some ice wax for ya'all


Well-Known Member
before it was scraped up and put into a jar

after with slight pocket cure:

strain is Lush (lemon larry og x old school og x chem d F3)

will be doing more runs of hash in the near future! I'll try to get some melt shots of this stuff after a thorough pocket cure. comments and feedback are welcome!


Well-Known Member
dam poplar... that looks like some fire... got all your outdoor taken down yet??
hey man shit looks good!!, ive got a problem im hoping you or someone could help with, im kinda new at using bubble bags and ice/water extaction and with all the bubble hash ive ever had none of it has been dabbable. I see Matt Rize and many other people making dab quality bubble, so first off i was wondering, i use the 45 bag to catch the good good is that what you use? also most importantly what is the curing/drying process that makes the hash dabbable im dying here ive looked it up everywhere and cant find it on anyones videos, this would be a lifesavor thank you man!!!


Well-Known Member
hey man shit looks good!!, ive got a problem im hoping you or someone could help with, im kinda new at using bubble bags and ice/water extaction and with all the bubble hash ive ever had none of it has been dabbable. I see Matt Rize and many other people making dab quality bubble, so first off i was wondering, i use the 45 bag to catch the good good is that what you use? also most importantly what is the curing/drying process that makes the hash dabbable im dying here ive looked it up everywhere and cant find it on anyones videos, this would be a lifesavor thank you man!!!

ok first off, make sure you're using more than just a basic 3 bag system. you need atleast 4 or 5 bags.

the best dabbable quality for me comes from the 73 micron bag.

my set is,

220, 160, 120, 90, 73, 25. the 90 and 73 tend to catch the best shit in the first run.

make sure you're not using mixed strain shake, make sure it's a good strain, starting material matters.

as far as drying goes, you wick the water out from the patties on the dry screen, then you grate it up on a plate to a powder and as it dries regrate it witha plastic card as best you can to powder it up (this takes some technique, be careful and gentle.) this works best in a cold-ish room too.

how many bags do you have???
thanks for replying man, I have the payload 9 bag set but i had not been doing it in that order I will try that.

Do you get keep anything from the other bags besides 90 or 73 usually??

Also this might be kinda hard to explain but i have seen people using those indoor pissing pads for dogs that are white and have like the blue edge around them to scoop the product on to, is that what your reffering to as a "dry screen"? And how long would you say it needs to dry?


Well-Known Member
so I hope you're arranging your bags in the right order, you have the smallest numbers on th ebottom, the largest on the top.

220 trash
190 trash
160 trash
120 edible grade usually sometimes it bubbles a lil
90 usually high grade, bubbles and melts
73 usually the best keeper stuff.
45 would probably be pretty good,
25 is edible grade usually.
ok for sure i jus was leaving out the 160, 73 and 25 which i shouldnt have have been doin obviously!! lol thanks again man. So as for the drying is it as simple as just leaving it on the drying sheet and chopping it up later on a plate? no curing process needed to get the dabbable ice wax??


Well-Known Member
ok for sure i jus was leaving out the 160, 73 and 25 which i shouldnt have have been doin obviously!! lol thanks again man. So as for the drying is it as simple as just leaving it on the drying sheet and chopping it up later on a plate? no curing process needed to get the dabbable ice wax??
All i did was read the ice wax tutorial by Matt Rize front to back and a lil more in between to make sure i got it all. Yes he explains everything, just all over the thread due to too many questions being asked that had already been answered. Wash, run the bags, as they drain, spray with a pump sprayer to consolidate the product, scoop onto drying screen on top of paper towel, dry (in my case bout 16-17 hrs), mircoplane, keep the 'sandy bits' moving about as it dries (in my case bout 8 hrs), into little wax jars (<--my case) or big wax jars, pocket cure overnight if you can wait that long, done. Must be fresh frozen trim. Trim, put into garbage bags and straight into freezer. Poplars has the setup right ( cheat sheet and cheap 8 bag setup). Depending on the strain, I finds the 45 tastes and melts the best, followed by the 73 and then the 90. You have to use all of the bags so you remove as much green matter and other contaminates as much as possible. Like Rize says, 25 is the catch-all and mostly garbage but 'round here, we waste nothing bongsmilie. Poplars is also correct to not mix strains if it can be helped. It definitely is all about the starting product being super fresh and super cold. I too suffer from asthma and the 'other' wax sometimes aggravates my lungs and upper respiratory system as I believe is iceWaXeRYday2's issue. No cough at all with the IW. No 'tight throat' feeling. Hope that helps. :lol:
Hell ya dude that helps alot!! thank you!! i hate that fucking tight throat feeling i know exactly what you mean its like its caving in hah. First off did you find a written tutorial or jus watch his youtube vids? But here is another question i almost always see people using trim as you said above, and of course it needs to be frozen to preserve the trichs and freshness, but do people use trim simply because it is so readily available and do not want to waste it, or is it actually better to use trim? for instance if i were to use nug (frozen) and broke it up into small pieces and ran that would the product be stronger than the trim??
Thanks again mayn!! And i totally feel you on the trim im all about not wasting anything, im also all about enjoying flowers in their natural state as any connoisseur would be, but if you were to use nug for a run do you think it would 1) get near as good of a yield, and 2) possibly be danker due to greater concentration of trichs?


Well-Known Member
yep read that thread. you don't have to use fresh frozen trim, you can use dry trim you just have to let it soak in the water atleast a half hour before you start agitating. peace.
poplars, that hash is unreal looks so good.

If you guys are looking for colder temperatures, try throwing a few cubes of dry ice at the bottom of the bucket. Not only does it eliminate the use of excessive ice because dry ice rests at -109 F, but the ferocious bubbling lightly agitates everything during the cooling period prior to mixing. It actually gets so cold it runs the risk of freezing the bud into a solid ice block so you have to be cognizant of that.

I used outdoor buds for my bubble hash and it works well. Not too very different from sugar leaves IMO tho.

NO HARSHNESS! love ice wax.


Well-Known Member
made this yesterday!chitowns sour kush bubba pheno ice wax73µfull yeild:zoom in:will post dry pics when its's some sour diesel pheno ice wax I made a week ago.