Nonpartisan Study: No Proof That Tax Cuts For Wealthy Lead To Economic Growth

Public education will never work. It starts and ends with parents. No matter what's taught, it's the parent who decides to let their kid accept it. You're a fool if you want government to teach your kid.
Stupid parents will then educate stupid kids
Awesome Idea
I can't stomach the idea public school endorses the idea there's a disconnect between animal abuse and the animal mastubation meat eaters have. You can't have a pet and eat the other. Also they're our companions. Pet implies slave. I abhor slavery.
I can't stomach the idea public school endorses the idea there's a disconnect between animal abuse and the animal mastubation meat eaters have. You can't have a pet and eat the other. Also they're our companions. Pet implies slave. I abhor slavery.
It's the way of the world
Deal with it
or start a thread about how wrong it is for Sharks to attack and eat humans
We're human. Sharks are sharks. It's ok for a horse to kill a rival's children after driving away the rival. It's ok for that horse to rape the mare. We as humans have societal moores agaisnt rape and killing children. Or are you a lower animal?
We're human. Sharks are sharks. It's ok for a horse to kill a rival's children after driving away the rival. It's ok for that horse to rape the mare. We as humans have societal moores agaisnt rape and killing children. Or are you a lower animal?

We are animals
omnivourous animals
Just because we can doesn't mean we should.We have an obligation to this planet to do as little harm as possible.If you can leave animals alone,no matter its inconvenience/affects upon your pleasure,you should.Otherwise making Vick a villain is a farce.
Go watch the documentary, Earthlings. It's free to view. Then show it to your children. If not, why not? That's life. It sucks. Those who eat meat should be forced to have their kids watch it. You can then deal with the therapy they'll need from it
Go watch the documentary, Earthlings. It's free to view. Then show it to your children. If not, why not? That's life. It sucks. Those who eat meat should be forced to have their kids watch it. You can then deal with the therapy they'll need from it

Nah thats ok
If it is that bad what kind of parent would I be to traumatise my kid?
Is that what happened to you?
Did your parents fuck up your head?
That's what happens to the meat you and your kids eat.Why hide how it's made?Why not be proud of what you do with your kids?I don't let them watch me have sex,so why would I eat what I won't show them?Liberals tell us what we should do,but don't yourself.
That's what happens to the meat you and your kids eat.Why hide how it's made?Why not be proud of what you do with your kids?I don't let them watch me have sex,so why would I eat what I won't show them?Liberals tell us what we should do,but don't yourself.

"I don't let them watch me have sex,so why would I eat what I won't show them?"

not a fan of oral?
Liberals have a warped sense of reality. Everyone else is the boogeyman for them to attack. Liberals have no right to bitch who doesn't pay enough taxes. Especially when they do the very things others can bitch at them about. But,no, what they do is fine.
Liberals have a warped sense of reality. Everyone else is the boogeyman for them to attack. Liberals have no right to bitch who doesn't pay enough taxes. Especially when they do the very things others can bitch at them about. But,no, what they do is fine.

yeah the poor regulations on animal slaughter in your "earthlings" vid is the liberals fault

lets go libertarian the free market would quickly find the way to kill animals the cheapest way

is it fun being this angry all of the time canna?
To me the entire question if flawed, so it can't possibly be non-partisan, when you use the word wealthy. You only see one party promoting class envy instead of upward mobility. Promoting hand outs over self reliance. Proposing that Govt. is responsible for wealth and acting as if they can pull off neo-Kynesian neutral re-distribution. They, govt, were suppose to save the money for a rainy day under Kynes, That's the dirty secret. Govts can't do that. It takes muti-generational discipline that only bossiness can manage. (not very well, but the only ones that can) People love to label, and labeling is required for small minded Ideology. And for the small minded people that are in-thralled. Wealthy is not what you think, by definition. It is a giant responsibility since everyone wants your wealth.

The fact is, govts won't save for a rainy day, but businesses have to. Much of the rain is from govt, btw. This what is wrong with Kynes. It, like all the other social theory depends not only on Law, but on officials doing the right thing against their political interests perhaps. Govt have a hard time to know what is the right thing. Too many special interests. Hence the theory.

Business know that only a few of the right choices will actually lead to survival of the jobs. Many "right" choices in a social sense will kill the jobs. Business are Jobs and create wealth. Govt waste wealth.

Business has healthy competition to give it guide and help it survive. In John Forbes Nash Economics this is modeled very well. Compete to make a bigger pie for all. It is not voodoo or trickle down, it is a natural emergent quality of a proper business environment.
It is govt's job to work that environment in a Global sense, but govt don't have any competition. They have a surrogate competition of their National Product, only. Govt are to protect National Production.

