Well-Known Member
our house is in an urban flood zone, with the mighty Delaware less than a 1/2 mile away. full moon, high tide. my waders are out of the basement. i'll take pics as the drama unfolds.
made a batch of storm butter. 107gr of sugar trim to a lb and a 1/4 of butter. i clarified it twice. i am flippin' crushed.i know i'm in for a power outtage. just how many days idk. too many tall trees here. stocked the freezer with plastic water bottles will keep it cool for a couple days anyway. my cuz in west chester lives 30 ft from the brandywine river. mb not for long. nuttin else to do but wait and uh...drugs.
I've lost 4 or so trees since I've been here and chopped another 4 or so down. My friend has never let me down.
I am 1 mile from the Atlantic ocean. what makes it bad is that we have this bad ass thunderstorm already here and when the hurricane comes there will be so much rain. Low lying areas will get flooded
I think this is going to to get really bad really fast from what everyone is saying on the Weather Channel. They look panicked. You know it's bad when the weather channel is having a collective panic attack.
i know i'm in for a power outtage. just how many days idk. too many tall trees here. stocked the freezer with plastic water bottles will keep it cool for a couple days anyway. my cuz in west chester lives 30 ft from the brandywine river. mb not for long. nuttin else to do but wait and uh...drugs.
I think this is going to to get really bad really fast from what everyone is saying on the Weather Channel. They look panicked. You know it's bad when the weather channel is having a collective panic attack.
Is that the same idea as wildlife freaking out before a natural disaster?
I gotta say I get lucky with power outages, I am on the same grid as a huge hospital and it is always the first priory to get power back. When Irene hit I only lost power for most of one day while the areas around me didn't get for a week.
they do that to make it more entertaining. I live in hurricane ally they might be freaking out because the states above me are not used to it. I there will be flood damage because of both storms colliding but the wind is not going to be the damaging factor.
well fuckin la-di-da.
Normally, yes. But they are quite adamant that this is not hype. They are genuinely scared.
edit: There is coastal flooding, power outages and roads washing out. Sandy won't make landfall until this evening. This is a clear indication of how bad this is going to get.
i hope that the volume of rain spread over a few days will be better than being all dumped on at once. ha. i just decided what ima be for halloween...
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well I hope they are wrong. Best of luck to everyone if I lose power soon