on examination, that your belief is going beyond what the evidence warrants." —Bertrand Russell

Have you grown 2400 plants yet? Something tells me you havnt... Until you have.. I believe I am the only person ive ever seen who has first hand experience with this on a large scale using cannabis. SO.. untill you can produce different results on a similar control group, Your point of view is meaningless. My opinion is contrary to you yours because I actually have experience and am speaking from first hand knowledge.. You are speaking from assumptions and quoting resources that have literally nothing to do with crystals helping plants grow. If you really want to prove me wrong.. get off the fucking internet and do some experiments yourself. Once you have a control group of 2400 plants.. come talk to me.. Untill then.. you are going off hearsay and assumptions... which are completely worthless in any faction. Good day to you sir!
Lets see who else is preaching unification theory... humm... it seems we have Stephen Hawking PhD. (Last I checked he was the smartest guy on the planet...) John Hagelin PhD. (Head of Physics, Maharishi University). Nassim Haramien (Director of Research at The Resonance Project) Alber Einstein (I think we all know who he is) To make a long story short.. The Greatest minds of the last 100 or so years have been working on a unification theory that encompasses eveything in the known universe into a mathematical formula. Einstein never finished his unification theory.. Hawking, Hagelin, and Haramein have found the answer! All of this information has only been uncovered within the last decade or so.. So its no real surprise that it is largely unaccepted by the scientific community. But.. such is the nature of change.. It took nearly 100 years for the Germ theory of disease transmission to become accepted as common knowledge.. But the first person to come up with the idea was demonized and commited as insane because of his beliefs. Just becaaluse this isnt common knowledge YET.. doesnt mean it is not factual... Even Einstein knew his theory of relativity (the idea that everything is seperated from each other.. or relative to each other.. and only forces that are seen and can be measured in the physical world actually exist) was flawed.. and hence.. he spent the last few decades of his life working on Grand Unification Theory.. Even Einstein wasnt satisfied with using made up numbers like "Strong and Weak force" to complete his calculations.. And fortunately for us... Brilliant minds of today have worked out the bugs and brought a solution to Einstein's theory. Science is moving through new discoveries at an incredible pace.. A pace never seen before in Human History.. What used to take 100 years to become common knowledge has been accelerated by means of the internet so that everyday average joes like you and me have access to this wealth of information.. and can see the logic in the equations ourself. Unification Theory states that everything is connected by space, that space is filled with an infinite amount of polarized energy which can be transmuted from postive to negative by means of interaction with other energies. So.. in short.. If everything is connected, and everything is energy.. and the energy of one object directly effects the energy of other objects around it, and crystals have an energy that can be measured... what leads you to believe that this is false? Im sorry.. but the outdated physics model you are currently governing your rebuttal on are simply this... OUTDATED.. and INACCURATE! And I have some of the greatest minds in history backing me up... Not some blogger on wordpress... Go back to school noob!
Have you grown 2400 plants yet? Something tells me you havnt... Until you have.. I believe I am the only person ive ever seen who has first hand experience with this on a large scale using cannabis. SO.. untill you can produce different results on a similar control group, Your point of view is meaningless. My opinion is contrary to you yours because I actually have experience and am speaking from first hand knowledge.. You are speaking from assumptions and quoting resources that have literally nothing to do with crystals helping plants grow. If you really want to prove me wrong.. get off the fucking internet and do some experiments yourself. Once you have a control group of 2400 plants.. come talk to me.. Untill then.. you are going off hearsay and assumptions... which are completely worthless in any faction. Good day to you sir!

I've been inclined to believe you have grown these plants so far, but now I am beginning to wonder as I have never seen an experienced grower brag so much about so little. No matter anyhow as it is beside the point. You could grow ten thousand plants and it still wouldn't rule out things like confirmation bias, observation bias, logical mistakes, and human error in reasoning, such as confusing correlation with causation. You also apparently do not understand what a control group is, or the concept of burden of proof. These terms have actual definitions you know...

You have basically come on and said crystals help plants grow, and I have asked questions; questions which should have easy answers. Instead of being able to answer them, your story falls apart and becomes you saying "Crystals do this thing to my plants that I can't really explain using some mechanism I can't really describe, and unless you can prove otherwise, it's true!". Along the way you have perpetuated some known nonsense such as the 10% brain myth, misunderstanding of what energy is, the law of attraction, and finally you culminate in trying to overturn relativity. Rather than acknowledge any of these mistakes, you attempt to spin them with more nonsense, such as a global conspiracy. I guess you are not big on self correction.