Obama's team truly believes in Nieo_Kynesian as an Ideology and when we disagree we get Viciousness form Liberation Theology.

But, it is trickle down govt and is the true hoo-doo, voo-doo. It is the completely discredited theory of the Central State. The Dear Leader approach.

We have a federated republic. Kynes theories don't work in this, as we have seem time and again. Talk about the old ideas of the past, in Russia and North Korea!! Keynes relies on the theory of an altruist Govt. But govt are about power, only. They never save money, they just go to the money tree. We the People.

It is already going south world wide, again. China is slowing down in Growth. We are going to see a world Recession again,. And it could become worse than that. Obama's ideas have failed and pushed us back in. Growth is stalling again. Obama is already patterning morass of uncertainty as the new normal.

You want that? Non-partisan study? No way. Only Centrists are non-partisan. Only true Independents have any clue.
yeah the poor regulations on animal slaughter in your "earthlings" vid is the liberals fault

lets go libertarian the free market would quickly find the way to kill animals the cheapest way

is it fun being this angry all of the time canna?

Chiding and bully boy, It is all you have.

No one is angry but the Left. The Left has embraced Hate and Temper. The Left just patterns that on others
as a taunt.
Chiding and bully boy, It is all you have.

No one is angry but the Left. The Left has embraced Hate and Temper. The Left just patterns that on others
as a taunt.

[h=1]Republican Calls For Gays To Be Put To Death.[/h] In Mississippi, GOP state Rep. Andy Gipson posted a message on his Facebook page which calls for putting gays and lesbians to death.

View this image ›
Later on in the thread, Gipson posts a comment about how homosexuality is “unnatural” and causes “disease.”
According to Leviticus 20:13, “If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.”
You know this is a free country to say all kinds of shit. And Mississippi is hardly representative of anything, but old South and old Bible. Do you think the Christian Dems in Mississippi see this any different? No. Mississippi is it's own State and they deserve the ones they elect. I can pick outrageousness across the board. But, you don't, partisan. You want the Central Control. But, we have a Constitutional Federation. More clear, now?

You are just tarring and taunting. Do you have any ideas, you can call your own? Can you refute a word I have said? Of course not!

You can spew. We know that. But, can you contrast Keynes and Nash? See, my point is you Left howling dogs don't even know the agenda. You can barely spit the talking points. So, how small can you go?

Can you get down to a school teacher that hates accountability? One that would rather teach the party line than facts.

Let's you and me vote out all the bones heads, this one first.OK? Be a centrist? I am.
You know is a free country to say all kinds of shit. And Missipppi is hardly representative of anything, but old south and old Bible.

You are tarring and taunting. Do you have any ideas, you can call your own. Can you refute a word I have said? Of course not!

You can spew. We know that. But, can you contrast Keynes and Nash? See, my point is you Left howling dogs don't even know the
agenda. You can barely spit the talking points. So, how small can you go?

Can you get down to a school teacher that hates accountability? One that would rather teach the party line than facts.

Let's you and me vote out all the bones heads, this one first. Be a centrist?

Chiding and bully boy, It is all you have.

No one is angry but the Left. The Left has embraced Hate and Temper. The Left just patterns that on others
as a taunt.

Republican Calls For Gays To Be Put To Death.

In Mississippi, GOP state Rep. Andy Gipson posted a message on his Facebook page which calls for putting gays and lesbians to death.

View this image ›
Later on in the thread, Gipson posts a comment about how homosexuality is “unnatural” and causes “disease.”
According to Leviticus 20:13, “If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.”
Just repeating yourself is not content. But repeated copy/paste proves you dare not speak for yourself.
Wow your ignorance and stupidity amazes me.

The study is posted in a .pdf which is working perfectly fine, I've tried on OSX & Windows 7 Ultimate on different browsers, works fine.
Either you are trying to be "funny" by trolling and behaving like a child or you really are so stupid you can't even opne a .pdf file.

I mean, could anyone be this stupid honestly?
The study is linked in the first post of this thread, you need to click it with your mouse for it to work, I know it's hard, but seeing as you got to rollitup without assistance one would think you could also open a .pdf?
Is that too demanding?

Wow your ignorance and stupidity amazes me. I've mentioned several times I do not open pdf files from untrusted sources. It's a security risk. Your refusal to post the text of the file while claiming you have is moronic. Stop claiming you have posted the study. You haven't. A link to a security compromised pdf is not the same as posting this "study". Your failure to inform us the document has been withdrawn is dishonest.