A Hasty Grow


No burns? No stretching(now)? Just dryness and working on it "hasty grow" :)
Progress today was a huge increase. I got my temp/humidity going down now, Id rather not say what it was xD but im no longer living in the desert


Well I finished up the new room, posting pics soon. Hopefully no more drying or burning, although I feel a newbie mistake arising anytime now :)


Active Member
Everybody has the newb mistakes" lol
Main thing is you are taking the time to find out what she wants.
Confidence will come probablt quicker than u think.

Def suggest a fan or something blowing on your hood the heat is not only bad for the plants but the heat buildup inside the hood could be bad/dangerous

Good Luck Dude can't wait to see some new updates.


I was thinking about a fan for the hood aswell but I wanted to just take a small powerful fan I have extra for my tower and install it into the hood. Would that be sufficient air flow in the hood?


Well guys as I said, been smokin up a storm over ideas on this room. Soooooo I called my electronic buddy and this is what we came up with :) and I do say so it looks like a homeless man built his home in my closet.

And an update on the ladies.
p.s Lmfao the second pic looks like someone going "enter my home sir, it was supplied by Kroger"



Ill post pictures if need be, but yesterday my baby wasnt DARK green but pretty deep green, Ive been watering about 3 hours before their 6hour bedtime. This morning when I woke up to see how they were doing my oldest was very very very light green no spots just completely and solid light green. Im curious.


Active Member
im going to say that light may be to intence for a seedling put it up ya higher or use like a 15 watt daylight cfl


im going to say that light may be to intence for a seedling put it up ya higher or use like a 15 watt daylight cfl
Its at 13" from my plant right now. its only a 150 watt hps so Idk if its too intense I was told I needed more lighting// I have a bunch of 15watt ottlite bulbs, could I make side lighting with those?

are you watering every day?
No just whenever its dry 3/4 way through, ends up being every other day but the older one is taking longer to dry out now. I assumed the leaves were absorbing most of the light and shading the soil now.


Well since my last problems, Ive make some more adjustments to everything according to what Ive read/ advice taken into consideration. Everything seems to be going fine so far just posting an update and seeing if anyone notices something I should change that would later endanger my plants.



Well here is whats going on right now for me, probably not the best thing to do but I redid the room again and my plants seem to like the change.
Updated pics (growth is a bit slow from the "learn as you go" method but going well) Second Pic is the oldest, First I started a week after the first and the third plant is the same age as the first but my light collapsed onto it and now I'm just using it as a test plant.

