Canna Sylvan
Well-Known Member
If I have enough emotion and cry harder, it becomes scientific fact!
So vitriolic to say trickle down failed and show evidence of how and why. Oh my!
How do you explain the enormous gap in wealth from the early '70's to now between the upper classes and the lower classes?
It would seem the real redistribution of wealth that's been going on is through corporate tax policy. The top earners have enjoyed over 300% increase in gains on wealth while everyone elses has been relatively stagnant.
Are you stoned? That makes no sense. Neither do you. You really are simple, aren't you?
Not as much as Romney spent on hiding the fact he is committing incest with his sister. I talked to a guy who said he had helped doctor up the marriage certificate for them. We still have not seen his tax returns because they will show that he is donating money to folks with some ties to document forgers and is into some weird unnatural sex and has ties to Mexican cartels through his father. We also know that he has invested large sums of money in Iran and China as well as Russia. I still want to see his birth certificate to verify his sex as I don't believe that Mitt Romney is a male but a female masquerading as a male and that is why he is wearing "mom" jeans all the time and unfamiliar with hardware and sports.
The things we don't know about him could be dangerous for all of us and threaten the very fabric of our nations freedom itself.
So vitriolic to say trickle down failed and show evidence of how and why. Oh my!
How do you explain the enormous gap in wealth from the early '70's to now between the upper classes and the lower classes?
It would seem the real redistribution of wealth that's been going on is through corporate tax policy. The top earners have enjoyed over 300% increase in gains on wealth while everyone elses has been relatively stagnant.
I am connecting thru multiple proxies. Anyone who doesn't and posts info about an illegal grow is risking arrest.
The lower classes have gotten stupider and lazier and more drug addled?
what makes you so sure that proxy servers aren't sites that are setup by the government to attrack folks who feel that they have something to hide?
Also, I haven't paid much attention to your previous posts, but I am picking up a vibe that you are for Mitt Romney? If so, how does that reconcile with your apparent concern for anonymity? The candidate who says that he is against legal marijuana (including medical) and will "fight it tooth and nail" in the same video clip he says "There are other candidates many in the Democratic party that you can vote for..."
Personally, I disagree with Mitt. Obama's position on this issue isn't acceptable either. Gary Johnson is the candidate who favors marijuana legalization and he is the candidate who gets my vote. Obama can re-think his position, change his position and maybe I'll consider him.
In the case of Mitt I would just hope to catch him on one of his flips rather than his flops on the issue.
Are you a multi-millionaire? Or do you just hope you'll get an extra scrap from them if you dutifully lick their boots enthusiastically enough?
So, do you really think you can influence my vote by calling me a bootlicker? Do you think I'm ready to throw away my vote on your favorite nobody? You demean those who disagree with you because you are weak of intellect.
Gold digger goose porn?
So, do you really think you can influence my vote by calling me a bootlicker? Do you really think I'm ready to throw away my vote on your favorite nobody? You demean those who disagree with you because you are weak of intellect. So why should I even consider your opinion? You obviously don't have my best interests in mind.
i think roseanne barr is in favor of weed as well.![]()
Sorry fellah, I am not trying to demean you into anything. Just answer the question. Unless you are a millionaire, why do you favor giving their interests preference over your own? I apologize for hurting your feelings. I didn't realize that you were such a pussy.
Yes, she is. Governor Gary Johnson, however, unlike RoseAnn, will be on the ballot in all 50 states (except Oklahoma).
Sure, you were. You're a typical self-righteous asshole. You think your radical view of the world is the only "correct" one. Anyone, as in most the world, who disregards your rantings for the lunatic conspiracy drivel it is, is too stupid or bigoted or pussy or whatever to recognize you for the genius you think you are. I got news for you. Your theories are the ramblings of a loser who blames the world for his failure.
And neither will get a single electoral vote. Not voting at all has just as much effect as voting for either one.
The lower classes have gotten stupider and lazier and more drug addled?
I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are making this statement out of ignorance. See this link to the Washington times article from Friday November 2nd, that explains how if Johnson gets 5% of the vote, he is eligible to receive a portion of those federal funds next election for his campaign. the funds I speak of are associated with the checkbox that you have on your federal tax return that enables you to donate to presidential election.