Trump is a self aggrandizing idiot

He sure as shit did. I heard it from his mouth yesterday on Faux news in an interview by that gretta lady...wants to see passport stamps and chewed out gretta because she thought he adequately proved he was a citizen and trump threw a fit saying he couldn't believe she'd accept what was presented, he expected more of her, blah blah blah. Definitely still thinks he's not a citizen. lmao still don't accept he's our president after more than 3 years lol

I heard the interview as well, and you are over-dramatizing severely, with the "chewed out" and similar histrionics.

There are facts that are being adjudicated in US court, right now, that have nothing to do with anything but establishing the citizen status of one, Barrack Obama. Gretta was fishing for Trump to say what he was looking for. She was after new news. Her personal views are not in evidence. She is portraying the editorial policy of Fox, to be neutral on this issue unless something more concrete will surface.

Trump has suspicions around those items that are documenting for benefits and scholarships, and he guesses, perhaps his passport will show a dual status.

But, he ain't stupid and neither is Gretta. This was a fine play of journalist snooping vs Trump who knows he has become borish with the wild accusation and wants some press time to press his continued snooping.

Trump wants his name on outting Obama. If he is not outted, no skin off Trump. If Obama is EVER is outted,. Trump's name will already be associated. Good business.
He sure as shit did. I heard it from his mouth yesterday on Faux news in an interview by that gretta lady...wants to see passport stamps and chewed out gretta because she thought he adequately proved he was a citizen and trump threw a fit saying he couldn't believe she'd accept what was presented, he expected more of her, blah blah blah. Definitely still thinks he's not a citizen. lmao still don't accept he's our president after more than 3 years lol

See post #57
Trump's main reason for this bullshit was to try and draw attention away from Gloria Allred's October Surprise. Some bullshit about Romney's biased testimony at a divorce proceeding. All he managed to do was make himself look like a bigger fool than before. Whatever credibility he had previously is long gone now.
At first I was pretty sure all the speculation about the Prez was just BS being thrown around by anti-black groups, but 3 years later he has still never released the info despite being called out over and over. My personal opinion is that he is hiding "something", or he would have shot this all down a long time ago.
At first I was pretty sure all the speculation about the Prez was just BS being thrown around by anti-black groups, but 3 years later he has still never released the info despite being called out over and over. My personal opinion is that he is hiding "something", or he would have shot this all down a long time ago.


Barrack Hussein Obama was in fact born in Honolulu Hawaii. this is inescapable.

when Barrack Obama was 8, his momma married Lolo Seotoro. Lolo, an indonesian citizen legally adopted the young Honolulu native, and legally changed his name to "Barry Seotoro". this is where it gets wierd.

"Barry Seotoro" moved with mum and new-daddy to jakarta indonesia. indonesia at the time did not recognize dual citizenship, and in order to get into a state run public school "Barry Seotoro" needed to be an indonesian citizen.

barrack's mother did one of the following (we arent sure which)

A: misrepresented "Barry Seotoro" as an indonesian citizen on official documents to gain fraudulent entrance into the public school system


B: legally severed "Barry Seotoro's" US citizenship and gained for him indonesian citizenship.

option B is most likely since Lolo Seotoro had close ties with the indonesian government, and the penalty for fraud would make a citizenship switch easy and the best option.

this has been done by other parents of minor US citizens. those children may, when they reach adulthood, reclaim their US citizen status but as Naturalized citizens, not Natural ones. they dont have to wait in line, take tests or any of the other shit prospective citizens must do, they just take the oath and their citizenship is restored, badda bing badda boom. but they are no longer NATURAL citizens, through a technicality.

since his return to the US, no-one has shown that Barack was sworn in as a citizen, nor that he had ever been divorced from his citizenship either. oddly, there is also no record of his name being changed back to Barrack Hussein Obama from "Barry Seotoro".

he could legally be a citizen of indonesia, AND still a natural citizen of the USA, while in the eyes of indonesian law he could still be solely an indonesian citizen, and at the same time, in the eyes of US law he could still be a US citizen, OR a holder of dual citizenship, OR a naturalized citizen.

if his momma filed for him to abandon his US citizenship, but did not do the same with the state department then he is still a natural citizen.
if his momma DID legally divorce him from his US citizenship then he cannot be president. technically. and if he did not get sworn back in, then he could well be an illegal alien... which would be lulzworthy.

i still want to see evidence he changed his name back from "Barry Seotoro" to "Barrack Hussein Obama".
How does calling out an apparently unsuccessful thieving gold digger make me a bigot? I notice you don't find fault with Sam Seedwell's horrifically bad spelling and grammar. What's up with that?

I noticed you side-stepped the topic. Calling me a liar when the fact is you're an ignorant bigoted fool.
Trump's main reason for this bullshit was to try and draw attention away from Gloria Allred's October Surprise. Some bullshit about Romney's biased testimony at a divorce proceeding. All he managed to do was make himself look like a bigger fool than before. Whatever credibility he had previously is long gone now.

Why all the drama dude, flaming gay progressives wouldn't like Romney no matter what he does!
I noticed you side-stepped the topic. Calling me a liar when the fact is you're an ignorant bigoted fool.

OK, in that instance you didn't lie. Which I admitted in post #57, but you choose to keep ignoring. But you're still a liar. You claimed your "boyfriend's" home was yours. A lie. You claim I'm a bigot because I call you out as a gold digger. How is calling a gold digger a gold digger bigotry? It isn't. So another lie. You try to steal from others and claim anyone who calls you on it is a bigot.
i almost regret sending you money because you are such a dick to him for no reason.

why the hard on for carne?

no reason? that why are there numerous others having the same issues with him? he's arguing with several other people in this thread alone. why single me out?