Nonpartisan Study: No Proof That Tax Cuts For Wealthy Lead To Economic Growth

Doc,You been dusting off the crack pipe lately?Did you forget about Obama waging war without congressional approval?Clinton with:Kosovo,Bosnia/Herzcovina,Haiti,Croatia,Zaire,Liberia, Sudan,Albania,Yugoslavia and Yemen.But GOP loves the military? Seriously?

You can't debate like an adult. You've exposed nothing, and when questioned why you disagree with it you avoid it like the plague and unjustifiably attack the source. Even when questioned about Reaganomics overall, dismissing the source from the equation completely, all you can do is copy what other people have to say about it, then exclaim victory. That's is truly disappointing.

I hold everyone to the same standards, you disrespect anyone who disagrees with you or isn't a neoconservative.

This attitude does nothing but make our entire nation weaker because we can't come together. All you do is revel in some imaginary political win when everybody else who actually cares about this country loses.

Many of us are ashamed to share the American demonym with people like you. You refuse to acknowledge such faults and instead blame everyone else for them.
Doc,You been dusting off the crack pipe lately?Did you forget about Obama waging war without congressional approval?Clinton with:Kosovo,Bosnia/Herzcovina,Haiti,Croatia,Zaire,Liberia, Sudan,Albania,Yugoslavia and Yemen.But GOP loves the military? Seriously?


"There is no way I can let this thread focus on it's topic or the truth value of the studies which we failed to cast doubt upon..."
Bucky,not my fault Padwan doesn't write clearly. "You disagree with anyone who has a different perspective, unless they're a neo-conservative,"something like that.What he wrote reminded me of whiny ebonics.I'm limited to 256 characters and make more sense.
Bucky,not my fault Padwan doesn't write clearly. "You disagree with anyone who has a different perspective, unless they're a neo-conservative,"something like that.What he wrote reminded me of whiny ebonics.I'm limited to 256 characters and make more sense.

Regardless of what I may have said, although it seems to be clear to everyone except you, you know exactly what I meant.

You're simply splitting hairs to be an asshole on the internet, and it wouldn't be the first time.

Grow up, dude.
Too many people write like a retarded high school student. The worst part is others accept it. That's what's ruining this nation, not whatever bullshit you seem to think. Our education system failed you. We need to fix ourselves.
If not for GOP officials obstructing real science and education because of their own narrow interpretation of their absurd religion, public education would be far better.

If that's your gripe, you know where to start.

Although if I remember correctly, you were one of the ones to defend such retardation in my other thread regarding GOP officials and their comments on scientific topics.

Now that's interesting..
Public education will never work. It starts and ends with parents. No matter what's taught, it's the parent who decides to let their kid accept it. You're a fool if you want government to teach your kid.
Public education is paramount for a childs social development, there is no denying that. I believe a mix between public education and parental guidance is key to a successful education. Most parents don't have the luxury of homeschooling their kids, and some that do rely on biblical teachings, which I completely disagree with and believe harms the child much more than any public education alone ever could.
Doc,You been dusting off the crack pipe lately?Did you forget about Obama waging war without congressional approval?Clinton with:Kosovo,Bosnia/Herzcovina,Haiti,Croatia,Zaire,Liberia, Sudan,Albania,Yugoslavia and Yemen.But GOP loves the military? Seriously?

dems USE the military, but dont love it.

for lefties the military is a tool, preferably somebody else's tool, a tool best used in such a manner that when youre finished, it lies broken and rusty in a ditch. like a shiftless neighbor who "borrows" a lawnmower and returns six months later with a box of rusty parts and a twisted and broken blade. What?? it was like that when i got it!

for righties the military is a glorious instrument of power, to be lovingly polished and fondled over and over, constantly adding new sparkly braids and spangles and ribbons to it's many accoutrements, much like the pseudo-military "uniforms" favoured by tin pot dictators like the Kims, saddam, idi amin, achmedinejad and quaddaffi. the military is their beard, it conceals their weak chins, bad teeth and tiny dicks from any who might question their potency. and really big hats.
If not for GOP officials obstructing real science and education because of their own narrow interpretation of their absurd religion, public education would be far better.

If that's your gripe, you know where to start.

Although if I remember correctly, you were one of the ones to defend such retardation in my other thread regarding GOP officials and their comments on scientific topics.

Now that's interesting..

see thats the thing. i take issue with your characterization "GOP Officials" and then the litany of dopey comments, like republicans are the only people on the planet with religious views. or agendas. or the desire to twist education of vulnerable numbskulled kids who dont know any better for the purpose of indoctrination.

i went to school in california, i remember my indoctrination quite well.

Republicans are bad.
Republicans are Racist
Republicans want poor people to die in the streets.

Democrats are good,
leftism is the best solution.
embrace everything except america, america's culture and societal norms and the things that make america great, those are all the product of oppressive white men and their evil.

i didnt buy it when i was a kid, its doesnt sell any better now that im older. too many people swallowed the line and the very word "Republican" is enough to make anything attached to it into automatic evil. meanwhile jerry moonbeam brown took a chanisaw to the "social safety net" in california including education old people medical, and foodstamps, just to fund his bullet train between SF and LA. Arnold dint slash social services, nor allow the bullet train boondoggle to advance. and arnold is a real conservative as well as a Republican.

