Pineapple..? 400w HPS Grow Tent


Active Member
Thanks for the rep man. The yellowing I'm having is progressing and eating through my leaves...literally all the leaves just about are yellowing/crisping away (including what I thought were sugar leaves...) it's day 53 today and it's so close that I'm not really all that concerned with it anymore. I figure I'll chop her friday'ish...What's the next one going to be Robbie?

On a separate note, I've been super busy getting the 12/12fs girls going. I have 6 under a 175w mh just for now on 18/6, all 3 super haze have broken the surface, and only 1 of the pineapple express has broken the surface. I have 4 more PE and 4 more SH germinating now, and unfortunately I believe the AK47 I wanted to start never germinated and they were the last of the seeds. So ultimately I want to go with 3 super haze and 3 pineapple express under my 400w hps. I picked up 6 8L air-pots and some coco coir for when the selection process is final. (I'm going to start 10 or so and pick the best 6) I have to go get a ppm meter and some veg nutes.


Active Member
I had the same exact problem in my first grow, my plant started yellowing off too early and even the sugar leaf ended up getting yellow and crispy. I had to harvest early because of it. I think it's because I should of loaded up on N more during early flowering so it isn't all drawn out of by the end of the stretch. add a little bit of Grow nutes for the first week or 2 of flowering and it should be a lot better.


Active Member
What do you use to add N? It seems I've been N deficient throughout the entire flowering process....
I toss some compost on as topsoil, the nutrients and stuff will leach into the rest of the soil. I just buy my compost at ace hardware its Nulife Compost, it has some horse manure n a bunch of other stuff in it that helps the N and other micronutrients and bacteria. I either do that or I make compost tea with it, water & compost with a bubbler in the water for 24 hours and you got some super stuff right there.


Active Member
My local hydro shop gives compost tea away for free. So all I need to do add tea to my feeding schedule? like feed--tea--water or depending on their reaction feed--feed--tea--water?


Active Member
oh you said through the whole proccess even? I'd even go as far as to mix some compost into the soil straight up. its great for veg. but it may be a little hot for seedlings.


Well-Known Member
What do you use to add N? It seems I've been N deficient throughout the entire flowering process....

Id recommend that calmag you have. i usually bump it up towards the end because my plants are calmag hogs plus it has the little bit of iron/nitrogen in it.

as well as being chelated so its absorbed easier! :D

When do you plan to chop her?

And one more thing have you ever used Snow storm ultra???

if not check it out and id highly recommend it for the last week or 2


Active Member
I just flushed her for the last time, and we're turning the lights off in a day or so. Going to let the soil dry up a bit, and let her sit in 48hr of darkness. I have 4 seeds that have broke the surface with a total of 8 more waiting to sprout up. As soon as the PE is done and hanging, I'm going to redo the tent so we can make adjusting the height of the light much easier. I plan on tossing all the little ones in 1L pots of FFOF and then having a selection process down to 6 7.5L air-pots and coco coir. It's going to be a busy week with all this going on :leaf::hump:


Well-Known Member
I just flushed her for the last time, and we're turning the lights off in a day or so. Going to let the soil dry up a bit, and let her sit in 48hr of darkness. I have 4 seeds that have broke the surface with a total of 8 more waiting to sprout up. As soon as the PE is done and hanging, I'm going to redo the tent so we can make adjusting the height of the light much easier. I plan on tossing all the little ones in 1L pots of FFOF and then having a selection process down to 6 7.5L air-pots and coco coir. It's going to be a busy week with all this going on :leaf::hump:

Hell yeah good to hear. what strain do you have growing next??

youll love the air pots. do the same thing up plan to do except with 3 liter (.8 gal) air pots to start then transplant em into the 7.5 liter (which i think is 2.5 gal) for flower with more promix.

Try using light warrior for the 1 gallon pots because i heard its not as hot as ocean forest.

and never mind on the snow storm ultra. its probably the same as your rock resinator shit you use. but if you ever run out id grab a bottle of SSU just so you can compare.

ive only compared without it and with it so i cant tell you the difference between on and another. But theres just somethin about SSU that attracts me even after all the bullshit people say about it. Maybe cause it works. noticeably the first time you harvest after using it.

but keep it up and dont forget to post the dry weight!!

and whatever your next journal is!


Active Member
:leaf:Day 59 Chop Chop :leaf:

:leaf:Well today was the day, after leaving her in the dark for 48hrs I took out the light, chopped her down, and strung her up :leaf:

photo 1.jpg
photo 2.jpg

Why do my pictures turn out right side up and my gf's pictures come out upside down lol?

The babies are ready and waiting to be transplanted into bigger pots and the flower room =) We're starting out with 9 and we're going to 6 or 7 depending how big/how many air-pots I can fit into my little 2x2 tent lol Has anyone used or heard anything about a 'Sunshine coco based soil-less mix' ???? I may go that route as opposed to 100% coco? Any suggestions


Well-Known Member
are you using an iphone? my friends did the same haha

and when it comes to the sunshine mix its always good. you might wanna ad a little more perlite but other than that ive always heard good things just havent found it in less than those fat ass cubes. and i usually by smaller to recude potential for contamination during storage. basically i buy what im about to use.


Well-Known Member
Your girlfriend's pics are upside down to yours Tokes?; you must be ying/yang to each other!
Nice :)


Well-Known Member
Ooooooohh! U be smoking soon man!

feels good to have one on the rack, eh? And the kiddos will follow suit.. :)