Which assumptions have I made? If you look you'll see I am simply questioning your assumptions, and who is the one bringing up shit that has nothing to do with crystals? These are the places you take us when you attempt to back up your nonsense. Now you want me to do your work for you and prove you wrong. I could say the same thing about a unicorn living in the center of the sun. Get off your ass and prove there isn't one. See how it's not fair to ask you to do my work?

Rarely does a sound concept depend on personal abuse and name calling, yet that seems to be all that you are left with, that and empty threats to leave the thread. Doubt seems to make you angry, while science depends on doubt and asking questions. What you embrace is pseudoscience, and like all pseudoscience yours requires a measure of faith. Your faith is fine to have, but don't expect it to mean anything to anyone but yourself.
I've been inclined to believe you have grown these plants so far, but now I am beginning to wonder as I have never seen an experienced grower brag so much about so little. No matter anyhow as it is beside the point. You could grow ten thousand plants and it still wouldn't rule out things like confirmation bias, observation bias, logical mistakes, and human error in reasoning, such as confusing correlation with causation. You also apparently do not understand what a control group is, or the concept of burden of proof. These terms have actual definitions you know...

You have basically come on and said crystals help plants grow, and I have asked questions; questions which should have easy answers. Instead of being able to answer them, your story falls apart and becomes you saying "Crystals do this thing to my plants that I can't really explain using some mechanism I can't really describe, and unless you can prove otherwise, it's true!". Along the way you have perpetuated some known nonsense such as the 10% brain myth, misunderstanding of what energy is, the law of attraction, and finally you culminate in trying to overturn relativity. Rather than acknowledge any of these mistakes, you attempt to spin them with more nonsense, such as a global conspiracy. I guess you are not big on self correction.

Do you suppose you are the first person to ever bring up Nassim before, first one to post that video? Chief Walking Eagle has been spouting off about the resonance project and other such woo for like 2 years now in the philosophy section. Rather than dismiss these claims, I have watched them fail for years.

Which assumptions have I made? If you look you'll see I am simply questioning your assumptions, and who is the one bringing up shit that has nothing to do with crystals? These are the places you take us when you attempt to back up your nonsense. Now you want me to do your work for you and prove you wrong. I could say the same thing about a unicorn living in the center of the sun. Get off your ass and prove there isn't one. See how it's not fair to ask you to do my work?

Rarely does a sound concept depend on personal abuse and name calling, yet that seems to be all that you are left with, that and empty threats to leave the thread. Doubt seems to make you angry, while science depends on doubt and asking questions. What you embrace is pseudoscience, and like all pseudoscience yours requires a measure of faith. Your faith is fine to have, but don't expect it to mean anything to anyone but yourself.

I think Im going to agree with Mr. Hawking, Mr. Hagelin, Mr. Haramein, and Mr. Einstein on this one.. Even Einstein knew Relativistic Physics was fundamentally flawed.. Why is it so hard for you to believe? In all actuality.. I really dont care if you believe me or not. I have been researching Unified Theory for about 5 years now, how much research have you done on the subject? All Im saying is that I have current information that overturns the Theory of Relativity which you are basing your rebuttal on. You dont see it now.. but you will in the very near future.. Of that I am sure! Once again.. do some experiments and get back to me.. Untill then.. this is all hearsay.. and you sir are a closed minded fool!
Basic relitavistic physics states how "Dimensions" work.. Dimension 0 = a dot (which does not exist) Dimension 1 = A series of dots that form a line (which also does not exist) Dimension 2 = A series of lines that enclose a surface plane (but also does not exist) and Finally Dimension 3 - A series of surface planes arranged to form a cube... which now holds volume.. and thus.. it exists.. we all learned this in Grade 3... And it is THE MAIN FLAW in relitavistic physics!! Think of it this way... if you have a dot that doesnt exist.. that makes a line that doesnt exist.. that makes a plane that doesnt exist... how can all of these non existant things.. make something real??? It doesnt make any sense at all.. And Einstein KNEW this.. and THAT is why the theory of relativity is so fundamentally flawed! the simple fact of the matter.. is that the dot is EVERYTHING.. ranging from infinitly big.. to infinitely small.. And rather than trying to find the fundamental base particle that creation is based on.. we should be looking for a fundamental pattern of division. The universe is infinitely fractile.. dots making up other dots making bigger dots etc. All of these dots exist due to enegry.. and all energy is connected. This is the new physics.. Your still in the dark bud!