Wheres your Richard Dawkins now?
Doc., I'm curious, what do you feel is the solution to the problem?

The left utilizes it when they see fit, the right glorifies it as they see fit, both parties use it to their own advantage while both parties shit on it when it comes time to ponying up the benefits or well earned services. Simultaneously they ask for more and more money to complete their mission while none of it goes to vets that have served. This seems quite peculiar to me.. More money to fight, yet less money to pay for those that have fought.. It's an outrage when the defense budget is cut but swept under the rug when it comes time to pay those that have already served.. Why do you think this is?

It seems you and I agree on the role of the military, dare I ask what your opinion of the media is?
Public education is paramount for a childs social development, there is no denying that. I believe a mix between public education and parental guidance is key to a successful education. Most parents don't have the luxury of homeschooling their kids, and some that do rely on biblical teachings, which I completely disagree with and believe harms the child much more than any public education alone ever could.

if you think education is about social development, youre doing it wrong.
see thats the thing. i take issue with your characterization "GOP Officials" and then the litany of dopey comments, like republicans are the only people on the planet with religious views. or agendas. or the desire to twist education of vulnerable numbskulled kids who dont know any better for the purpose of indoctrination.

i went to school in california, i remember my indoctrination quite well.

Republicans are bad.
Republicans are Racist
Republicans want poor people to die in the streets.

Democrats are good,
leftism is the best solution.
embrace everything except america, america's culture and societal norms and the things that make america great, those are all the product of oppressive white men and their evil.

i didnt buy it when i was a kid, its doesnt sell any better now that im older. too many people swallowed the line and the very word "Republican" is enough to make anything attached to it into automatic evil. meanwhile jerry moonbeam brown took a chanisaw to the "social safety net" in california including education old people medical, and foodstamps, just to fund his bullet train between SF and LA. Arnold dint slash social services, nor allow the bullet train boondoggle to advance. and arnold is a real conservative as well as a Republican.

Wheres your Richard Dawkins now?

Forgive me for alienating the Republican party in regards to public education. I'm sure the deomocrats do it too, I'm just not personally aware of such obstruction. I'm a young dude, though that doesn't limit me to republican obstruction. As long as I've been alive, republican policies are what have obstructed proper public education.

I, too, went through the public education system in California. K-12, sub a couple months in the Midwest. As I was growing up, I never realized such bias, perhaps I was naive, maybe not.. Whatever the case, I, even today, feel I grew up with an unbiased public education. I remember my 10th grade biology teacher prefacing evolution, but that's about it, I didn't pay it much attention at the time..

I realized the disconnect when I graduated and started digging deeper for myself.

There's no easy way to say it, and Akin and Broun confirm it, republicans don't understand shit about science and have no business deciding what be taught in science classrooms. Most republicans value religious doctrine over reality, and their actions confirm it.
Doc., I'm curious, what do you feel is the solution to the problem?

The left utilizes it when they see fit, the right glorifies it as they see fit, both parties use it to their own advantage while both parties shit on it when it comes time to ponying up the benefits or well earned services. Simultaneously they ask for more and more money to complete their mission while none of it goes to vets that have served. This seems quite peculiar to me.. More money to fight, yet less money to pay for those that have fought.. It's an outrage when the defense budget is cut but swept under the rug when it comes time to pay those that have already served.. Why do you think this is?

It seems you and I agree on the role of the military, dare I ask what your opinion of the media is?

i volunteer in vets homes. the places are disgraceful.

we have 12 active carrier battle groups, there are only 7 seas. do the math. we got more carriers than all other nations combined when the comically named "Gerrald Ford" slips down the ramp. simply decommissioning 3 of the current carriers would save an average of 36 BILLION a year in naval expenditures on ship operations alone. this does not even include the costs of support vessels personnel and docking fees.

our nuclear attack sub fleet are designed to face the soviet threat. we need a different ship these days, a stealthy observant hunter, not a nuclear missile boat targeting moscow.

cutting back our navy to levels approved by CONGRESS to meet the needs of AMERICA not the entire world's desire for a meals on wheels program is essential. reducing our army to the force the constitution allows, and properly authorizing the airforce (like the navy) by act of congress rather than DOD fiat are mandatory.

putting NASA back in charge of NASAA and eliminating the "moslem outreach" program goes without saying.

once the military house is in order, its time to start firing "Czars" and dismantling their operations. and shovelling the garbage out of the various agencies and programs so the sun can shine in.

then it's the federal reserve's turn. the one time ill say "We should nationalize that industry!" unless the federal reserve answers to the congress it will always be an uncontrollable monster ready to turn on it's creators and then destroy the village below.

as far as the press goes, they can all suck shit through a straw. they have become kingmakers and and opinion factory. they need to be swept out the door and journalism should be brought back to the US. Journalism free of the taint of agendas indoctrination and duplicity. but that means scrubbing the agendas out of the public schools. basically we need an overhaul on the nation. good thing we still got the original blueprints. just gotta wipe off the crayon marks and fingerpaint from the last 100 years or so and rebuild the whole thing from the ground up. maybe a few modern flourishes, like holley four barrel double pumpers, blueprinted intakes and a supercharger, plus a few modern conveniences like leather seats,seatbelts, and a bumpin sound system wouldnt hurt.