The UK Growers Thread!

Rite that's enough ladies :)

lmao in the BLACK corner we have sambo king of the clone onlys (only geezer ve atually known to do it rite)
in the RED corner we have jimmyfingeruptherbum, king of the PINEAPPLE frosy stinky shizzlemenizzle



There isnt one

think hes talking max in a normal fuze box


if its not much ul have a empty socket for sure,go by a nice hi wattage fuse and add your own breaker get sum propper lekki cable and run it to the grow op JOB DONE ow independant curcuit for the gorw
and thats ALL THE WAY ROUND!

yeh i think he means how many watts is he allowed to run, so im assuming for a grow so how many lights can he have,, if thats the case then obv hes talking more than 2 plants lol so a bigger grow really needs its own independt breaker in the box,, anything more than 2 600's id do that anyways rather than over load the plug circuits in the house
and thats ALL THE WAY ROUND!

yeh i think he means how many watts is he allowed to run, so im assuming for a grow so how many lights can he have,, if thats the case then obv hes talking more than 2 plants lol so a bigger grow really needs its own independt breaker in the box,, anything more than 2 600's id do that anyways rather than over load the plug circuits in the house

Im no sparks mate but isnt it like 3000 on the same ring, dunno man i run 3 600s off one socket. Im sure thats what he means in which case i think the geezer was right at 3000w.
im not 100% savvy on em but remember its NOT just the grow if he dont make a indepant fuse,, its everythign else n that loop too,, like washer/dryer ect ect ect and they sure add up lol

hence id always recomend putting its own fuse for a bigger grow, my pal has 3x600 running and its on same circuit as his boiler and it pops regular

its worth the hassle of doing it safety first n that
im not 100% savvy on em but remember its NOT just the grow if he dont make a indepant fuse,, its everythign else n that loop too,, like washer/dryer ect ect ect and they sure add up lol

hence id always recomend putting its own fuse for a bigger grow, my pal has 3x600 running and its on same circuit as his boiler and it pops regular

its worth the hassle of doing it safety first n that

Yeah your right there its everything combined on the circuit.
I bet you would you top pervert you haha just a shame she likes a man not a mouse and certainly not an English mouse haha. Soo did she scare you? Lmao

Na mate gid me the fuckin horn more like lol...haha mouse we all no you Welch are soft cunts lol

he can fuk her an then il break her in!!

Only way you'd manage that is if ya used ya gammy foot you numpty lol

It's a common fact people who talk like that tend to be the total opposite so your shit at sex and can't spell life ain't looking good ic3 haha.

That's a load of bollox cos mate cos I am a perv..........

No sparkies on the thread lol

Aye 1 ere Jim...
All depends when ya house was wired lads recent done will have a kitchen ring down stairs ring an up stairs ring depending on the size of the place best to come off the upstairs ring cos shouldn't have as much load.....if ya house is old tho an needs a rewire most likely have 1 ring for the hole house