What to pay trimmers?

man alot of cheapskates it seems 200 per lb is standard has been for a while some people do 2+ per day and 15 or 20 per hour is a ripoff for them. 200 per is the best way anything under 2025 per hour is bunk


Well-Known Member
Buddy of mine used to have trimming parties with about 6 girls, and he gave the perks you spoke of, and usually paid by the day, as it would usually take 3-4 days, but $500 for that time was not out of the ordinary, pretty much a flat rate, whether it was 3 or 4.
Of course, these were girls that he trusted, was friends with and smoked with frequently.
**Addition** These girls were also in bikinis, so he might have been giving a lil' extra for that as well.

HAHA ya, bikinis so they can't walk off with anything is probably the reason he had in the back of his head


New Member
Buddy of mine used to have trimming parties with about 6 girls, and he gave the perks you spoke of, and usually paid by the day, as it would usually take 3-4 days, but $500 for that time was not out of the ordinary, pretty much a flat rate, whether it was 3 or 4.
Of course, these were girls that he trusted, was friends with and smoked with frequently.
**Addition** These girls were also in bikinis, so he might have been giving a lil' extra for that as well.
LOL I think you are thinking of New Jack City...


Well-Known Member
man alot of cheapskates it seems 200 per lb is standard has been for a while some people do 2+ per day and 15 or 20 per hour is a ripoff for them. 200 per is the best way anything under 2025 per hour is bunk
hahahaha..... its triming leaf....$25 a hr is crazy..... and then people wonder why weed cost so much

Ours average $15 a hr..... depends on how fast they can trim a plant....ours average a Lb per a 8 hr day

You tell people a hourly wage they will take their time and milk the clock......either a set fee per pound or per plant

friend of mine bases the pay on the amount trimmed that day.... the weight..... the more you trim the more you get paid


Well-Known Member
fore real for some of the ridiculous pays im seeing here is should come to cali and be a trimmer 200 a lb? id get through 2 of them in a day plus some proably. but honestly for what you guys are talking about paying for trimming some fucking leafs.... id rather sit there for 2 weeks and trim 15lbs by myself, fuck paying that shit you all are talking about.


Active Member
My buddy gets $200/hr for doing his thing on some greenhouse gear. He's also good friends' with the people who hired him but it seems like that is the going rate up here by most standards.

Guess it all depends.

If you wanna hook your friends' up and pay more, or hire out and risk possibly blowin up the spot to save some money.

I'm not saying either way I guess because I handle mine in-house.

Between myself, my family, and my roommate we have things pretty well handled so no outside costs other then the aforementioned all ya cat eat/drink beers and pizza. And more importantly, no outside eyes.

I try to be as security-minded as possible.


Well-Known Member
My buddy gets $200/hr for doing his thing on some greenhouse gear. He's also good friends' with the people who hired him but it seems like that is the going rate up here by most standards.

Guess it all depends.

If you wanna hook your friends' up and pay more, or hire out and risk possibly blowin up the spot to save some money.

I'm not saying either way I guess because I handle mine in-house.

Between myself, my family, and my roommate we have things pretty well handled so no outside costs other then the aforementioned all ya cat eat/drink beers and pizza. And more importantly, no outside eyes.

I try to be as security-minded as possible.
huh? :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Seeing a lot of people saying 20 an hour is ridiculous pay... I don't know... for trustworthy help it seems pretty reasonable, if not on the low end. In a very rural area, ok, 20 dollars goes a bit further in small town Iowa than it does in San Francisco.

In my area, 30k a year (15 dollars an hour, full time) is enough to pay rent on a shitty apartment, eat shitty food, drive a shitty car, rarely go out, smoke dirt weed, and never see a dentist/doctor, no health insurance.... Have a medical emergency of some sort and you are fucked. Lose your job and you are on the street by the end of the month.... I know because I lived on those wages for several years.... You know what the hardest part of living out of your car is....? Keeping your feet clean. Haha.