Al B. Fuct
once had a dog named
I don't know how he tolerates it.
How? Usually by rolling my eyes at about 60rpm.

I pretty obviously don't mind people asking questions. Every query I answer increases my own understanding, particularly when I have to do a bit of research to flesh out a complete and cogent answer.
However- I DO mind when someone fairly obviously hasn't read post #1 (i.e. misses a basic concept like flowering clones right after setting root, suggests vegging clones for a cpl wks before flowering, etc) or when my (usually) well considered answers are rejected on utterly specious reasoning like "X just feels right to me." Those are good for 10% faster eye-rolling.

I have put YEARS into working this system out. I don't FEEL anything about my op- I research, try stuff, use it if it works, change it if it doesn't. If there's no science in an idea, I won't bother with it. I am a sceptic to the core (on nearly everything). I have to prove things to myself all the time, notably if I am starting with information like salesmans' claims.
Critical thinking is a life tool that will serve anyone well. You have to be able to discern between persuasion and information. If someone is trying to persuade you, they have a reason for doing so. If their reasoning is neither logical nor based in known science and independent replicatability, they're probably selling you something. However, I know that critical analysis can make me seem unnecessarily negative sometimes. I try to see the upsides and downsides when considering my commentary.
i admit after my first ? i was apprehensive as to the person al was but after reading THE WHOLE FUCKIN thread i realized he had answered most ?s a thousand times and he was showing a CERTAIN op not the one you are interested in, and that HE IN FACT DOESNT OWE any of us anyfuckingthing. so i came back correct and am about 2 weeks from pulling clones and 12 weeks from perpetual growth, not to mention i told you how to plant yourself a couple the way YOU INSIST upon. and still maintain a perpetual growth...its your fault you cant find the information provided in this cornocopia of info to use to your advantage!!! not als or anyone elses. even if he didnt give the answer you wanted you could get valuble info to apply to your way of growth here!
I absolutely admit a large amount of sympathy for anyone looking for specific information- this thread isn't just 1000 posts long- it's more than 1700 posts long, 170-odd pages. Even I can't find some things that I've written in the past (though I'll obviously have a better chance of finding something than anyone else will). It is a big ask to get someone to read it all. I repeat things out of courtesy.
However, the vast majority of the thread is pretty good value for the effort expended, even if you have to plod through it over a week or so. Moreover, once you've read the lot, you are on the same page as everyone else. But come on, page 1 isn't hard to tough your way through. Post #1 really is required reading, even if you then skip to page 170. It's always obvious to me when someone hasn't covered the basics. I try to be kind when referring someone back to the basics. I rarely go ad hominem on people, attacking the person instead of the issue. However, my patience is not without limits. I have no problem with mocking willful stupidity, where gentler means have failed. I have no patience at all for people who rely on wives' tales and regard them with the same reverence as peer-reviewed (independently replicated) methods.
A discussion forum is pretty obviously a good way to discuss information, but not a very good way to archive it for easily searchable future reference. I've thought about doing a FAQ entry where all the pertinent data is compiled. I've also thought about having admin close this thread and let me start it over again. There's got to be a better way- I just haven't found it yet. I'm leaning toward the FAQ entry, provided I can get in and edit it myself as needed without bothering admin about it.
This thread isn't really intended for grass-green newbs but I try to make space for them as well. I do so more patiently at some times than others, but we're all human. I work with the presumption that the reader has a certain amount of basic knowledge, such as the life cycle of cannabis.
Now... back to our regularly scheduled programming....

i remember you Al sayin 1 litre + is good
Yep, for the small size of the plants that we grow in SoG, a litre's worth of rootmass space is generally sufficient. Bear in mind that allowing such a small rootmass space means they won't have a lot of moisture in reserve in case of a pump failure, particularly if one is using a non-absorbent medium like clay pellets.
been reading your 1000 post thread. too bad some of the comments.
just wanted to put my 2 cents in... and say thanks, Al.
i have gotten great info from this thread and come back often to reread it.
i like your idea of being able to do this operation with any number of plants.
i do plan on copying you as much as i can to have a nice rotation.
since i am a noob, and having just worked out a bunch of "kinks" to this hydro growing, i am definitely ready for some good quality fems to get into this well explained SOG rotation.
but again just wanted to say thanks for the info and dont let the buggers get to ya. always a few bad apples on the tree.![]()
Thanks for that, mb.

I started growing dope about 20 years ago and started using cannabis forums around 1995. Interactive internet forums are a GREAT help to dope growers, much more useful than writing a letter to 'Ask Ed,' where he had 12 columns a year in HT and a limited amount of space to reply and no capacity to clarify questions with the person inquiring. I wasn't exactly a total noob when I started using forums, but there's no question that I owe them an awful lot. My op at present is absolutely based in information obtained from pot forums- but to use a popular phrase, if I have seen further than others, it is because I have stood upon the shoulders of giants. This thread is me paying back what I owe to the online dope growing community.
I know he isn't bothered by all of the haters.. he has reassurance every two weeks!
Fortunately, there's not too many haters. Every once in a while, I get a malcontent. I don't spend much time on them. I use the ignore function. But yeah, nothing ever happens that a couple of cones won't cure.

Hey AL, I had a couple questions... I have been reading a ton and I was wondering if these are some good ideas.
I was planning on using some sliding glass patio doors for the doors to my room, and do you think that PVC would be a good alternative to the dryer vent tubing that everyone uses for venting? I figured the PVC would insulate the scent better, as would some sliding glass patio doors.
One other question. you want the exhaust to suck harder than the intake right (example exhaust=200 cfm, and intake 175 cfm?) , so there isn't any smell being force out through the cracks?
I'm getting about 1000$ next week, and plan to gather suppliesThanks president douche bag, that stimulous check is going to good use.
heh, President Douchebag.

Patio doors seem like a lot more than would generally be needed, but because everyone's grow op installation will necessarily be different, it might be the best thing for you.
A grow room can be as simple as a panda film tent in the middle of a garage, spare bedroom, basement, etc. The less climate control available in the space, the more you will have to provide it when building the room. In only one example, it's probably not practical for someone in International Falls, Minnesota (or any other place where temps are subfreezing for a big chunk of the year) to use a garage as they would have to build a fully heated and insulated area within it. Attics are very hard to use because of heat, accessibility issues for watering and daily maintenance and also the potential for water damage from spills to the ceiling below.
PVC pipe is terrific for use as vent duct as it would present low airflow resistance for long straight runs, particularly compared to flexible duct. However, PVC pipe is BLOODY expensive in the large diameters needed for vent duct. We're talking a minimum 150mm dia and as much as 300mm. I can't even get anything bigger than 150mm at my local hdwe (yep, I've looked)- I'd be seeking a plumbing and drainage supply house.
Yep, the volumetric capacity of the exhaust should be somewhat greater than that of the intake. Intakes should have a combined CFM capacity of around 80-90% of the exhaust. As you have correctly cited (thank you for reading the thread

You can also put a motor speed controller (MSC) set for about 20-30% of max speed in parallel with your exhaust blower's thermostat. When the tstat shuts off, the fan is still supplied with voltage from the MSC. Instead of shutting off, the fan just falls back to the speed that the MSC is set for.
The fan/s do run all the time, but this is actually easier on fan motors than starting and stopping them. It also keeps a constant flow of air going down the exhaust line, through your carbon filter if you use one. This stops scents wafting out of your op when fans are off. A fan running at low speed will be very quiet, almost inaudible when there's a filter at the end of the line.