East Coast Hurricane, What to do if I lose power???


Active Member
I'm on the east coast... We got this damn hurricane coming. I got a few questions and concerns but lets start with the biggest, What do I (or anyone else), do if the power goes out for an extended amount of time? Please don't say "go buy a generator", there ain't any left. Please don't say "just put them outside under sun", it's far too cold where I am and I got some nosey neighbors.

Honestly, I don't know what to do??? I know it wouldn't be the end of the world if the ladies got an extra dark cycle or two, but after day 2 or 3 of darkness, I know they would suffer and die. I can't count on my utility company to get my power back on within 2 or 3 days, if or when it goes out.

I wish I knew someone to take care of them, but everyone I know will most likely lose power too... There is no easy solution.

Help me out, suggest something I haven't thought of.
I'm on the east coast... We got this damn hurricane coming. I got a few questions and concerns but lets start with the biggest, What do I (or anyone else), do if the power goes out for an extended amount of time? Please don't say "go buy a generator", there ain't any left. Please don't say "just put them outside under sun", it's far too cold where I am and I got some nosey neighbors.

Honestly, I don't know what to do??? I know it wouldn't be the end of the world if the ladies got an extra dark cycle or two, but after day 2 or 3 of darkness, I know they would suffer and die. I can't count on my utility company to get my power back on within 2 or 3 days, if or when it goes out.

I wish I knew someone to take care of them, but everyone I know will most likely lose power too... There is no easy solution.

Help me out, suggest something I haven't thought of.

Always a possibility to put them outside (if you don't have weird or asshole or bitch neighbors)
Not sure if it was in this forums or not, but some one had a problem where they were without power for 1 or 2 weeks... I would google that and see what you come up with. From what I remember, there was not a major problem with it and since there was no light, watering was not a huge issue. Still check it out.... if it is here I will find it and link it to ya.
I do have bitchy neighbors, so thats out... Also it's way too cold

You'd have to do some searching but maybe there's a "generator" that's more like a rechargeable battery, that you could use indoors. Maybe something could hold a charge for 5 days or so and you could run it off that..

If you have the balls, you could always make your own using car batteries :p
Did 5 days of dark during last years hurricane without any problems. I'm in RI so I have the same worries as you do...

Good luck
ok, listen to NoBarriers... since this is from their own personal experience... and I was wrong about 2 weeks.. it was 2 days only.. sorry
Did 5 days of dark during last years hurricane without any problems. I'm in RI so I have the same worries as you do...

Good luck
5 days of dark in flowering Im guessing??? what about trying to keep a plant in veg with no power??? I have a small LED lantern that will provide VERY minimal light, but I'm hoping it's enough to convince the plants (3 small ones) that it's not time to start flowering... better yet I just hope I dont lose power...lol~! seems kind of unlikely at this point though
For veg... at Walgreens, they sell these little push button led lights with an adhesive back... I use those during power outages, or inside tubs when moving little plants long distances.

For flower... just leave the lights off. several days of lights out for flower is not a big deal. interrupted dark cycles is what really causes problems. A few times when I left town, mid flower, I just shut off my lights so they are not needing water... I've done this for a week. They looked a little pale upon return, but they bounced right back.

Just my opinions and experiences.
You'd have to do some searching but maybe there's a "generator" that's more like a rechargeable battery, that you could use indoors. Maybe something could hold a charge for 5 days or so and you could run it off that..

If you have the balls, you could always make your own using car batteries :p

Did u even read the whole post? He said he can't put them out, too cold and neighbor issues. And said there was no generators! And u come out and suggest both!!! wtf man!!!
Also, from ri... my plan is if no power tmr then they stay without any light at all so they dont get confused. Ill flip breaker back on when i know no chance of power outages again.
I do have bitchy neighbors, so thats out... Also it's way too cold
I have very good advice for you just go to shell, buy a lighter, save up a lot of gas in your ass and fire it away. The light from the fire will attract your plants in an instant just make sure you leave your windows open and eat beans for the next 3 days.... Or you could download an app to your smartphone 'flash' in which the LED light tricks your plants into thinking its just a regular day