Well-Known Member
let that mean ole pressure drop....................
let that mean ole pressure drop....................
let that mean ole pressure drop....................
Hi all,
I've been through 2 cat 4 storms, Charlie and Wilma back in 04' and 05' along with numerous lesser ones in Florida. For those of you with electric stoves, buy Buy extra gasoline in whatever containers you Those are the 2 things that will save your ass during an extended power outage. I lived and went to work w/no power for 2 weeks, and it sucked really hard. If you have a vehicle you don't want damaged, find the nearest multi-level concrete parking garage...although not intended for storm shelter they do a great job of property protection. I rode out Charlie in one while these guys were 20 miles to my north:
Fortunately, nobody will see anything near this. It was the only time I ever actually feared for my life, and I've been in a few
Stay safe, and stay high everyone.
Lol Hurricanes can be fun if you know what your doing. I dunno about that one. I don't think I have ever had a good time in a hurricane. But to each his own.
Be safe guys.
Lol Hurricanes can be fun if you know what your doing. I dunno about that one. I dont think I have ever had a good time in a hurricane. But to each his own.
Be safe guys.
I took my long board out with a large beach towel when Irene hit. I just sailed around for a few hours , I would say that was fun. Always got a little nerves when going under huge tree branches but never got hurt.
Me and my mom drove to Quiznos in the middle of one when we went to check out the damage. It was literally the only thing open with a line going out of the door but I've never experienced the full full force of one, just the outer bands but still has hit 60-70 gusts. I've always wanted to experience one coming directly at me for some reason, lived in Florida all my life and never got anything too serious.
I took my long board out with a large beach towel/sheet the ones people sit on when Irene hit. I just sailed around for a few hours , I would say that was fun. Always got a little nerves when going under huge tree branches but never got hurt.
Be careful what you wish for.
Well Irene wasn't much of a storm IIRC. Hurricane Ivan really had me scared that my house was going to come apart. Our chimney came off in the worst part and water started coming into our house very quickly. We had to hand saw a huge peice of plywood and get into the attic and patch the hole. I remember looking at the screws in the roof hoping that they would stay in for the remainder of the night. The entire roof was flexing. It was a very intense night. Never had this type of fear in my life. That area of the US is not meant for ANY type of hurricane even it be a CAT1.
I dont play with hurricanes. Hope everyone is safe and prepared.
Meh, I'm prepared to die a happy man lol.
Haha well Im not ready to die yet. 165MPH wind gusts will really make you have a new respect for storms.
I would rather not die of a great wind, unless I can do so in a sealed bunker full of prudes. cn