Jane Roe of ‘Roe v Wade’ Airs Anti-Obama Ad in Florida


Well-Known Member
So would I get banned if considering everything budlover said
I think he is probably the biggest dick head I have ever met on the internet?
i dont think you'd get banned if your directly commenting on his posts at hand

im more than happy for my contribution in this thread to come under scrutiny as my account here means much less to me than speaking up when people boast about abusing people and get patted on the back for it


Well-Known Member
No question many people hold this same opinion, but medically and scientifically, as well as legally speaking, it's not murder.

Abortion is no more murder than masturbation is. Nobody has the right to legislate 'potential' life.
Perhaps legally, but "medically and scientifically" is just you trying to impose your belief on the infant. Nobody has the right to commit murder. Why are you wearing your mother's panties on your head?


Well-Known Member
Perhaps legally, but "medically and scientifically" is just you trying to impose your belief on the infant. Nobody has the right to commit murder.
in·fant (
A child in the earliest period of life, especially before
he or she can walk.


Etymology: L, fruitful

the unborn offspring of any viviparous animal after it has
attained the particular form of the species; more specifically the human being
in utero after the embryonic period and the beginning of the development of the
major structural features, from the ninth week after fertilization until birth.
Kinds of fetal anomalies include anideus, lithopedion, mummified fetus, parasitic fetus, and sirenomelia. Also spelled foetus. Compare embryo. See
also prenatal development.
fetal, foetal, adj.


embryo /em·bryo/ (em´bre-o)
1. in animals, those derivatives of the zygote that
eventually become the offspring, during their period of most rapid growth, i.e.,
from the time the long axis appears until all major structures are

2. in humans, the developing organism from
fertilization to the end of the eighth week. Cf. fetus.

3. in plants, the element of the seed that develops
into a new individual.em´bryonalembryon´ic



Well-Known Member
Clearly, he did.
you're the same stormfront member who claimed that obama himself said he was born in kenya.

clearly, you have zero credibility and a huge, racist hate boner for obama.

the rest of the country has accepted that black people are just as capable as anyone, you too should learn to deal with this reality.


Well-Known Member
you're the same stormfront member who claimed that obama himself said he was born in kenya.

clearly, you have zero credibility and a huge, racist hate boner for obama.

the rest of the country has accepted that black people are just as capable as anyone, you too should learn to deal with this reality.
Obama isnt black and Obama has proven he is not just as capable.... That is reality.


Well-Known Member
lol i love the part where you ignore someone threatening a womens life into carrying their baby and claim im demeaning them by pointing out what their behaviour amounts to
You call yourself a bastard, is that what happened to you?

Maybe your mom wanted to abort you but your dad stopped her.

What a shame...


Well-Known Member
A beating heart does not define life.

Live organisms exist without hearts to beat.

Try again.
There was once a movement to legally define "death" as the cessation of a measurable brain wave, since a heart can be kept beating indifinately. This was abandoned when someone pointed out that a fetus has a measurable brain wave at 6 or 8 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps legally, but "medically and scientifically" is just you trying to impose your belief on the infant. Nobody has the right to commit murder. Why are you wearing your mother's panties on your head?
I ask Padawanbater2 a question and CheesyDick responds...........lol......


Well-Known Member
Well, you called her "meatmachine", not him. I don't see him pretending to champion women's rights on one hand and calling them "meatmachine" on the other.


Well-Known Member
Except the killer isn't charged with "abortion", he's charged with two murders, not one.
What part of "I'm not wasting any more of my time on you" don't you understand?

You lost that privilege when you threw that temper tantrum like a little kid or emotionally unstable adult.