How much of it is bullshit?

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I am going to see the cardiologist tomorrow and I am going to tell him I eat 1-2 grams raw marijuana a day (yes, it has medical benefits. Heat is only needed for the high). I just know Im going to get a lecture from him talking about toxic pesticides, weed that hasnt been flushed, laced weed and about marijuana being bad in general. I know the laced weed part is mostly bullshit, why sprinkle something that costs a fortune onto a plant thats a lot cheaper? The pesticides Im not sure of, but Im assuming most growers dont want people smoking toxins. I just want to know if there is any unbiased statistics to these ridiculous claims so I can think of a better argument to give to the cardiologist.


Ursus marijanus
About the parenthetic: not true. You can get muy wasted off fresh raw weed. Most of the THC is bound up as THCA but not all.

As for the rest of it, weed not being flushed will have zero culinary consequences. As for pesticides, I doubt very much that any indoor grow will have been exposed to any of the persistent sort. cn


Active Member
How do you eat it? Just pop a nug in your mouth or season them/add to food. I always wanna eat a raw nug out of my bag but then I think i'd prefer the high.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Im eating the nugs full right now. Im surprised I never thought about sprinkling the weed on food, more healthy greens with my dinner from now on lol.


Ursus marijanus
A superior source of dietary fiber.

I suspect the difficulty with finding "unbiased statistics" is the lack of relevant clinical studies. It's a self-reinforcing situation. cn


New Member
Lol, if someone eating weed just for the health benefits and avoiding the high doesn't tell the government that weed should be legal, I dunno what can....proof is in the pudding from all sides there.


Well-Known Member
I am going to see the cardiologist tomorrow and I am going to tell him I eat 1-2 grams raw marijuana a day (yes, it has medical benefits. Heat is only needed for the high). I just know Im going to get a lecture from him talking about toxic pesticides, weed that hasnt been flushed, laced weed and about marijuana being bad in general. I know the laced weed part is mostly bullshit, why sprinkle something that costs a fortune onto a plant thats a lot cheaper? The pesticides Im not sure of, but Im assuming most growers dont want people smoking toxins. I just want to know if there is any unbiased statistics to these ridiculous claims so I can think of a better argument to give to the cardiologist.
IDK, but it was discovered about 10 years ago that I have CHF, and have been hospitalized 3 times since, at different facilities, and only the doctor after x-rays or the actual cardiologist ever asked me if I ever did coke or meth, but never asked if I smoked weed.
I don't believe most docs would mention the pesticides and shit, but are more concerned with the shit that makes your heart beat 3 times what it should.
My ex-father in law had a splint put in, and his doc told him keep on puffin.


Well-Known Member
I am going to see the cardiologist tomorrow and I am going to tell him I eat 1-2 grams raw marijuana a day (yes, it has medical benefits. Heat is only needed for the high). I just know Im going to get a lecture from him talking about toxic pesticides, weed that hasnt been flushed, laced weed and about marijuana being bad in general. I know the laced weed part is mostly bullshit, why sprinkle something that costs a fortune onto a plant thats a lot cheaper? The pesticides Im not sure of, but Im assuming most growers dont want people smoking toxins. I just want to know if there is any unbiased statistics to these ridiculous claims so I can think of a better argument to give to the cardiologist.
You'd be surprised.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Most growers would want to salvage what they grew. When you have a lot of time and money invested, and get close to harvest and get a bug problem they can either:

A. lose $5,000 worth of weed this harvest, then start again
B. Use pesticides and salvage this harvest, and fuck whoever is gonna smoke it so long as the grower gets his money.

Not every growe will choose B, but there certainly is a lot of incentive to choose it. A lot of people are growing to make money.


Well-Known Member
I've been a Cardiovascular Technologist for 15 yrs and if you're alive and well, then you're walking proof eating cannabis isn't harmful in the proper dose. That being said, there are obvious effects that this plant has on the cardiovascular system so I think it's those that your Dr is concerned about.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I've been a Cardiovascular Technologist for 15 yrs and if you're alive and well, then you're walking proof eating cannabis isn't harmful in the proper dose. That being said, there are obvious effects that this plant has on the cardiovascular system so I think it's those that your Dr is concerned about.
I don't think that's how it works. I know people that drink copious amounts of alcohol for long periods of their life. They were alive and well too...until they weren't. Just because the damage was not instantaneous doesn't mean it doesn't cause long term cumulative damage.

I don't think weed does, but I don't think one person is a large enough sample to draw that conclusion from.


Well-Known Member
We {us here at RIU} are all evidence to the fact that Cannabis is an effective "drug" when used properly, but like any other drug, if not used in moderation can cause serious side effects.

So yes I agree with what you have to say, that this situation alone is not an accurate picture of "how it works", but if you take into account that every single one of us here uses cannabis in some way or form and factor that in with others in the world that use it starts to add up to a pretty impressive argument.


Ursus marijanus
Most growers would want to salvage what they grew. When you have a lot of time and money invested, and get close to harvest and get a bug problem they can either:

A. lose $5,000 worth of weed this harvest, then start again
B. Use pesticides and salvage this harvest, and fuck whoever is gonna smoke it so long as the grower gets his money.

Not every growe will choose B, but there certainly is a lot of incentive to choose it. A lot of people are growing to make money.
And yet, if I tour the Bugs forum here, I see great pains being taken, by med and cash croppers alike, to only use products that'll make for a safe smoke. Am I being a Pollyanna? I don't know. cn

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
And yet, if I tour the Bugs forum here, I see great pains being taken, by med and cash croppers alike, to only use products that'll make for a safe smoke. Am I being a Pollyanna? I don't know. cn
No doubt most people do, but to simply dismiss the possibility because you see so many people not doing it is wrong. I see people pay for their insurance every day, and go to great lengths to make sure it is paid on time, in full, with no lapse in coverage on anything they own, but I would be apprehensive about drawing the conclusion that no one is out there driving without insurance just because I happen to witness all these people paying up at my insurance office. You also have to consider your source of information. You are seeing people on marijuana growing forum trying to salvage their plants. Who is going to come in and say they got bugs and that they are just going to spray them with poison and try to sell it on the black market? What incentive would that person have to come out and say that? Or to even become a member of the forum and try to resolve the situation non toxically in the first place?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
And for the record I don't think there is a high chance you will get pesticided weed, but I wouldn't dismiss the possibility. Is it enough to be a real concern? I don't know, but it must happen sometimes.


Ursus marijanus
And for the record I don't think there is a high chance you will get pesticided weed, but I wouldn't dismiss the possibility. Is it enough to be a real concern? I don't know, but it must happen sometimes.
I know not to dismiss the possibility, and I believe we have enough mutual regard to not suspect the other of outright unreason. Even so, I'd like to think that the amount of weed that contains pesticides at levels of concern ... is small. I have no access to any sort of stats to either support or take my thought down, of course.

In any case, I'm quite happy to know that my smoke has never seen need for pesticide application. cn

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
No discussion at all, surprisingly. He said I should cut down on drinking beer then I said its healthy to drink one premium beer a day (Which is mostly all I drink, not including some weekends). Explained a couple details and he said "Oh" with a kinda awkward smile on his face, not wanting to try and correct me. He pretty much had the same reaction when I mentioned I eat marijuana.